her left eye is unusual

Chapter 369 Investigation 1

Chapter 369 Investigation 1
Of course, Duan Ju understands this truth, and also understands the good intentions of the other party.

But... so what if you compromise?When is the compromise?Instead of bowing his head and begging for mercy, he firmly believed in the way of heaven.

"I understand. Be careful, they will do anything to control the situation."

Seeing that the other party was indifferent, Su Xin added worriedly: "By the way, just now I heard that A Dou mentioned your children and family members. If you have anything to do, please call me directly, or you can use Morse code." , I can understand a little now."

After such a long period of study, it is still very effective. Of course, if she knows it, others must know it too.But as ordinary people, there are only a few people who understand these things, so one can count as one.

Duan Ju sighed dejectedly, Youdao is that heroes are short of breath and their children are affectionate, no matter what kind of people they are, they have weaknesses.

"Okay, thank you."

"Take care of yourself, I'm leaving."

Duan Ju watched Su Xin disappear in front of him like that, and was slightly stunned for a moment, inexplicably, his heart felt a lot more stable.

Duan Ju opened the door, and immediately two young men in sleek clothes appeared outside, staring at Duan Ju straightly, showing no sign of shyness.

Duan Ju stood at the door and snorted, then closed the door with a "bang".

And Su Xin took this opportunity to slip out.

This case was a bit complicated, and she couldn't find the direction to attack at all, so she rushed back to Shili Lane non-stop to meet Shi Feng and Mo Li, and analyzed the information she got from Duan Bureau.

There are three clues: Wei Yan, Wang Yang, and the injured woman who inexplicably appeared in the video: Yi Xiaorou.

Su Xin felt that the three of them acted separately, each following a clue, and the speed was a little faster.

Mo Li said: "I think it's better to act together, because the time is limited, we can't use the normal channels to ask, we can only read through the mind."

Well, that makes sense.

Su Xin thought, yes.Although I can go to many places, even if I can get in touch with those people and judge whether the other party is lying, it is useless.

She couldn't read the other party's real memory at all.

But Mo Li can do it.

So he nodded, turned his head and asked Shi Feng: "Boss, what do you mean?"

Shi Feng looked at Su Xin, then at Mo Li with a smile on his face, for some reason, he always felt something panicked in his heart.

Mo Li's proposal is undoubtedly very reasonable, but...

"Since Mr. Mo is sure, let's do it."

Mo Li rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Mr. Cheng is too formal, we are so familiar, you can call me Mo Mo."

Shi Feng coughed and raised his voice: "Why don't you call him Xiao Momo, it's more intimate."

The smile on Mo Li's face did not diminish, and he followed the other party's words: "I will never mind if you call me that."

Shi Feng snorted, and rushed out with his bag, Mo Li followed closely behind.

Su Xin walked behind and turned off the power.

The three of them started their investigation from the clue of Yi Xiaorou, because the social relationship between Wei Yan and Wang Yang was relatively simple, except for colleagues and neighbors.

Most of my colleagues are now threatened by that force and dare not take the lead. If they ask now, it is tantamount to scaring the snake away.

As for the neighbors, they all live in small apartments, and many of them have lived for several years and still can't name them.

Relatively speaking, Yi Xiaorou's social relationship is more complicated, and someone may know more information, such as when she disappeared, the approximate location, and so on.

Their method of inquiry is very simple. They directly take a photo of Yi Xiaorou or say the name of "Yi Xiaorou". If it is someone who is familiar with her, the memory fragments related to her will instinctively emerge in their minds.

Mo Li, who was beside him, took the opportunity to read out these memory fragments.

Mo Li also benefited a lot from the "chessboard" last time, and his abilities have improved a lot. Now he wants to test his own strength.

It's more powerful than he imagined... He found that not only can he directly read the other party's memory, the speed is much faster than before, but he can also enter the other party's consciousness!
This feeling is simply wonderful!
But he still felt dissatisfied. It was too slow to read only one person at a time. It would be great if he could read more people's memories at the same time.

With a thought, he found that no matter how expanded his sea of ​​consciousness was, it enveloped all the people within a five-meter diameter around him.

Their consciousness fluctuates like strange pictures with numbers that are constantly beating.

When his own thoughts point to a certain picture, it will become clear, and it will slow down or speed up according to his thoughts, and the information inside will become thin threads, entering into his sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, the originally empty sea of ​​consciousness also undergoes earth-shaking changes. The silk threads that have been collected are automatically disassembled and reorganized to become a complete piece of information.

A word popped up in Mo Li's mind - spiritual realm!
That's right, this is his spiritual realm, a spiritual space completely under his control.

There is nothing wrong with withdrawing from the spiritual realm with a thought, except for feeling a little tired.

After all, if you want to release such a powerful field, you need to consume a lot of energy.

Mo Li's eyes were shining when he looked at Su Xin, and he was even more convinced that following her was the real guide of his abilities.

Think about how within two months since I joined this detective agency, I have changed from a person with marginal abilities to a full-fledged person with abilities, and then advanced to have my own spiritual realm... This is something that I never dared to dream of before .

Because Mo Li's efficiency was unprecedentedly high, the three of them spent half a day "contacting" all the people related to Yi Xiaorou, and completely grasped all the information.

Sitting back in the car, Shi Feng drove to investigate Wei Yan.

On the way, Mo Li began to share the information he had compiled with the two of them.

Yi Xiaorou, 28 years old, is a reporter from News Daily. Her mother is the eldest daughter of a certain group company, and her father used to be the bureau chief of a certain agency. Three months ago, she was investigated because of an anonymous report.

A short life can be called ups and downs:
Her parents were in a political marriage, and her mother had a strong family background. She helped her father pave the way for her official career, from a small deputy cadre to the top position.

Later, the mother's family fell into a trough because of the wrong investment direction, and family conflicts escalated one after another.

Originally, the marriage was tied together because of interests. Both of them had very strong personalities and would not back down from each other.The mother wants the father to use some means to fight for greater benefits for them. The father feels that there is no need for support at this time, and at the beginning he felt that relying on women to be superior had become a knot in his heart, and he wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of it.

Even if she died, her staunch mother didn't want to bear the name of divorce and shame her parents, so she committed suicide by swallowing sleeping pills when Yi Xiaorou was 12 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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