Chapter 364

Wei Yan carried the unconscious Yi Xiaorou on his back and became the shackles in the urn, but was rushed up by the minions, and trapped the two of them in the dungeon for life.

In fact, with Wei Yan's skill, as long as he is willing to fight hard, it is more than enough to deal with these little guys.

There are many times when he can kill with one blow and completely clear the obstacles in front of him, but deep down in his heart he always retains that kindness, he doesn't want to hurt people's lives, he just disarms them.

But these people didn't feel grateful for his mercy, but used more vicious moves more fiercely.

Wei Yan had to take Yi Xiaorou into consideration again, and was determined to rescue her, but he let himself miss the chance to escape alone.

Zuo Tian stood in the distance, looking at Wei Yan who was surrounded by groups.

Protecting the woman with his body, he was slashed several times, exposing hideous wounds full of blood and flesh.

In the past, he didn't understand why this thorny guy was always against them, so annoying, but why when he really wanted to send someone to kill him, the people who really had some clues in the Tao were not willing to accept this at all. list.

Now he understands.

Just relying on this kindness, loyalty, and blood!
It's a pity that they are not in the same way, that thing involves too many people's secrets, once it is found out, the entire structure of S City will be overturned.

There are no eggs under the overturned nest, it is absolutely impossible for him to let him go!
He watched his subordinates slashing fiercely with their knives... He couldn't bear it any longer, and stopped loudly: "Stop it—"

A group of people stared at Wei Yan viciously. Just now, so many of them couldn't handle this burdensome man, but they were beaten up by the other party, and it was still in front of their boss. It was really embarrassing.

So just now it was a deadly move to mutilate Wei Yan.

With their knowledge, they would never have thought that if Wei Yan had been as ruthless as theirs, they would have been lying on the ground long ago.

At this time, when they heard the boss yelling to stop, although they felt unwilling, they all retreated obediently to the side to make way.

Zuo Tian walked up to Wei Yan and stood still, paused and said, "Tie him up for me."

The little leader who tormented Yi Xiaorou just now brought the thinnest nylon rope, quickly cut Wei Yan, who had already been exhausted and was seriously injured, with his hands behind his back, and then dragged him directly to the middle of the basement, passed through the iron frame above, and pulled the Wei Yan hung up.

Pull your arms back as high as you can, and arch your body so that your toes touch the ground just a little.

The string cut deep into the flesh, and blood flowed down the arm and onto the body.

The little boss looked at Wei Yan, his eyes sparkled with excitement, and he bowed his waist and walked up to Zuo Tian to claim credit: "Boss, it's done. What about this woman? Or just throw it into the river..."

Before he finished speaking, Zuo Tian gave an "um" and glanced at him coldly.

The little boss quickly slapped himself on the ear, "Vole is talkative, please give me instructions from the boss."

Zuo Tian said coldly: "This woman is his weakness, if she dies, he will kill me, will you bear the consequences?"

When he got angry, everyone fell silent, and the field mouse hurriedly ordered to the two little brothers beside him: "Hurry up and carry him to the corner next to me, by the way, let the doctor take a look, don't die..."

The reason why Vole was able to stand out from so many gangsters and become a small boss was because of his ruthlessness and good eyesight.

Zuo Tian asked these people to do the work, walked up to Wei Yan himself, looked at his bloody body and his arm that had been cut back, and knew that this method was the most tormenting, no one could survive for half an hour.

"Tell me, who gave those things to? If you don't cooperate, that woman won't be able to last for two days."

Wei Yan's eyes were blurred by blood, he gritted his teeth to support himself, not letting himself cry out in pain.

Zuo Tian saw that this was another hard-spoken man, feeling unspeakably upset in his heart, snorted coldly, and walked back to the door.

A younger brother brought a chair for Zuo Tian, ​​Zuo Tian sat down and stretched comfortably, and said: "It's really a toast, not a fine wine, please greet the guards well."

"Yes, Brother Tian."

So the two thugs started beating him in the abdomen with a baseball in turn. With each blow, Wei Yan's body was swinging like a swing, and the rope on his wrist was embedded in a point.

There was a creaking sound from the arm. If this continues, either the hand will be strangled sooner or later, or the two arms will be twisted off.

Until Wei Yan had no more strength and was hung like a dead fish.

Zuo Tian raised his hand, several minions stopped beating and looked at Zuo Tian flatteringly.

Zuo Tian blamed me strangely: "Tsk tsk, what are you doing? Do you know who he is? He is the head of the criminal police team of our S city bureau. I'm afraid he will wear small shoes for us in the future..."

"Guards, those who know the current affairs are Junjie, as long as you tell who you gave the things to, we will let you go. Seeing that woman you are so nervous about, you don't want anything to happen to her..."

This time the matter was of great importance, Zuo Tian personally guarded the interrogation, of course he also wanted to recover the situation of being defeated by the other party last time.

At this time, a younger brother came in and whispered something to him, his face twitched, and he smiled grinningly: "Guard, I respect you as a man, but have you ever thought about your parents? They gave birth to you and raised you, but in the end they still want to give birth to you." Being dragged to death by you, is this the result you want?"

Wei Yan opened his eyes a little, "You are really despicable, why do you make things difficult for them?"

Zuo Tian suddenly roared, "Please figure it out, it's not me who is embarrassing you, but you are embarrassing me, embarrassing all my brothers here. Have you ever thought that you will kill all of us here! Use you In other words, I am only defending myself, I just want to protect my brother, is this also wrong?"

"What you have done is all innocent and unconscionable things, and you should be punished by law. If you surrender now, you can still get a chance to confess and be lenient..."



A man with tattoos hit Wei Yan hard on the stomach.

Zuo Tian: "You must have seen the news. The underground natural gas pipeline in the Xinhua North Road area exploded...then next to it is your police station. With a bang, the whole building should be glad that the explosion happened At night, there are only a few night shifts and an old janitor buried alive by the collapsed building... If it is the next time, I don’t know if it will be so lucky.”

It turned out that they really did it, what a conscience!

In fact, he guessed something when he saw the news, and now that he heard it with his own ears, his heart was filled with monstrous anger!

Killing these days, damn it!
It's a pity that instead of rescuing Rourou, he was captured instead.

He was not afraid of death, Rou Rou paid the price with his life for this, he went to accompany her to protect her, to see who dares to bully her!

He was only afraid that his presence would interfere with their actions.

(End of this chapter)

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