her left eye is unusual

Chapter 373 Is it difficult to say a word of worry?

Chapter 373 Is It Difficult To Say One Word Of Restlessness?
"Boom, boom—"

"Say it or not, say it or not..."

The field mouse went into battle in person and beat Wei Yan's abdomen fiercely.

The things haven't fallen yet, so we can only find a breakthrough from him.

His glory and promotion depend on his performance this time, so he is crazier than anyone else.

Wei Yan's body was hung on a thin rope, and he swung around every time he was beaten. His body was bruised and bloodstained, and his hands were completely purple-black.

He didn't even groan, if he suffered like this, he might be completely wiped out with his last breath.

It's not that they don't care about this life, but because all the focus is on Wei Yan now, and they have to ask him about the whereabouts of the information, or Wang Yang's whereabouts.

If they kill someone now, the higher ups will definitely not let them go.

Several younger brothers hurried forward to grab the field mouse: "Brother Mouse, don't hit it, you will die if you keep hitting it. For two whole days, I'm hanging around without eating or drinking, I'm afraid..."

The field mouse suddenly turned its head to look at him, and said sullenly, "Could it be that you have moved your heart towards him?"

The man quickly explained: "No, it's not Brother Shu. He once arrested my brother and sent my brother to jail for several years. I wish he would die. The problem now is what if he really dies? Confess to the superior..."

The other quickly suggested: "Yeah, brother Shu, I think this man is not afraid of death. But people have weaknesses, he cares so much about this woman, why not wake him up and let him watch and torture this woman?" .”

The vole was already in a very depressed mood. Hearing what the man said, he slapped him with his hands and shouted: "Shut up, go, call two people down from above to show him, hang his life first, and get rid of it!" Wake up and talk."

That woman's soul was taken away by the people brought by Zuo Tian, ​​and now she is just an empty skin, if she moves her body a little, she will die completely.

Brother Tian explained at the time that he wanted to use this woman to restrain Wei Yan.Otherwise, when this woman died, Wei Yan would have been determined to die, and he might not be able to endure their beatings long ago.

The man covered his face, promised again and again and ran out.

Soon, two people in white coats came down to diagnose Wei Yan.

After a few doses of injections, he said: "The viscera are damaged, I'm afraid it won't last long, and this hand, if it is not treated in time, it will really be useless..."

The field mouse waved the two of them out.

So what if it won't last long, anyway, I don't want him to get out alive.As for this hand, if it is abolished, it will be abolished.

At the beginning, he was so majestic, he dared to break in alone, and hurt many of his brothers, he just treated them as a display.

For this reason, the boss also reprimanded them, saying that so many people can't deal with each other, and they are all idiots.

This account hasn't been settled for him yet, if it wasn't for saving his life and wanting him to tell the news, he would have been tortured to death long ago!

Wei Yan woke up slowly, his body was extremely heavy, and all the places he could feel were painless.

Hearing the sharp scolding, he tried hard to open his eyes, and instinctively looked to the left...


Inexplicably, there was a trace of warmth and softness in my heart.


A basin of cold water was poured on his head.

Wei Yan shuddered, and all the wounds on his body felt irritating pain, and he felt that his consciousness became clearer.

"Look who they are? Tsk tsk, they will definitely regret having such a rebellious and unfilial son like you, and they will be troubled by you when they are old..."

Responding to the dark and mocking voice of the field mouse, Wei Yan's head was grabbed by his hair with one hand, and he was forced to look up and look forward.

Through the glass house, there are two loving old men.

They sat on the chairs blankly, looking at each other.

Although the two elders of the Wei family were somewhat puzzled, how could their son ask someone to bring them to this place.

But they never expected that this turned out to be a trap that others had set for them long ago.

He looked cautiously at the young man who was playing with a knife beside him: "Well, young man, where is Xiao Wei? Didn't you mean..."

The young man glanced at the two elders, sneered, and taunted: "Your son committed a crime, which caused all of us to be implicated. If you want to blame, blame your son..."

The two elders immediately became nervous, "Xiaowei, what did he do? He..."

Another young man glared at the young man, and then said, "Just sit here for a while, and you will see your son after a while."

The two elders didn't know that the wall in front of them was one-way visible, and their every move and even the voice of their words here reached Wei Yan's ears exactly.

Wei Yan struggled and stared at the field mouse: "What on earth do you want? They are innocent, you, you will be punished..."

"Haha, retribution? This is the first time I've heard jc say retribution. Shouldn't you say that we will be punished by law?" The field mouse laughed.

There were teardrops in Wei Yan's eyes, which rolled down mixed with blood.

It is true that he has implicated them and worked hard all his life, but in the end he ended up like this.

"Their ending depends on your choice, it depends on how you repay your parents for their upbringing. Tell me, where is Wang Yang most likely hiding?"

Wei Yan clenched his teeth, his gums were bleeding, no, no...

The field mouse made a gesture.

On the other side, the two people standing beside the two elders of the Wei family stepped forward, grabbed a towel and stuffed their mouths, and then covered their heads with a black cloth bag.

He picked up an iron rod and waited for the order.

Do not--

Wei Yan let out a roar like a beast, why did this happen.

"No, right..."


Several people returned to the room, and while resting and eating to replenish their energy, Mo Li spoke out the information he had just collected.

"Yuxin Pharmaceutical Factory?" Shi Feng repeated.

Mo Li nodded, "Well, according to the information I found from their memory, Wei Yan was imprisoned there. But..."

"But what?" Su Xin asked immediately.

Mo Li: "One of them has information about supernatural beings in their memory, but his information is very vague, so they don't know the strength of the other party."

Su Xin had already put on his backpack, "I'll go find out first, and if the guards are really inside, I'll let you know."

Shi Feng grabbed her arm, "No, you can't go this time, Mo Mo and I will go, and you will be outside."

Su Xin stretched out his hand to wipe away the other party's hand, and said, "I was discovered before I went in, so are you planning to go in directly? Then let others have time to negotiate with you with the hostages, are you going to capture them without a fight or ignore the safety of the hostages? "

Shi Feng still persisted, and his attitude was very firm: "Then go together..."

Su Xin didn't understand why the boss became so obsessed this time, and when he was about to refute, Mo Li gave Su Xin a meaningful look, then patted Shi Feng on the shoulder, sighed and said, "You said something because you really Don't worry, is it difficult?"

(End of this chapter)

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