her left eye is unusual

Chapter 358 Playing Dead!

Chapter 358 Playing Dead!
Each high-level talisman is worth a few spirit stones in the ghost market.

Note that it is Lingshi, not banknotes.

If you had to convert it, someone would buy a spirit stone worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

After all, earning money with supernatural powers is not much more difficult than going to the mountains to stroke leaves, but the resources needed for cultivation are very scarce, so of course I would choose spirit stones instead of banknotes.

In Su Xin's view, everything is to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Especially in the face of such an old enemy, one cannot take it lightly.

Yin Bao looked terrified, and quickly withdrew his attack. His body was flying in the air, but he twisted abruptly to avoid it by half a foot.

Still being hit by one of the fireballs, a piece of misty plumage was burned away, and half of his cheek was burned and deformed.

This is a fireball talisman. The high temperature of thousands of degrees can burn the whole corpse to fly ash in a few minutes, not to mention this tender little face.

Yin Bao fell to the ground and staggered a few steps before standing still, very embarrassed.

She quickly covered her cheeks with a tulle, and stared at Su Xin resentfully, "You, why do you have a high-level talisman? Where did it come from? Could it be that Amu gave it to you again? No way, he..."

High-level talisman?Didn't Xiao Tao say that this is just an intermediate talisman?Could it be that there are more powerful talismans?

When the other party was talking, Su Xin was secretly holding two ground trap charms, and approached the grass blades on the ground from behind, driving with thoughts...

It really is true that the grass does not get rid of the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. The last time we met, I inexplicably labeled myself a witch, wanted to beat and kill, and almost cut off my entire arm.

Oh wrong, the other party wanted to kill me last time, but I escaped by reacting quickly.

This time too, he sneaked up on the vitals as soon as he came up, and he was completely determined to kill himself.

Therefore, I absolutely cannot let her slip away again, maybe next time I will suddenly come out and give myself a fatal blow...

Su Xin responded lightly: "Hehe, guess..."

Yin Bao saw that Su Xin was playing tricks on her, and he was on guard against the other party before throwing such a high-level fireball talisman, although she didn't think the other party had such strong capital... Otherwise, how could it be so miserable?On the one hand, he yelled at Shi Feng delicately: "Brother Ah Feng, how are you? Are you okay..."

At this moment, Su Xin concentrates on controlling the ground trap to the opponent's feet... Whether you call him "Brother Afeng" or "Husband Afeng", I will spare you this time!
If Shi Feng wants to protect him now, then... kill them together!

Of course, even if Shi Feng wanted to protect this woman right now, he didn't have the strength.

Su Xin had calculated all factors, so no matter what the woman said, she was not distracted by what the other party said.

She never left an enemy for herself, and let the other party thrive before dealing with herself.

When Yin Bao realized that something was wrong with his feet, it was already too late.

The three-foot-square ground she was standing on turned into a sticky quagmire, and a small whirlpool appeared in the center. The whirlpool kept spinning, and a strong suction came from below, constantly dragging Yin Bao's legs into it. go in.

Yin Bao never thought that he was talking to her man, she didn't ask about the relationship between them, so she gave herself a dirty word.

Yin Bao yelled in horror: "You witch is so despicable that you even sneaked up on me. Brother Afeng, save me, brother Afeng..."

Su Xin laughed bitterly: "So what if I sneak attack you, could it be that you are the only one who wants to beat and kill me, sneak attack me, and put me to death, so I can't fight back?"

"Brother Afeng, save me quickly. I came here to save you because I sensed that you were in danger. But she, she wants to kill me, please save me."

Seeing that Shi Feng didn't move, Yin Bao turned his head and shouted at Su Xin: "You witch, even if you kill my brother Ah Feng, you won't fall in love with you, do you know what happened between us? We spent such a long time together, you ask him, every bit of it is his most beautiful and precious memory, you..."

Even if you are the cinnabar mole in his heart, so what?It's none of my business!
Su Xin couldn't help but think of the scene where Shi Feng deliberately stood guard at the entrance of the alleyway years ago. Fortunately, she was quick-witted and refused directly, otherwise it would be really embarrassing now.Regardless of the real situation between them, this is not what Su Xin wants.

Without any hesitation, Su Xin flipped his hands, and two Gang Lei Talismans fell into his hands...

In her eyes, Yin Bao, who was trapped by the ground trap talisman, was like a chicken being pressed on a chopping board.

So he activated the Gang Thunder Talisman without hesitation, and a finger-thick thunderbolt fell straight down from Yin Bao's head.


Yin Bao never imagined that this woman would really kill her.

Because she has a deep relationship with Shi Feng, Xing Mu, Mojun, and...And the other party could tell Shi Feng was not an ordinary boss or employee at first glance, how could she not even ask about what happened between them?Why don't you ask for Shi Feng's opinion or something...

Yin Bao feels that he can still threaten the opponent, and there are still many trump cards and many secrets that have not been revealed. How, how is it possible...

She still had a lot to say, but never got the chance to say it again.

Previously, only half of his face was scorched, but now his whole body was electrified, and his long flowing hair spread out like a hedgehog.

Su Xin said, don't let her run into each other again, otherwise, the revenge of the sword must be repaid, and you will die!
The soul-slaying ring on the wrist twirled, and the hand suddenly grasped it, and swung it diagonally to chop it down.

Yin Bao's whole body was divided into two halves, the contents inside fell to the ground with a clatter, and his body fell limply to the ground.

As for how to cut that sword, it depends on her hand feeling.

A fireball talisman was thrown on the corpse, and in an instant, only a cloud of fly ash was left.

A ray of soul floated out faintly, and wanted to fly towards Shi Feng, but seeing Su Xin looking at her with a grinning grin, she hurried towards the grave.

Su Xin has been guarding here, just to cut the weeds and roots.

Stretching out her hand to grab it, the soul involuntarily flew towards her palm, making a ghostly cry, grabbing it, and throwing away the Lingyan.

After a while, Xiao Tao's voice came: "Susu, this person's soul is a little strange, as if it has been encrypted by someone, and it is impossible to extract valid memory fragments."

Su Xin replied casually: "It's fine if you can't extract it, no one cares... well, anyway, I don't care to remember every bit of her."

After cleaning up the mess, he turned his head to Shi Feng and Mo Li, and said, "Although I think this is a grievance between me and her, it seems that there is some relationship between you and her, and there is also between us, so it is necessary to I'll explain it to you...if you'd like to listen."

Shi Feng said: "There was indeed a relationship between me and her for a period of time that I thought was a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, so I also feel that there are some things that need to be explained to you, if you are willing to listen."

(End of this chapter)

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