her left eye is unusual

Chapter 360 Character decides fate

Chapter 360 Character decides fate
Not only did Earth Demon Lord fail to restore the gate of life, but he also lost decades of skill.

The key is to leave a knot:
It's like when the sex is about to climax, the thing is suddenly clicked, and it will be difficult to return to the current state in the future.

The depression in my heart can be imagined.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Yin Bao is a naive, ignorant and ignorant girl who accidentally stumbled into the entrance of the Demon Realm, and then had indescribable things with the Demon Lord.

How can anyone "mistakenly enter" this entrance to the devil world?

Lord Earth Demon made clear Yin Bao's origin with only a little investigation.

Sure enough, she was sent by the Kongtong faction.

The Kongtong Sect is currently the head of several sects practicing in seclusion, but today is different from the past, the glory of the former cultivation world is no longer there, but the world of scientific civilization.

Coupled with the exhaustion of cultivation resources, the sect's continuation is now in its dying stages.And they deliberately let a female cultivator with such a high talent come to him, the purpose is obvious.

But this is delivered to your door, don't want it for nothing.

At the beginning, the demon king was indeed tempted by this woman who was gentle on the surface but coquettish in her heart.

He also knew that her relationship with many men was unclear, and felt that this was very emotional, and it also made him full of challenges and stronger possessive desires.

Compared with Yin Bao's previous mission goals, this demon king is extremely domineering, completely turning her into his own confinement, and concluded a soul contract, so that she can only be with him forever.

With the passage of time, he found that she had always been full of yearning for other men, so it was meaningless.

And behind that seemingly innocent appearance is not as touching as imagined, the soul contract has become his simple monitoring and restraint on her.

At this moment, sensing that Yin Bao's soul suddenly disappeared, which had a great impact on his cultivation, the first thought that popped up in his mind was that he was swayed by the Kongtong faction!
The steward of the Mingpai of the Kongtong faction saw a jade tablet suddenly shattered. The name was Yin Bao, and he was a multi-faceted spy, or chess piece, that they had finally cultivated.

Once something happened to her, it would definitely involve all aspects, so she immediately reported it to Lin Zhongtang.

The Kongtong faction couldn't find the image of Yin Bao when he died, but they could find the place where he fell, which was near the entrance of the demon world guarded by the Earth Demon Lord.

Unexpectedly, in just two or three years, it has fallen!
It's unreasonable, they simply don't pay attention to their Kongtong faction!
Lin Zhongtang called the other branch elders to discuss:
The reason why the Kongtong faction made Yin Bao, the innate ghost-eyed spirit girl with the most talented spiritual roots, a chess piece, because her talent and appearance are all first-class. worry.

The main purpose of creating an opportunity for her to meet the Demon King is to find an alliance and retreat for the sect, to obtain magic crystals and special magic energy from the demon world, and even let the disciples enter it for trial training, so as to improve the overall strength of the sect.

After all, there are not so many monsters in the outside world for you to practice.

If one party in the soul contract suddenly disappears, the contract power acting on the soul of the other party will disappear. Even if they can no longer control it, at least they cannot make them doubt or even betray the sect.

So they divided into several teams and set off with their disciples.

Among them, the elders of the two halls brought four capable disciples, and hurriedly pressed them outside the cave of the demon king.

Lord Earth Demon is also suffering at the moment and can't tell. Thinking about his heyday, these children would come to lick his shoes. Now that he has been severely injured, they all come to add insult to injury.

He intends to have a good fight with these villains, but he is not stupid enough to confront them head-on, so he can only swallow his anger and hide in the cave.

A generation of demon kings has been reduced to this point, and there is no one left.

Seeing this situation, the Kongtong faction became even more convinced that the demon king's momentum was in decline. Anyway, this beam has been formed, and he will not stop doing one thing.
Although they can't attack directly... because there are too many organs, traps and various evil formations inside, they can use orthodox power.

So it didn't take long before news spread that there was an ancient tomb hidden deep in Yinshan Mountain, and it was also said that a robbery cave had been discovered.So the Cultural Relics Bureau decided to carry out protective excavation work.

This is a later story, and when Yin Bao's soul disappeared, Xing Mu suddenly felt the sadness of something disappearing in his heart.

When I opened my eyes again, it seemed like a lifetime away.

After recovering, I remembered my mission this time: a certain old house was haunted by ghosts, and he was here to collect ghosts.

"Please let us go, we don't know why we are still here after death, but this is also our home... Please..."

Xing Mu put down the clean bottle in his hand.

With a burst of shouting: "Go away—"

The two ghosts disappeared into the air.

Xing Mu felt that he was in a very contradictory mood now, he, he actually let go of the two ghosts just now? !

Humans and ghosts have different paths, no matter how pitiful that ghost was, even if it has never harmed people, it should be eliminated and transformed.

And people, no matter what they have done to ghosts in life, they should be protected.All ghosts should let go of their obsession with revenge, otherwise they will be heinous ghosts.

The traces that were chapped in my heart have completely collapsed at this time: right and wrong, it doesn't mean that he is completely correct because he is a human being, so he should be protected, and he cannot be completely denied just because he is a ghost.

That's why he let them go just now because of the sudden pity for those two ghosts in his heart!

However, before this belief could be fully comprehended, a messenger talisman fell in front of him, and he unfolded it: important matter of the sect, return quickly.

Yu Chenzi, who was observing secretly, saw Xing Mu's actions, and was very surprised, more pleasantly surprised.

He has never understood why a junior who is excellent in every aspect has ten stubborn elm heads.

Just like the last time I faced that Gu woman, although she was wearing human skin, I don't know how many bad things she did and how many lives she killed.

He deliberately trapped her, just to let him kill the Gu Po with his own hands... What Yu Chenzi didn't know was: In fact, Xing Mu still hesitated a little when he made the move, so he let the Gu Po escape for a while. The wisps of soul finally fell into Su Xin's hands.

But this time, Yu Chenzi saw that Xing Mu would release those two ghosts with his own hands. Could it be that his sense of right and wrong has completely returned? !

When he was about to show up, he saw Xing Mu hurriedly leave after receiving a message talisman, which was from the Kongtong school in appearance.

Yu Chenzi thought for a while, and felt that something was wrong, and quickly called Xing Mu: "Mu, you can't go."

At this time, Xing Mu's mind was suffering from two kinds of belief power, and he was in a trance. Hearing Yu Chenzi's words, he subconsciously replied: "There is a big event in the sect, I have to go back."

Yu Chenzi: "Don't you suspect that something is wrong with your current appearance? Why are you asked to go back at this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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