her left eye is unusual

Chapter 362 Tie Han Tenderness

Chapter 362 Tie Han Tenderness
Wei Yan?Isn't it just a dog under orthodoxy!
He thinks he has a piece of skin on his back, like a mad dog catching anyone all day long and will not let him go. Whether it is temptation, temptation or intimidation, he is not accommodating or sympathetic. Many people on the road have long wanted to "do" him .

However, this person's luck is really good. Not only is there someone protecting him, but also many people buy into his account and protect him because of his principles and loyalty.

Unexpectedly, the only clue that Mr. Huai found from this woman was related to him?

This will be easy to handle, the old and new hatreds will be settled together!
Although they are still not sure whether this woman gave him the information, but it is unquestionable to start with him.

If this woman really gave him the information, who would he give those things to?Or is it that an investigation has been secretly launched?
All this can only be known after meeting with him.

Wei Yan and Yi Xiaorou actually knew each other a few years ago, but they are not like the reporters and policemen in many goofy dramas. In order to dig out the so-called truth, the reporter actually wants to increase the popularity of himself and the newspaper, but Using friends of the police to obtain inside information, under the guise of "the public has the right to know", leaked a lot of information that should not be reported.

On the contrary, because of their respective professional relationships, they are both restrained and cautious, and respect each other's principles and bottom line.

So although they only had some contact intermittently, and it wasn't a very close friendship, they would always think of each other at the most critical time.It's about caring for each other and trusting each other.

After the feed factory incident last time, the relationship between the two subtly changed, and some subtle changes took place.

Later, several misunderstandings deepened the relationship, enhanced understanding of each other, and secret feelings arose.

This time, Wei Yan packed up his clothes and went to the appointment, and even bought a rose in the flower shop.

In his eyes, Rou Rou is intellectually beautiful and understands the general situation, and the most important thing is that the two have similar interests and complement each other.

He was fascinated by her, but he just felt that he was so virtuous and capable, so he never revealed it.

Until she took the initiative to pierce this layer of window paper, he felt that the girls had opened their mouths, and it was too disappointing for him to be a big man and still be a mother-in-law, so he decided to take advantage of this date to make himself more active.

But he waited and waited in the dessert shop from five o'clock in the afternoon until it closed at ten o'clock, but he couldn't wait.

He called several times, but it all showed that the other party was not in the service area.

He felt that she, as a reporter, could have nothing to do... because he didn't think about it at all.

Wei Yan returned home unhappily, and it happened that a package was delivered by courier. He threw it on the sofa without looking at it, and Wang Yang dropped by with a bag of wine and vegetables.

Seeing that the boss was in a bad mood, he put down the food and drinks, and when he sat on the sofa, he noticed the package, and said with a smile, "Hey, boss, I didn't expect you to finally get the hang of buying things online..." He grabbed the package and slammed it two times open.

Just now, he looked like he was laughing, but suddenly he was stunned, holding a handful of photos in his hand, looking at the things on it with a terrified expression, tongue-tied, "Boss..."

Wei Yan lay on the sofa and didn't hear Wang Yang's voice. When he sat up, he saw the boy staring at the contents of the package like a demon.

He felt something was wrong, so he hurried over...

It turned out to be ledgers, photos, and a few USB drives...

Wei Yan felt that the hands holding the things were trembling, so he quickly grabbed the wrapping paper on the ground and saw the name on it—Xiaoyi.

Yes, it was sent by Rourou...

She once told him with a smile, "...I still have another name, Xiaoyi, I just want to tell you, if one day you see someone writes to you with this name, it must be me..."

God, has she been investigating them all this time?

Does she not want to live anymore!

He followed those people for so long, and even sent a few undercover agents in. At most, the corpse appeared in the moat within a few days.

He clearly knew that they did all that, but he couldn't find any evidence of homicide from them, let alone catch them.


He couldn't imagine.

And the date this afternoon, she probably wants to give these things to herself, right?

But because of some delays, I couldn't come, so I switched to express delivery.

Has something happened to her?

Thinking of this, he couldn't calm down anymore, and said to Wang Yang, "You, hand this over to Bureau Duan, and let him investigate the case."

Wang Yang saw that the boss was wearing pistol cuffs with a serious expression on his face, and he felt something was wrong, so he quickly asked, "Boss, what about you? You..."

Wei Yan: "We had an appointment this afternoon, but she never came..."

Wang Yang felt a little confused, "You mean sister-in-law?" Of course he knew what his boss was thinking, so he had already decided that Yi Xiaorou was his sister-in-law in private.

"It's all because I'm too stupid. I never thought of going here. Rou Rou has a strong sense of time, and she absolutely cannot let me go for no reason. Something must have happened. Remember, you must hand this thing over to Duan Ju."

The people and things involved in the ledger will all affect the underground forces in the entire S city, and he doesn't trust anyone.

It's not that they don't love their posts, work hard and have no patriotism, but just a little temptation from any one of them can make everyone sway.

Wang Yang nodded his head instinctively, rewrapped it, and was about to go out when he heard a knock on the door.

The two looked at each other, Wei Yan pouted out the window, Wang Yang understood, stuffed the things into a bag, carried it on his back, and then climbed out of the window.

Wei Yan hurriedly went to close the window, straightened his clothes, cleared the things on the table by the way, asked, "Who is it?" and opened the door.

As soon as the door was unlocked, there was a strong push from outside.

Wei Yan stepped aside, his hand on the handle of the gun...

Four vigorous men in black rushed in, sandwiching him from left to right.

"Wei Yan, captain of the criminal police team, don't be so excited, we're just here to ask something."

Following the voice, a gentle man with glasses walked in.

It was Brother Tian who just asked someone to do the trick for Yi Xiaorou.

"Zuo Tian—"

"Yo, it seems that we really came to the right place, please come with us."

"I sue you for trespassing and illegally abducting police officers..."

"Hehe, the guards are really joking. I'm really scared that you want to sue us."

Zuo Tian took out his mobile phone, clicked on a video and handed it to Wei Yan: "Oh, there was a thief in the venue today, you know that my younger brothers didn't ask questions, they were all rough people, it didn't matter what they did. Knowing that it seems to be someone from your guard, if not, I will take the initiative to find you and plan to return him to you."

(End of this chapter)

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