her left eye is unusual

Chapter 366 Action

Chapter 366 Action
Probably because the three of them have experienced an extraordinary experience together, so they all put aside the previous disguise and returned to the most authentic and natural state.

But what does the other party mean by saying this?An empty bucket for them?

Well, let's just be idiots, they can't be as gentle as they want to be.

And eating this dry pancake is really not as warm as the soft meat porridge.

Su Xin replied with a smile without hesitation: "Haha, now you know how important I am..."

"Yes, I know, I know." Mo Li hurriedly responded.

The smile on his face grew stronger, emanating from the bottom of his heart.

It's strange, he is very clear about the type he likes, the one who can make him look more often must be a woman with long hair fluttering in a white dress that is as soft as water, definitely not this kind of...female man.

Well, actually, if you take a closer look, if you let her wear waist-length hair and wear an ankle-length skirt, she must be very fairy.

"Oh, by the way, did you receive a call from the guards?" Su Xin asked quickly, not forgetting what happened just now.

Mo Li came back to his senses, and quickly withdrew his thoughts.

The imaginings just now are fleeting like bubbles - she will never be the woman who wears her hair and wears a long skirt.

"No, he called you? Did something happen?"

Mo Li knew very well that Su Xin was not the kind of person who would just say something, every word he said must have a reason, and his expression became serious,

Just as he was talking, Shi Feng actually brought the whole rice cooker over, walked to the door and followed Su Xin's question just now, and replied: "I didn't receive their call either, did he call you? What? case?"

While talking, he put the rice cooker directly on the table in front of Su Xin.Passed a long-handled spoon to Su Xin.

Subconsciously, Su Xin took the spoon, looked at the rice cooker in front of her that was twice the size of her head, and was moved by the feeling of being "pampered".

This is really treating her as a benefactor, tsk tsk, this feeling of "opening your mouth for food" is so refreshing, the whole person becomes mysterious.

Seeing Su Xin hesitated because of being moved, Mo Li automatically understood that he was in a daze, couldn't help laughing, and pointed at Shi Feng, "You can't take a small bowl, small spoon or something, and let her eat it in a small bowl. Do you want to serve it?"

Shi Feng groaned, and when he came back to his senses, looking at the ratio of Su Xin to the pot, he seemed to feel something was wrong.

Probably because Su Xin's arrogance of sweeping the food across the table was too deep in the hearts of the people before, ignoring that she is still a pretty woman.

"I'll get it..." As soon as he answered, he was ready to run to the backyard.

Only then did Su Xin recover from the content of the two people's conversation, and quickly stopped: "No, it's quite easy."

One is that she is really hungry, and the other... Isn't it just eating with the pot, what a big deal.

I am eating ready-made ones now, and I still serve them to myself. The service is so good, what can I choose.

Besides, they themselves don't mind her holding the pot and eating, so why is she shy.

Su Xin was eating with a spoon in one hand, while taking out her mobile phone, she swipe out the strange text message she just saw, and showed it to the two of them.

Shi Feng and Mo Li stared at the text message for a long time, feeling a little confused.

If something happened to the guards, anyone in the police station can call and send her a message, so why do you have to use an unfamiliar number?
Seeing that the two of them didn't figure it out, Su Xin told the situation of calling Duan Ju just now.

Shi Feng and Mo Li looked at each other.

Mo Li hurried back to his seat, turned on the computer, and said, "I'll check where this phone number came from..."

Shi Feng came back to his senses, and quickly checked the computer: "Let me see if there are any major news in the past two days."

They also woke up two days earlier than Su Xin, sorting out information and screening information on QQ and webpages, etc.

As for the news, most of them are pushed from above.

There are many kinds of news every day, and it is normal to ignore something.

In less than half an hour, both of them found some clues.

Mo Li: "This number belongs to this city, but no real-name verification has been done."

Shi Feng: "I found a news about a natural gas pipeline explosion. The explosion site was next to the Municipal Bureau. One of the reference buildings collapsed halfway due to the underground collapse, killing people and injuring two people."

"The police station was bombed?" Su Xin and Mo Li said in unison.

The eyes of the three meet in the air...

Su Xin: "In this way, they must have encountered a very powerful force. In this way, I will go to the police station to find out what the news is. You prepare dry food and contact me in three hours."

Su Xin finished off the whole pot of porridge, her physical strength was greatly replenished, and she immediately started to act.

The reason why Su Xin said to go by herself was mainly because she felt that since she didn't dare to talk to her directly, it must be because she was already under surveillance, and she was afraid that the other party would target her based on the call.

In this way, I can't expose the target, at least I can't let the other party discover my existence in advance.

Therefore, extraordinary means must be used, the invisibility talisman.

If it is necessary, she can kill the other party silently, and only she has such means.

Shi Feng and Mo Li obviously thought of this, so they agreed with only a little hesitation.

When Su Xin arrived at the police station, the whole air was filled with oppressive atmosphere...it was very similar to the haze she felt during her cultivation.

She suddenly thought of something, is this because the orthodoxy is suppressed or even about to be subverted?
People working in the other two buildings also became restless and panicked.

Su Xin didn't stay too long, and rushed directly to the community where Duan Ju lived.

Darling, it's full of eyeliner both in the open and in the dark...

What kind of person has such great energy and such audacity that he dares to monitor the country's law enforcement officers in broad daylight!
Duan Ju lives in a very ordinary community, and there seem to be many people who seem to have nothing to do, and their eyes scan back and forth from everyone who passes by.

The residents of the original community became inexplicably nervous, and mysteriously asked the guard about the property management, and the answer was: You just do your own thing, why do you care so much.

Su Xin felt inexplicably heavy, no wonder Duan Ju would send her text messages anonymously and with an unfamiliar number.

The door was ajar, Su Xin gently opened the door and entered the room.The door leaf seemed to be accidentally blown open by the wind, and it didn't attract attention.

The atmosphere in the room was very dignified, full of strong killing intent.

A middle-aged man in a coat is playing a game of chess.

The man combed his oily back hair, and he looked like a superior. Behind him stood a few men in jackets who were very angry.

They were the bodyguards of the man in the overcoat, but they all smelled of blood, and they looked like killers who had been stained with human life.

(End of this chapter)

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