367 Threat
"I said, old Duan, don't be so persistent. Why do you say you have brought yourself to this point?"

Duan Ju gave a cold snort of disdain, obviously it was you people who were lawless and forced him to this situation, but now they actually turned around and said he was persistent.

There is a steelyard in my heart, whatever you say!
The man in coat didn't get any response from Duan Ju, and continued: "Look at you now, your family is harmonious, your children are filial, and you will retire in two years? Tsk tsk, this is so enviable. You don't have to Put yourself in it for the rest of your life."


Duan Ju made a swift move and said, "Will—"

The man in the coat glanced at the chessboard, sneered, and said, "I have all the chariots and horses here, and you will not die, but you are the only one left. I will take your chariot now and become a bare commander... ..."

As he spoke, he took a pawn without hesitation.

"I heard that your son seems to be the magistrate of Lin'an County, right? It was originally a poor county, but he has done very well in the past two years. He is the youngest magistrate, tsk tsk, really capable. But I heard that there is a Let’s build a reservoir, oops, I’m old, you really can’t build a reservoir there, it’s prone to earthquakes, if you say that if landslides and mudslides happen in the future, it’s obviously a good thing that turned into a disaster, it’s really a crime..."

Duan Ju's hand holding the chess pieces paused for a moment, but he still resolutely put down the chess pieces and said, "General!"

The man in the coat stared at Duan Ju with resentment, then looked at the chessboard, slightly astonished, he did not expect that the opponent had deliberately set up a game just now to let him eat the bishop, and now it is a dead game!

The man in the coat snorted coldly, and continued: "I heard that your daughter has a new boyfriend, who is Du Hong? You probably don't know it yet. Du Hong wanted to borrow money from your father-in-law because of his business failure. Yes, but you said in a daze that the young man had to work hard on his own, so he borrowed several million from one of my brothers. It was already due, but for your sake, you didn't care about it. Since you insisted In this way, it seems that we can only settle with him. Just now, my brother asked someone to ask, and he said that he has no money, but he can temporarily use his girlfriend to offset it as interest..."

... Although Su Xin didn't understand the authenticity of what the man in the coat said, she had seen a lot of such threatening scenes in movies and TV shows before.

It is nothing more than using the closest person of the other party to blackmail the other party.

Su Xin hates this kind of thing the most, every time she sees it, she wants to smash those people's heads!
She really wanted to squeeze the man in the coat to death, but then she thought about it, the other party could blow up the underground natural gas pipeline, and openly hijack and threaten the situation, and on the surface he can still be so calm, which shows that the other party's energy is very strong, or It is said that the forces behind him are very powerful.

It is absolutely impossible for a man in a coat to do it, he is at best a pawn.

The pawns cannot be let go.

Su Xin decided to distract Duan Ju, and ask about the situation before it's too late to act.

I don't know how to touch the fundamental interests of such a huge underground force this time and make such a big commotion.

It is precisely because there are so many intertwined interest entanglements that the law cannot be understood, and it often becomes an exception in front of certain people.

But to catch all of these people... Obviously, it is impossible to use ordinary "sentencing".

Because they have a hundred reasons to explain why they appeared in the Duanju community, why the gas exploded, and why those executives suddenly asked for leave.

The only way is—to sweep the acupoints with a thunderbolt, and treat the person's body with his own way.

He has a hundred reasons to explain, a hundred ways to erase his own evidence, and he can do it himself, and he can do the same without leaving any traces, which is only fair.

Fortunately, the contest between the two didn't last long. Seeing that Duan Ju still refused to let go, the man in the coat grabbed the opponent's handsome man and smashed it on the chessboard. You are shameless, Lihua is your fate, you killed your children, it depends on whether they hate you or who they hate, and finally become a lonely family..."

Threatened, walked away, and when he went out, he told his subordinates: "Watch this old man closely for me, and anyone who comes close will be monitored by me, and those people should also be taken care of, right?"

"Yes, Brother Dou, those people all claim to be sick at home. Even if this old man gets the things, he can't file a case immediately..."

As soon as everyone left, Duan Ju felt that all the strength in his body had been taken away, and his whole body collapsed, as if he had aged 20 years suddenly.

He has nothing to do now. He originally hoped that the superiors would send an absolutely powerful combat force, but he got bad news.

Three or four hours had passed since I sent her a message, but it felt like years passed by.

There was Wei Yan's finger on the table in front of him... I don't know how he is now.

In any case, before he got specific news, he wanted to save his fingers as much as possible... So he picked up his mobile phone and made a call. When the other party heard his request, he hesitated a little before answering: "Okay, I Come here in person right away."

Just when Duan Ju was extremely sad, the moment he lowered his head and then raised his head sadly, his expression changed from astonishment to surprise, "You, you are here..."

Su Xin withdrew the invisibility talisman and walked to Duan Ju. She was afraid that she would scare the old man by her sudden appearance, but fortunately, the other party could withstand such a big blow and think about countermeasures rationally, which was really not easy.

Su Xin asked, "Duan Ju, was it you who sent me the message today?"

Duan Ju saw clearly that it was Su Xin, and was excited and emotional at the same time, his body couldn't help trembling slightly.

She was about to stand up and rush towards Su Xin. Su Xin saw that his body was trembling. After all, he was nearly sixty, and he had been working hard all the time. It would be bad if he had a stroke because of too much emotion.Hastily stepped forward to hold his hand, "Don't worry, speak slowly."

Duan Ju came back to his senses, looked at the direction of the door, and lowered his voice: "Yes...how did you get in, they..."

Su Xin said: "Don't talk about this first, tell me everything you know. What's going on? Where are the guards? Where's Wang Yang?"

She also noticed the severed finger on the table just now, which was bloody and shocking.

Duan Ju led Su Xin into the bedroom, closed the door, and moved a little further away from the door, then said: "To be honest, I don't know where the two of them are now, but one thing I can be sure of is that they should really take I got the evidence of those people, the evidence that wiped them all out. Xiao Wei was caught by them, Xiao Wang..."

(End of this chapter)

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