her left eye is unusual

Chapter 363 Arrogant

Chapter 363 Arrogant
When Wei Yan saw the person in the video, although the woman in the video was completely tortured and looked like a human being, he still recognized her at a glance, and his body trembled involuntarily.

When Zuo Tian was talking, he kept watching Wei Yan with his eyes, and seeing the other party's reaction, he knew that they had found the right person.

"Of course, if you say you don't know each other, just pretend that I, Zuo Tian, ​​have never been here. But we hate those social scum..."

Wei Yan convulsed with heartache, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked, "What exactly do you want?"

"Don't be so aggressive when you speak. The problem now is not what we want, but to see your attitude."

"If you want that woman, as long as your guard asks, we will return her to you. If you return what she stole, we will never blame us. It's as simple as that."

Wei Yan already thought that they must have come for the package of materials that Rourou gave him.

Fortunately, Wang Yang has already taken the things away, so no matter what, he has to rescue her!
"She stole something, I will help her return it, and you let her go."

Zuo Tian sneered, and winked at the men in black, they understood, and the man standing next to Wei Yan wanted to control him.


The ending sound rose, and Wei Yan's gaze swept over the two of them sharply.

After all, they were battle-tested, and the aura exuded from their bodies immediately made the two of them a little scared, they stood still and did not dare to make a move, and looked at Zuo Tian.

In fact, Zuo Tian is not sure if that stinking bitch gave this man something, and this man is the captain of the criminal police after all, he is still very favored, if something is caused for nothing, it is not good at all.

Zuo Tian hurriedly said: "Don't be nervous for the guards, we're just here to ask. The cooperation between the police and the people is good for everyone."

Saying that, the other two younger brothers rushed into the room and began to rummage around.Wei Yan lived in a one-bedroom, one-living room, and the layout was very simple, so he quickly turned upside down and found nothing.

Wei Yan shouted, "What are you doing, Zuo Tian, ​​I told you not to be too arrogant, I have monitoring here, I can sue you for trespassing!"

He wanted to stop it, but the two standing next to him threatened.

Zuo Tian said: "Go and check his surveillance..."

This is the house that Wei Yan rented, so what kind of monitoring is there, and if he sees that the other party is serious, he must have revealed his secrets.

It just so happened that a younger brother took out the unstarted food and drink from the garbage bag in the kitchen, and shouted to Zuo Tian: "Boss, here, the two boxes of rice inside are still hot..."

Zuo Tian narrowed his eyes, and cursed: "We were all played by him!"

The food inside is obviously for two or three people, and they haven't eaten yet, which means that something special happened when they were about to eat... Another person left suddenly.

Zuo Tian's expression suddenly became vicious, and he punched Wei Yan hard on the stomach: "Damn, you dare to play me. Tell me, who is that person? Where did he take the things?"

Wei Yan arched his body instinctively in pain, and said in pain, "I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Bring it back to me, and ask me carefully. I tell you, no matter who gets that thing and whoever it is, we can get it back!"

At this moment, Wei Yan, who was suffering from pain and bowed his waist, suddenly slammed into Zuo Tian in a bullfighting posture, his body nimbly circled behind him, cut one arm back to his back, and at the same time drew out his pistol and opened the safety against the opponent waist.

The whole process was done in one go, and when everyone came back to their senses, Wei Yan had already taken control of the situation.

"Be honest with me, let's go—"

The younger brothers were stunned, the boss was held hostage, and if the boss was killed, they wouldn't be able to escape.

Seeing this, Zuo Tian yelled angrily: "What are you doing in a daze, do it for me and take him down. He's a policeman, he doesn't dare to shoot..."


Wei Yan carried Zuo Tian to the door, fired a shot at the ceiling lamp, pushed the other party forward when everyone was shocked, and fled in the dark.

Zuo Tian was being tricked in front of his little brother, it was a great humiliation, he gritted his teeth angrily.

Immediately ordered: "The thing must be related to him, he must be caught. Also, there must be another person in this room just now, he must be caught!"

After Wei Yan escaped from his small apartment, he turned into the alley next to him, called Duan Bureau with his backup mobile phone number, and gave a general overview of his situation.

Bureau Duan was shocked and very angry. These people openly broke into the police quarters and hijacked the police. It was simply too insane. I assured Wei Yan that they would be arrested and brought to justice as soon as they got the evidence!

Wei Yan is very relieved of Duan Ju, but there is still Rourou, he must rescue her!

He also thought about directly interrogating Zuo Tian about Rou Rou's whereabouts, but the other party was very cunning and there were so many people, could he kill them all?
I don't know how many minions will come from behind. If I don't leave in time, I won't be able to leave even if I want to.

Wei Yan kept in the dark, ready to follow Zuo Tian and find out Rourou's whereabouts.

Before dawn the next day, there was a sudden explosion in the underground natural gas pipeline next to the S City Police Station, and half of the building collapsed. The emergency plan had to be activated, and the office was transferred to another building to transfer the data inside.

After that, Bureau Duan received a threatening phone call. Anyway, the general idea is that many accidents happen every day in this world. Today, there was an explosion in the building of the police station. Maybe there will be a fire in the building where he lives tomorrow.Regarding the matter of the S City Pharmaceutical Bureau, let him not interfere.

It is simply the threat of Chi Guoguo, the way of heaven is so clear, it is simply unreasonable!
Two days passed, and he didn't have any information from Wei Yan.Because those people set up bright and dark lines around his living area, and even at every step he took to work, there were those gangsters who acted as the other party's eyeliner and lackeys.

If the materials were sent at this time, the other party would have nothing to do with them if they directly robbed them. They would undoubtedly give the things directly to the other party.

At the same time, Wei Yan finally found the place where Yi Xiaorou was detained by relying on his skill and wit.

In the darkroom below the pharmaceutical factory in S City.

The former beautiful and intellectual goddess had been tortured to the point where she had already lost her human form, and she was completely unconscious without any consciousness.

The pain in Wei Yan's heart was unbearable.

In fact, Yi Xiaorou's soul has already been taken away by Mr. Huai at this time, and there is only her body at this moment. If she didn't want to keep it to contain the police, she might have thrown it into the moat to feed the fish.

When Wei Yan came in just now, he just knocked out the guards outside. Seeing Yi Xiaorou's miserable condition, he couldn't help feeling sad, hugged and shouted for a while, and then decided to help her out.

Probably because he didn't strike hard enough. While he was inside, one of the guards woke up and immediately sounded the alarm.

(End of this chapter)

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