her left eye is unusual

Chapter 352 The Truth 1

Chapter 352 The Truth 1
The female ghost said faintly: "That year, the man in my family shivered when he picked sweet potatoes. He was in pain all day long and couldn't sleep well. It didn't help to go to the town to get medicine, so I thought about going to the mountain to give him some medicine. Dig some wild ginseng to nourish the body. There are really a lot of medicinal materials in the mountain. As long as you go up the mountain in broad daylight, you will be fine. But that day I walked around for a long time and didn’t find a single one. When it was getting dark, I suddenly heard my kid call me , The voice came from the other side of the valley, I didn't think much about it at the time, I just thought that the baby was still young, how could I come so far, I just wanted to find him immediately and take him back."

"Then I was like a demon, running and running towards that sound, and finally I felt the voice calling 'Mom' everywhere. On the edge of the cliff. I knew at that time that I must have bumped into something evil, so I planned to go back."

"Just as I turned around, I heard my boy's voice suddenly coming from behind me. I turned around suddenly and saw him jumping off the cliff while giggling...I had no time to think at that time, I just instinctively rushed over to catch him. When my body fell into the air, I finally hugged him, but it was a phantom scattered. Then I fell off the cliff. Probably because of excessive fright, my soul left my body , floating in the air, I saw a large group of black ghosts jumping on my body, scratching and gnawing. I wanted to go back to my body, but those ghosts rushed towards me, tore off my arms, and just stuffed them in I ate it in my mouth..."

"The more my soul was ripped off by them, the weaker I felt, and I felt like I was going to be eaten alive by them. I felt that they deliberately used my son to deceive me, so I was very angry, so I fought with them I got up. Then, many skeleton-like ghost soldiers came, they directly linked us together with chains, and pulled us to the depths of the mountain... At this moment, I felt a passage suddenly appear in front of me, and I instinctively felt that It was very warm and solid, and the chains on my body disappeared out of thin air, so I kept walking along that passage, and those ghosts wanted to pounce on me, but they seemed to be blocked by something. Then I found myself back to home..."

Su Xin thought of a word: the call of love.It's like I was in a coma for a year, and I found my way back only after I sensed my parents' call.

Su Xin asked: "Do you mean that the inside is the realm of Yin soldiers, and all ghosts who enter will be caught?"

Female ghost: "It's not just ghosts. Over the years, I've also seen many people who didn't believe in evil and wanted to go in and dig medicinal materials, but they didn't come out. And the ghosts inside are very vicious, so be careful."

"Why can't these souls enter the underworld reincarnation?"

Female ghost: "All of this is still related to the Yinshan Ghost Realm. I once heard rumors from inside that this place is included in the scope of conscription for Yin soldiers, so people cannot enter reincarnation after death,"

Su Xin: "Thank you, I understand, you go back."



At the pass of the mountain, there were bursts of whimpering and ghostly screams caught in the dark wind and poured into the ears from all directions.

For these ghosts, unless they were automatically delivered to the door like before, Su Xin would take them directly, and didn't have so much time to pay attention to the rest.

Now she is even more eager to find Shi Feng and Mo Li.

Although they have all activated different levels of abilities, the yin energy here is too heavy. If there is no way to directly destroy the ghosts, the opponent's direct reincarnation tactics will consume them to death.

Passing through a forest, a dilapidated house made of stone and grass mud came into view.

It can be vaguely seen that a vegetable garden has been opened up next to the house, but within a few years, the weeds have grown wildly, and it has been completely deserted.

The doors and windows of the house are rotten, creaking in the wind, and ghosts and ghosts are criss-crossing inside, coming in and out.

Seeing Su Xin coming, he smiled and waved to her, "Come here, come here quickly..."

Oh, come here, come here and I'll accept you!

Here are just some little ghosts, and there is no aura of Shi Feng and the other two.Su Xin was too lazy to compete with these ordinary ghosts.

"Woo, I'm so miserable, let me out, let me out..."

The ghostly howls were faintly mixed in the dark wind. Compared with ordinary ghosts, this voice had deeper resentment and stronger ghost power, which was comparable to the female ghost that Su Xin experienced in the mine last time.

So he followed the ghost sound and saw some broken marks in the lush weeds next to the house. His heart moved, and he decided that Shi Feng and the others must have entered the mountain from here.

So without stopping, he walked in directly along the trace.

Walking hard in the grass nearly one person tall.

Su Xin's wrist shook, and the soul-slaying ring fell into his hand, turning into a long-handled machete, swinging it left and right, the weeds in front of him fell rustlingly, and forcibly opened a path.

Turning a mountain ridge, the humming sound became more obvious, full of resentment and anger.

A shallow cave is recessed under the mountain ridge, and there is a large tank half the height of a person inside.

The sound came from inside.

It's like sensing the approach of a stranger, and there is a low whimper coming from the tank, like weeping, making people involuntarily want to get closer and listen more carefully.

Su Xin was not bewitched by such ghost voices, but she imagined that if she was Shi Feng and Mo Li, and came here after investigating Fu Xiaobei's background, she would definitely hear such voices and would definitely check it out, and then...

Su Xin clasped a talisman in the palm of her hand, walked to the pit, and could see the whole picture inside.

There were dead bones scattered around the vat, and some of them were not completely rotten. Countless maggots crawled in and out of it, emitting a foul smell.

Unexpectedly, the things in the tank are so powerful that they have the ability to directly capture people into their own nests and devour them.

However, why just stay in the tank and not come out?

It's impossible for everyone to come to their door automatically when they hear its whining ghost call, right?
At this time, Su Xin saw that the mouth of the tank was pressed against a stone, and a magic talisman was pasted on it.

Su Xin suddenly became excited, isn't this the talisman drawn by himself?

Therefore, Shi Feng and Mo Li have not only been here, but also fought fiercely with this ghost. In the end, because they couldn't destroy it, they could only trap it in the tank.

Based on the erosion of ghost power and the consumption of the talisman, Su Xin can preliminarily deduce that the talisman was used about two days ago.

Su Xin sacrificed the Lingyan, stretched out her hand, and the talisman fell into her hand.

A mutilated but solid evil ghost was taken in by Lingyan from the tank.

The surrounding humming sound suddenly disappeared.

Su Xin split the vat open with a knife, and with a bang, rotten pieces of meat poured out of it.

All the hands and feet were cut off, and then soaked in a large tank together with the torso, which reminded Su Xin of the "human pig" he had seen in books.

(End of this chapter)

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