her left eye is unusual

Chapter 368 This case is not simple

Chapter 368 This case is not simple

Su Xin nodded, just now she had seen the severed finger on the table, and also heard some fragments of the conversation between Duanju and the man in coat.

The question now was where the guards were most likely to be kept.

Bureau Duan continued: "The underground drug trade in City S has been repeatedly prohibited. There are also gangsters intervening in people's lives, openly collecting protection fees from ordinary business outlets, illegal gatherings, underground casinos, underground usury, etc. I received tips to attack them. From one den, more dens will pop up, each time only a few youngsters can be caught."

"We sent a dozen or so undercover agents before and after, but they were all brutally killed in the end." Duan Ju looked very sad: "This time, I heard from Xiao Wei that they have obtained tangible evidence of the entire gang, and they will definitely kill everyone. The whole pot was served, and he said that he was about to deliver it to me, and I told him to be careful. But less than two hours later, his phone was out of service area, and after more than three hours, I answered I got a call from a stranger and sent me a code, saying that the item was in Xiao Wang's place. It has been two or three days now, and I haven't heard from Xiao Wang again, but seeing how nervous they are, I think it didn't fall into their hands superior."

No news is the best news.

But what Su Xin thought in his heart was, for these insane people, what about the evidence?
Even if such a blatant intimidation is done, even if there is evidence, I am afraid that at the final sentencing trial, he will avoid the serious and ignore the trivial, and those gray things that have been done will be covered up.

"Today they sent me Xiaowei's finger and video. My phone was monitored again, so I sent you a message with a new number. I didn't expect you..."

I didn't expect the other party to come so soon, and to do so quietly.

Thinking of Wei Yan's unconditional trust in her before, it is not unreasonable.

After listening to Duan Ju's narration, Su Xin felt her heart twitch, dammit, she really wanted to kill someone.

Asked: "Who was that man in the coat just now? Who else is behind him?"

Duan Ju: "It was a former colleague of mine named A Dou who worked as an undercover agent for a period of time. After the case was solved, he quit his job and went into business."

Oh, it must have been assimilated.As for solving the case or something, just push someone out to replace the dead ghost.

"All I know now is that he is the owner of a private club, and everyone calls him Brother Dou. It seems that he is just a small character pointed out by the other party to ask for directions. The real person behind the scenes... I am afraid that I can only find out if I get the information. Yes. It is not easy for those people to make such a big commotion."

"By the way, is Wang Yang in contact with you? Can you roughly determine where he is hiding?"

Duan Ju shook his head: "Yesterday, I received a call from a stranger, who used a voice changer to talk about selling insurance, but I heard the faint knocking sound of Morse code. I heard that the other party meant to give me something. But at that time, I was already under surveillance, so I refused. I had no one to use, and the things fell into my hands, and they could just cause a car accident and fire to take them away. Presumably he also heard that I The meaning in the words, so I haven't contacted me for the past two days. Those people are insane and don't know what's going on with him. "

Su Xin hummed, that's true, even the police station dared to blow up, there is nothing else that can't be done.

Wang Yang's mind is very flexible, and he should have understood the meaning of Duan Ju, but now the rumors outside are very tight, and there are those people's eyes and ears everywhere, so I don't know if he can survive it.

With the means of the criminal group, it should be found that something is on him. He is the most dangerous right now.

If I can find him first, I can let him go to Ten Mile Lane to avoid it first.

Su Xin asked again: "By the way, can you now deduce where the guards are locked up?"

That's the most important thing.

Duan Ju shook his head: "I don't know. I had someone analyze the video. There is no noise, and the environment inside is absolutely closed. There is no clue, but it is still a clue. At least it can be judged that the surrounding environment is very quiet... Suburbs, or the basement."

Su Xin nodded, wrote down this information, and asked, "Any other clues?"

"By the way, we also found a person from the flashing shots in the video..."


"After technical analysis, it was a woman who was seriously injured in the corner of the room. After comparison, it seemed to be a reporter named... Yi Xiaorou."

It is not easy for the bureau to find out these valuable information under such circumstances.

Yi Xiaorou?
Su Xin was not very familiar with this person, but vaguely felt that he had seen it somewhere.

But why is a female reporter locked up in the same place as the guards?
"What's the relationship between them?"

Duan Ju didn't directly answer Su Xin's question, but said: "Xiao Wei is a special soldier. I know his skills very well. More than a dozen people can't get close to him, and his investigation and anti-reconnaissance capabilities are very strong. Originally, he was a criminal investigator. Captain, because he touched some people who shouldn't be touched, he was dismissed as an ordinary detective. No matter what he did, he had to go through the upper peak, so those people would not fall into the trap, but Xiaowei would never be able to accomplish anything again. A big case. This time I came to rectify and re-promoted him. Therefore, if he hadn't taken the initiative to go, it would be difficult for others to imprison him in one place."

"You mean that the female reporter may have a lot to do with this matter? It's even the factor that made the guards take the initiative to throw themselves into the trap?"

Su Xin followed the other party's train of thought to analyze, and said casually.

I didn't expect that such a cold, principled and bloody man would also have such a chivalrous and tender side.

Duan Ju was noncommittal to Su Xin's words, which is the most reasonable explanation so far.Otherwise, he could have obtained the information and handed it to himself, or at least he could hide outside and wait for an opportunity.

Su Xin has a general understanding of the situation, and Duan Ju's knowledge is very limited, and everything is restricted now, and it is impossible to send people to investigate.

Everyone in contact with Duanju will be targeted and harassed by those scoundrels... What a headache.

Before leaving, Su Xin thought about the tough attitude towards the person named Adou just now, and then thought about the power of the other party covering the sky with one hand, and felt that in the last resort, the attitude could be slightly relaxed, holding the other party, and giving They investigate to buy time.

So he said: "By the way, Duanju, it may take some time for us to go back and investigate, and we don't know what else those people will do. Anyway, the information is not in your hands now, you can try to hold them back, don't Provoked, so as not to cause more trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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