Chapter 359
The corner of Su Xin's mouth was lightly raised, and Shi Feng's attitude was not what she expected. After all, the relationship in the past few months is worthy of the words "birth and death".

In order to save them before, they were taken captive into the chessboard, and they were almost trapped to death inside.

If he is ungrateful at the moment, she will treat everything she did before as a dog!
But I didn't expect that the other party was finally willing to share the past thoroughly. Does it mean that the honesty between each other has gone a step further?

Just as he was about to speak, Mo Li, who was breathing heavily beside him, suddenly said hoarsely, "Including me..."

Su Xin froze for a moment, looked at the two of them, this... what's going on?
Are these two men... lovers of that woman?
But just now he killed their lover in front of them? !
This... Let her think about which one to start with first!You must avoid future troubles, she knows the combat effectiveness of these two people, and you must take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Shi Feng and Mo Li looked at Su Xin's still calm face, and then looked at each other. They never expected that their own lives had already been weighed in each other's hearts for several rounds at this moment.

Finally, Mo Kai said, "Let me talk about it."

Mo Li is a senior psychological counselor with an extraordinary experience, so he wholeheartedly wants to reactivate his abilities to join the ranks of those with abilities, and never misses any chance.

Su Xin agrees with this point very much.

It just so happened that he had a special guest.Yin Bao.

She said that she is a person with the eyes of the sky, and it is her duty to help the common people in the world, but there is one person who is too murderous, and Mo Li helps guide him to give up his hatred and guard against others.

This person is Shi Feng.

Under Mo Li's psychological counseling, Shi Feng gradually improved and became a "normal person".

Mo Li said: "It was only after I got to know you that I gradually realized that that kind of approach is like letting the other party take off their defenses..."

Shi Feng, "The strength I gained through bloody battles was only because I didn't have a suitable guide, so I almost kept him introverted. The psychological hint he gave me was to make me feel that everyone is because of my too much hostility." , I don’t want to get close, and I hate such a self from the bottom of my heart..."

Mo Li: "That's right, sometimes self-importance is very important. Because if you want a person to give up something, you must first make him resist that thing..."

Shi Feng continued: "During that time, I was in a very depressed and decadent state. Because of the change in my mood, I really saw everyone attacking me with strange and dismissive eyes... After that, she was like a girl who was caught by the spring breeze. The elf brought to me was gentle, gentle, and tolerant of all my emotions, and I was extremely moved. Even after meeting Mr. Mo again and seeing her in the valley...I have understood what...You guys Have you ever seen lamb skinners, in order to make the fur more fluffy and feel better, they are all directly skinned alive. They hold the head of the lamb with their arms, and peel off their skin bit by bit with a knife while tickling them ...If I have already clearly understood that the other party is just using and playing with me, but still have the so-called affection, I am not Shi Feng!"

Speaking of this, Shi Feng changed the subject: "But... I still don't want to destroy that emotion. If I were to do it myself, I really can't do it... I'm sorry, I couldn't help you just now."

When Shi Feng was talking just now, Su Xin stared at the other person's mental fluctuations to confirm that he was not lying.There is even a clear sense of relief.

Presumably, no one likes the life of being kidnapped emotionally and morally by others.Shake in front of you from time to time, and say things like what happened between us.

Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the cooperation between them did not break down, nothing else mattered.

Even she herself didn't realize that her character had subtly and subtly changed, becoming cold and tough.

Only after she realized it did she realize that this is the so-called Dao Xin. As an ordinary person who wants to go further along the way of cultivating Dao, she cannot tolerate so many mothers-in-law.Well, depending on each person's pursuit, maybe they just like that kind of thing.

Su Xin recalled that the relationship between Shi Feng and Mo Li was a bit delicate before, so they knew each other a long time ago.

When the two talked about the past, Su Xin felt that her explanation had become superfluous... She just wanted to show that she was defending and fighting back.

The three of them rested for a while, and after Shi Feng stargazing found out the general direction, they started to set off, trekking through mountains and rivers, and it took about three days before they walked out of the deep mountains and old forests.

Su Xin noticed that on the way back, the yin in the air had gradually dissipated, and those lingering ghosts also entered the cycle of reincarnation.

Several people came to the market town to rest for two days.

When he was about to go back to the city, Uncle Cai said to Su Xin in a very embarrassing way: "That... Comrade Su, that girl from last time, she just wanted us to accompany her to the mountain, and we were able to do it in a flash. I saw her muttering something against the wall. When we called her, she turned her head and smiled at us. The smile was permeable. She took out a mobile phone and asked us to make a call, and then a car came The car picked her up..."

After listening to Uncle Cai's description, Su Xin can basically outline the situation at that time.

When she first entered the mountain that day, there were lonely ghosts floating everywhere, except for those who took the initiative to attack people directly, they ignored the rest.

Xu Hua probably wanted to find another evil god like the six-armed god, so somehow he concluded a contract with a ghost. Surprised.

When they returned to the city, Mo Li and Shi Feng each drove a car, and Su Xin took a van to rest and sort out the gains and losses of the past few days.

Although the trip to Huaishugou this time was extremely thrilling, the rewards were also substantial.

In addition to Yinbing Ghost Talisman and countless Yin energy, there are also improved combat awareness, state of mind, etc., which are all a qualitative leap.

Just wait until you go back to meditate and retreat, and fill up the spiritual energy pool, and you can advance your cultivation base.

As for the Yin Soldier Ghost Talisman, it is not correct to say that it is a self-contained world, because its ability is to summon and condense Yin Qi into ghost soldiers.

Maybe it can play an unexpected role in some occasions, but Su Xin decided not to take it out unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise tens of thousands of Yin soldiers will be released and the place will be turned into a ghost town.

After this catastrophe, Shi Feng and Mo Li also gained and advanced to varying degrees.

As for those previously investigated, the whole case has now come to an end, and Fu Xiaohe has also paid the remaining balance, so there is no need to pursue it further.

They simply closed the door to thank the guests, and shut themselves in their own rooms to concentrate on cultivation and comprehension.

Inside the tomb protected by the yin-yang chessboard is the passage leading to the demon world.

The Demon Lord, who was in retreat and repairing, originally wanted Yin Bao to help him check it out, but he didn't expect that the soul traction he had concluded with the other party suddenly loosened, his mind fell, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

(End of this chapter)

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