her left eye is unusual

Chapter 354 Nothing to say, let's fight

Chapter 354 Nothing to say, let's fight
It turns out that this is the lair of the Yin soldiers.

I saw a raging bonfire burning in the center of the dam, with a huge iron pot in the middle.

The two bodies rose and fell in the churning white air.

Shi Feng, Mo Li? !

Su Xin saw that the two were being thrown into the cauldron, surrounded by ghosts, and both of them were covered with hoarfrost, so she became angry...

Under the cauldron was a yin fire.

With a thought of Su Xin, the yin force that bound her body was melted away by the energy.

Move your shoulders, no problem.

Just as he was about to go forward to rescue the two, he saw a big ghost like an iron tower coming out of the camp ahead.

It is three or four meters high, with two horns on its head, and green-faced fangs. It is dragging two training balls in its hands. One end of the thick iron chain is decorated with an iron ball the size of a millstone, and the iron ball is covered with spikes. , Exuding a bloodthirsty chill.

The silver-armored skeleton who caught Su Xin just now stepped forward to claim credit, "King Lishan, we have caught another spy, please let him go."

"Haha, it turned out to be a woman. Brothers, how long has it been since you had meat? Today, the king rewarded you with her. After eating it, throw it into this pot and cook it for me. The soul full of resentment and blood is the best. Delicious……"

After finishing speaking, he strode up to the cauldron, grabbed Shi Feng, who had been frozen into an iceman, and cursed: "Fuck, I wasted so much yin fire that I haven't cooked yet, come on, throw two more brats!" Come on, you have to increase the heat."

At this time, a ghost soldier walked out, dragging an iron chain in his hand, with a string of ghost heads strung like dried fish on it.

These ghosts looked as thin as skeletons, but their ghost power was very powerful. Iron chains passed through their bodies, and they wailed with every step they dragged.

Another ghost soldier stepped forward, tore two ghosts from the iron chain and threw them into the bonfire.

Immediately, the Yin Huo crackled and sprang up ten feet high, and when the Yin Huo scorched the ghost soldier, he lost half of his body.

A ghost soldier kicked it in behind him.

Su Xin thought of what Xiao Tao had told her, and her yin energy assimilated.If the soul is not condensed into a solid body, it is easy to be eroded or even assimilated by the surrounding Yin Qi.

King Li Shan threw Shi Feng back into the pot.

Su Xin vaguely saw that Shi Feng's fingers moved slightly when he was thrown back, and was overjoyed that he was still alive!

Just live.

However, being cooked by a yin fire is like alchemy, where all the ghost power is completely integrated into a stranger, and all the power can be completely absorbed by eating it.

If things go on like this, they won't last long.

Just in time, two ghost soldiers came up next to them, with carrion still remaining on their bodies, hanging on the skeleton rack and walking over with a flick.

There were **** on the rotten cheeks, and he stretched out his tongue to sweep the wriggling maggots into his mouth, smashing his mouth, making a creaking sound.

Su Xin's wrist shook, and the soul-slaying ring turned into a blade that stabbed obliquely, and the two ghost soldiers were cut into two pieces and fell to the ground.

They didn't know the pain, they put their hands on the ground and dragged their upper body, trying to drag the other half over to them.

The rest of the ghost soldiers looked at the two ghost soldiers on the ground, then at Su Xin, tilted their heads, with a curious expression, touched the rotten head, and dropped pieces of rotten meat.

Su Xin saw that these ghost soldiers were obeying orders, and they were not a threat to him for the time being.

The Lishan King on the other side saw that this stranger was unusual, and shouted, "You wait for Xiaoxiao, you dare to hurt my Da'an soldiers, please die—"

As he said that, he strode forward, swung the hammer and threw it at Su Xin.

Su Xin noticed that the hammer was not an ordinary gathering of ghost energy, but a serious magic weapon.

Jump away quickly.

The hammer hit the ground hard behind her, and there was a loud bang, splashing a layer of smoke.

Taking advantage of the gap she avoided, Su Xin slammed the hammer in his hand towards the opponent.

Although it was hitting the opponent's shoulder, there was only a layer of Yin Qi. The Lishan King turned his head and glanced, his shoulder shook slightly, and the soul hammer fell to the ground lightly.

It's like patting an ordinary person with a feather duster, only a cloud of dust is stirred up, without any lethality or deterrent effect.

Su Xin secretly said, what a solid ghost!
Fortunately, the opponent's movements were relatively slow, so Su Xin rushed to the front when the opponent threw another hammer, and controlled the soul-slaying ring to cut off the entire arm.

The Lishan King's arm fell to the ground with an iron chain. He stared blankly at his broken arm and at the hammer ball on the ground, as if he was thinking about why he couldn't grab the hammer ball.

Although Su Xin felt that this scene was a bit weird, his IQ was comparable to that of a two or three-year-old child.

However, where the opponent's strength lies, the opponent can be in a daze, but he can't put on the appearance of a "fair duel".

Instead, he took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, and succeeded in one blow, without hesitation, he directly waved the soul-slaying ring on his hand like a flower.

Cut the body of the Lishan Ghost King into several large pieces.

Su Xin recruited Ling Yan, intending to take it away.

Hey, no!It turns out that this guy's ghost body is somewhere between fiction and reality.

She just cut the opponent's limbs into several parts, but the ghost power was not dispersed, so she couldn't collect it.

Only when Ling Yan is advanced again can he collect more powerful ghosts.

Of course, if the Lingyan is restored into a complete demon refining tower, then these ghosts will be nothing to worry about.Putting it directly in front of you can convince them to go inside obediently.

Never before had King Lishan suffered such a blow.

I saw that before, there was a slow look in a daze, but now those limbs were directly gathered in the middle, and they were quickly repaired, exactly the same as before.

Su Xin was frightened secretly, what a powerful ghost king.

Of course, she would not stay where she was and wait for the other party to kill her, but rushed towards the campfire while escaping.

With a kick, the bracket supporting the cauldron was kicked over.

A mass of thick white liquid ghost power wrapped two "ice men" and fell to the ground with a crash.

Xiao Tao sighed: "Tsk tsk, what a condensed ghost power, hurry up, you go and deal with that big guy, I'll take care of it."

As Su Xin gets old, I also develop the temperament of "no matter how small a mosquito is, it's meat". At this time, seeing so much energy will be dissipated into the air in vain, it really hurts if I don't close it.

With the sound of speaking, Xiao Tao began to control the Lingyan to fall above the bonfire, and a bright light radiated from the center of the Lingyan, raising a swirling nest.

Those condensed ghost powers were sucked in like Changhong...

And Shi Feng and Mo Li both let out muffled groans when they fell to the ground.

Su Xin was overjoyed. Fortunately, both of them were angry and shouted: "Boss, Mr. Mo, wake up..."

Mo Li tried his best to move his fingers to show that he was still alive to reassure the other party; while Shi Feng's body moved slightly, his eyes opened a slit, and he followed the familiar voice, and faintly saw Su Xin.

He opened his mouth and made a hoarse voice: "You... are here."

As if injecting infinite power into the body, he struggled to stand up, and the ice cubes on his body fell down, making the sound of crackling bones.

He glanced at Su Xin, nodded, and quickly helped Mo Li who was on the ground aside.

(End of this chapter)

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