Chapter 355
Mo Li's mental strength is strong, but his physical fitness is relatively weaker than Shi Feng's, so he has not fully recovered his mobility at this time.

As soon as Shi Feng put Mo Li down, he walked towards Su Xin step by step.

With every step he took, shattered ice fell from his body.

This is ice condensed by yin qi. It is only because of the recovery of his own vitality to protect his heart that he was not frozen to death.

On the other side, King Lishan's body had been repaired, and he yelled and rushed towards Su Xin with a hammer.

Because on the left is Xiao Tao who is cleaning up Yin energy, and behind are Shi Feng and Mo Li, so Su Xin can no longer avoid it no matter what.

She is also unambiguous, the opponent is such a big target, no matter how powerful your ghost power is, as long as you hit it, you can weaken it by a few points.

So while the mind controlled the soul-slashing ring to fly out again to interfere with the opponent's actions, both hands condensed energy arrows out of thin air, swishing and firing several times in a row.

The energy arrow pierced Lishan King's body, leaving several small holes piercing through.

However, no matter if it was a small hole or the trace of the cutting of the Soul Slashing Ring, they were quickly healed.

In the end, Lishan King's whole body was wrapped in a cloud of black mist, and all the energy arrows and soul-slaying ring sliced ​​through, just like passing through a thick cloud of smoke, and it was no longer enough to cause any damage.

It seems that in front of an absolutely powerful opponent, these moves are just a hit.

Su Xin took back the soul hammer thrown earlier, and poured her own spiritual power into it.

She noticed that although the Soul Hammer didn't do much damage to this thing at the beginning, it actually scattered the opponent's ghost power a little.

At this time, if he injects his own spiritual power, the attack power will increase a lot.

As long as the opponent's ghost power dissipates, Xiao Tao can control Lingyan to absorb the dissipated ghost power...

To kill the war, the consumption will consume it to death!
Su Xin has already noticed and contacted Xiao Tao.

Xiao Tao responded with all his mouth: "No problem, you can go."

At this moment, Shi Feng, who had put down Mo Li, had already run behind Su Xin, and said, "Go—"

Su Xin glanced at it, and saw Shi Feng squatting slightly behind him, with his hands folded on his knees... He was building a platform for himself!
She immediately understood the opponent's intentions, so that she could attack the opponent's vital points, and the damage value would definitely double.


So when the Lishan King rushed in front of her, Su Xin stepped on Shi Feng's hands, and she didn't need to use any force... In fact, she had never trained, and she didn't know how to use force.

But there was a strong force from under her feet that threw her high up. Su Xin only needed to swing the hammer and smash it down on the head of King Lishan.

The Lishan King was hit hard, and his body was stunned. Before he could react, the hammer fell again.

The huge body staggered a few times, and the ghost power on his body transformed into several double images, but before these double images could gather together again, the little Tao who was next to him flew over with the Lingyan on his back, flew around a few times, and It was like peeling off a layer of ghost power.

"Oh, wait for Xiaoxiao, how dare you disrespect me, come here, take them down for me..."

As the ghost king yelled, all the ghost soldiers around who were watching the play in a daze rushed over.

But these little soldiers are not enough to see, they are cut into pieces by the spinning Soul Slayer ring, standing on the ground, you grab my arm, I grab your head, and put them together randomly, the combat power is disintegrated in minutes.

Let's say that Su Xin wanted to fall on the Lishan King, so he just used the soul hammer to beat the opponent away.

However, the amount of spiritual power she consistently poured into the Soul Hammer is limited, and there is not much left when she hits it twice with all her strength, and the effect of hitting it again is greatly reduced.

What is even more depressing is that the body of the Lishan King is like a piece of thousand-year-old black ice. Even with the spiritual power to protect the body, it almost freezes her into a popsicle.

So he took out a few Gang Lei Talismans and slapped them on the opponent's head, and he slipped off the opponent's body...

The gravity was a little unstable when it fell, and I staggered and almost fell into a squat.

A soft force came from the arm, just enough to pull her back.

Turning his head to look, it was Shi Feng.

Nod gratefully.

Then he took Shi Feng's hand and ran to the side...


Chi la la——

The two had just taken two steps when several finger-thick lightning bolts fell from the top of Lishan King's head, turning into electric snakes and swimming around him.

Ganglei is the natural nemesis of Yin things, and Su Xin took out six Ganglei Talismans at once, which can be said to have cost a lot of money.

The condensed ghost power finally showed signs of collapsing.

Xiao Tao took advantage of the fire and robbed at the side, controlled the Lingyan, and collected all the scattered ghost power that hadn't had time to gather.

As soon as the ghost king died, the order in the entire valley collapsed.

The previously orderly skeleton ghost soldiers turned into a mess of scattered sand, rushing across the valley, blowing up gusts of sinister wind.

Shi Feng and Mo Li, who hadn't fully recovered, were knocked tottering.

Su Xinhu was beside him, and took out two defensive talismans and patted them on the two of them.

The two were caught by the ghost king, and they were cooked in a yin fire, that is, sacrificial refining. I don't know how long they have been in it, and their vitality has already been seriously injured. At this time, it is absolutely impossible to collide again.

Su Xin asked the two to hide aside, and jumped into the battle group by himself, while resisting the Yin wind, while harvesting all the Yin soldiers who bumped into them.

Fortunately, these Yin soldiers are usually restrained by order, and now they are suddenly free, just wandering around in a daze, without any attack targets, and no large-scale attacks, so there is nothing to fear.

At this moment, Su Xin stepped on something, and a feeling of icy cold rushed from the soles of her feet to her body, and she bounced away like an electric shock.

After spending spiritual power in his hand, he picked it up and saw that it was a palm-sized seal.

The whole body of the printing plate is black, and a character resembling an ancient seal is engraved on it.

Xiao Tao quickly cleared an open space around him, and said to Su Xin through his mind: "This is the ghost soldier's talisman. With it, you can summon the local ghost soldiers to fight for you, and it has the effect of gathering souls. It can make the souls of those soldiers last forever and be used by you."

Xiao Tao drives Ling Yan, but never shows up, which is Su Xin's intention.

She didn't want to make herself too "pale" before there was no more powerful means. Besides, Xiao Tao was an ancient beast in name, but now her strength was about the same as that of ordinary wandering ghosts.

If some master "happens" to pass by here, I don't even have the ability to protect it.

Su Xin was also thinking that she must improve Xiao Tao's strength.

But this guy has a very tricky mouth, and he doesn't look down on ordinary ghosts at all. It must be the kind of refined and particularly evil little ghost. It says that it can only chew when eaten.

In this way, only when she becomes stronger will she have more chances to find something suitable for her cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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