her left eye is unusual

Chapter 365 Strange SMS

Chapter 365 Strange SMS
Wei Yan guessed it right, these people tried their best to torture him, but they didn't kill him all at once, they wanted him to divert the situation, apart from trying to get the whereabouts of things out of his mouth.

Duanju not only received threatening phone calls, but also received a package containing two fingers and a USB flash drive.

In the USB flash drive was the video of how they tortured Wei Yan and cut off his fingers. When the segment was playing, there was a narration voice:
"Duanju, now their fate is in your hands. And you also know very well that if you want to file a case, it's just that some paper stuff is of no use at all. A person who knows current affairs is a brilliant man. As long as you cooperate with us, we will ensure that you are in S City gangsters are booming, if you want grades, you can solve crimes without any problem... ".

Duan Ju watched every scene of the video with a solemn expression, and then asked a technician to analyze it, including the sound, trying to deduce where they hid Wei Yan.

No meaningful clues were recovered from the video files.

Duan Ju is very clear in whose hands those things are, and now he hopes that the other party will not send them over.

Because as long as things show up, they may encounter accidents.

These people are too arrogant!

The only thing Duan Ju can think of at this time is the special case team.

I got through the dedicated phone, but was told that there was an emergency, and everyone in the group was sent out to let him hold on first.

Duan Ju felt his body trembling slightly, could it be... something serious?
He took out a temporary phone card from the interlayer of the drawer, inserted it into the phone, and sent a message.

Then he quickly pulled out the chip and rushed it into the sewer.

After doing all this, he suddenly felt resigned to fate.


Su Xin's mental power and will are beyond her current cultivation, and her soul has been completely solidified, so now she can directly absorb energy from the Lingyan.

Like a whale, it quickly filled up the spiritual pool.

Ding, advanced ethereal stage.It is equivalent to the sixth level of the ability cultivation level, from the third level to the sixth level, the speed is so fast.

Xiao Tao said that the potential of cultivation can only be stimulated to the maximum when he is on the verge of life and death. It is not an exaggeration for Su Xin to have this advanced level after several experiences on the verge of life and death.

The imaginary stage is also divided into three stages: early, middle, and latter.

This training period is to let the soul and spiritual power merge with each other to become the Nascent Soul, the existence of another life of the practitioner, so it is very critical.

The improvement in ability made Su Xin feel extremely refreshing and a sense of accomplishment, but she gradually felt something was wrong, as if a cloud of haze appeared out of thin air in the clear sky.

This was something she hadn't been present at the retreat before.

With a move in my heart, I quickly recovered from the meditation.

Subconsciously looked up, everything is very peaceful, but why is the space sensed by me during the retreat full of oppressive and treacherous feelings?

There must be a reason for the incident, Su Xin received his work, got up and did simple recovery exercises, and there was a crackling sound from his body.

While taking out instant food from the refrigerator and putting it in the microwave to prepare to eat, he turned on the phone.

A series of news followed:

Fu Xiaohe has already started school. She said that her life is now on the right track, and she expressed her gratitude.It's just that Fu Xiaobei's whole person has become weird now, sometimes he becomes timid, and sometimes he does self-harm. Fu's father has a headache. He takes medicine and sees a psychiatrist. So she gave Su Xin's contact information to her father, planning to ask her to help Fu Xiaobei see it.

Followed by two messages from Fu Anyang, to the effect that Fu Xiaobei has changed since he returned from a trip abroad, whether it is because of evil spirits or something, let Su Xin help to find out, the price is easy to negotiate.

Su Xin skipped it directly, this Fu Xiaobei, or Xu Hua's current situation is purely self-inflicted.

Obviously she stopped now, and she could still enjoy Fu Xiaobei's skin for the rest of her life, but she insisted on finding a lonely ghost to sign a contract.

Also, with Fu Anyang's current net worth, at most hundreds of thousands will be paid.It's not cost-effective to memorize such a big name for only a few hundred thousand.

And in Su Xin's heart, although she felt that these two women ended up fighting for this man, they deserved to pay for their actions.

But I always feel that everything is caused by this man. On the surface, he didn't do anything, and it was all sent to the door by the woman himself. He can have many reasons to defend himself.

In the end, he is still a loving father with a successful career, and he also enjoys a comfortable life... It's really cheap for him.

She was really curious how long his kindness would last in the face of a truly "soul-split" "daughter".

Su Xin has absolute confidence that with the existence of "Fu Xiaobei", it is impossible for Fu Anyang to find another woman!

Then came the news of Xiaoli, who was the daughter of Aunt Dongyu, the landlord she used to rent.

She said that she was already engaged to the man on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, and if all goes well, she plans to get married on Labor Day this year.

Xiaoli still wanted her to help take a look and check it out.

Then there are some deduction information, advertisement push and so on.

hey, this is...

Su Xin saw a message from an unknown number among a bunch of advertisements: The guard has been arrested, save him.

Guard?Besides Wei Yan, who else does she know called the Guard?

He is now the captain of the criminal police, who dares to arrest him?

The message time is... two hours ago?

Isn't this the time when she sensed an abnormality in her cultivation?
In an instant, countless thoughts turned in Su Xin's mind.


Just in time, the hot pizza was ready, Su Xin took it out and called Wei Yan while eating.

"The number you dialed is out of service area, please wait..."

This happened twice in a row.

Then Su Xin called Wang Yang again, but he was also not in the service area.

Gradually, Su Xin had a bad feeling in her heart.

After thinking about it, he called the Duan Bureau again.

It can be said that Wei Yan's everything now is promoted by Duan Ju, and if something happens to Wei Yan, it is impossible for him not to know.

As soon as Su Xin got through the phone, before he could speak, he heard an exasperated shout from the receiver: "I tell you not to sell me insurance anymore, I won't buy it, I won't buy it..."


Su Xin heard the sound of the phone being knocked heavily on the table, and then hung up.

The bad premonition in my heart became stronger.

She came to the front hall with the pizza, and saw that Shi Feng and Mo Li had already started working, and they were sorting out the information about this case, as well as those on QQ and the website.

Seeing Su Xin, Shi Feng said: "I cooked eight-treasure pork porridge in the rice cooker, it should be still hot..." He got up and went out.

Mo Li added with a bitter face: "In the past two days, he has cooked a big pot every morning. If you don't come to eat, we will eat it for three meals a day... Go and get rid of it, I'm really sorry!" I really want to eat some noodles."

After Su Xin found that Mo Li didn't have that unattainable "gentleman" demeanor, when he smiled, there was a warm feeling in his brows and eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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