Chapter 374 (addition for Yuege 0925 rudder master)

Shi Feng has his own pride and principles. He admitted that he asked to go in together because he was worried.

He believed in Su Xin's abilities, but to be honest, her physical fitness was too poor.

What's more, knowing that the other party also has supernatural powers this time, if the other party takes the lead, wouldn't he just be beaten there passively?
If he was here, at least he could protect her well.

But at this moment when Mo Li said this, Shi Feng looked a little worried.

Justified: "We are a team, either go together, or think of other ways!"

Last time, Su Xin made it very clear that at this stage, at least until the supernatural power is completed, the matter of men and women will not be considered.

Later, he thought about it carefully and felt that the other party was really thoughtful.

First of all, although the two have experienced many things in the past few months, and their thoughts and actions are very compatible, after all, the time is too short to understand enough.

Secondly, both of them now have supernatural powers and have entered a completely different world. The road ahead is doomed to be bumpy.Before you are strong enough and have the power to protect yourself, think about those who are in love, why do you say love, and what to use to protect each other?In this way, it seems too impetuous, and it is also an expression of irresponsibility for each other's feelings.

Furthermore, he also likes the current cooperation and tacit understanding, and doesn't want to be broken.

Therefore, when Mo Li intentionally pierced the window paper, he realized that the two of them knew better than anyone else. It wasn't that they didn't know, but they didn't think about it at all.

Mo Li thought so clearly, he immediately understood that the sympathy between the two was deeper than he imagined.

So he quickly responded to Shi Feng's words: "Boss Shi is right, we are a team, if you insist on going alone, it is really not good."

After weighing, Su Xin compromised.

Saving people is the most important thing, so he said: "Okay, here are two invisibility talisman jades, which can last for several hours."

Now let them sneak in directly, and they will be found within five steps.

It is also difficult for them to find another identity to mix in. The most important thing is that time is not allowed, so it is better to give them the invisibility talisman jade.

Originally, the talismans were very precious, and I gave the two of them a few defensive talismans because they were necessary.

But the invisibility talisman is relatively unnecessary, and...she doesn't have a few of them, so she can't empty out her old self.No matter how urgent it is, it is still clear which is more important.

Mo Li and Shi Feng held the jade in their hands, their eyes glistening.

It turns out that she was able to come and go freely in those places because of this?
The two couldn't help but set off a huge wave in their hearts, my God, with this invisibility talisman, wouldn't everything they do in the world not be discovered?

Murder and arson, theft, robbery... no one can catch them.

No wonder there is no invisibility talisman even on the website that sells talismans, not only because of its high value, but also because this thing is so against the heavens, the special case team will never allow this thing to spread in society. disaster.

The two of them calmed down after a while, and couldn't help but think of Su Xin.

She is the one who owns and can make such a heaven-defying talisman, but she didn't use it to do those things, and, if she didn't take it out now, they wouldn't even know that she already had such a means.

Unknowingly, the image of Su Xin in the hearts of the two became taller.

At this time, Su Xin was only thinking about saving people as soon as possible... If she was too late, she would really lose her finger!I didn't even think about the thoughts of these two people.

Su Xin helped the two activate the jade talisman, and the figures of the two slowly faded away in the air.

It is invisible to the naked eye, but because the jade talisman was made by Su Xin herself, she can still sense the location of the two of them.


Fortunately, the Yuxin Pharmaceutical Factory was not far from the hotel, so the three of them came out of the hotel in stealth, and trotted all the way to the outside of the fence.

Su Xin couldn't help but think of the experience of her and Shi Feng climbing over the wall half a year ago.

Thinking about it now, I am very emotional.Now she no longer needs Xiao Tao to waste energy hiding her figure, because she can already draw the invisibility talisman by herself.

This night, apart from taking a short break to replenish some food, she has been running all the time, and just barely kept up with the deliberately slow running of the two.

When she arrived, the two of them had already set up a ladder underneath, and she stepped on it without stopping, and with the thrust from her feet, she climbed up the wall.

Just as she was about to jump off the nearly three-meter-high wall, Shi Feng climbed onto the wall, fell to the ground very nimbly, and then came to Su Xin.

Shi Feng's current ability is perception, so he knows Su Xin's current position.

So Su Xin was easily caught by him when he jumped, buffering the force of the fall, and then gently lowered to the ground.

Because of the invisibility talisman, the three of them can sense each other's existence at close range. If they are separated, it may be difficult to know each other's situation or find each other in this huge factory building.

So we still act together.

According to the previous experience, this time Su Xin and Shi Feng went directly to the power distribution room at the back.

After looking for it, I found that there are several power distribution cabinets inside.

It appears that the basement was built elsewhere.

But a pharmaceutical factory is no different than a feed factory. In addition to the processing area, there is also a drug testing and development area.All places here need to go through layers of disinfection before entering.

The three of them looked at each other, completely clueless.

Su Xin had to ask Xiao Tao: "Have you sensed anything here?"

Xiao Tao replied bluntly: "No...well, wait a minute..."


"It's even more strange that nothing is sensed, as if the air has been deliberately cleaned."

Su Xin also feels this way, but now the problem is to find the place where Wei Yan and the others are held.

Mo Li already knew from those people's memories that Wei Yan was indeed in Yuxin Pharmaceutical Factory.It's a pity that those people are all pointing fingers, they haven't been here in person, so Mo Li can't know the exact location.

Since I have no breakthrough at all, I can only start from the people here.

As before, let Mo Li steal their conscious memories.

After Mo Li read the memories of several security personnel at close range, he took the lead and walked in one direction, Su Xin and Shi Feng quickly followed.

Is it an office building?
This was somewhat unexpected, but they did not have any doubts about Mo Li's judgment.

Just when the three of them walked in "swaggeringly", they met a group of people coming out of it.

A middle-aged man in a long coat with a collar standing up gave serious instructions to a man in a jacket next to him, and then left with a group of bodyguards.

Just when a group of people passed in front of the three of Su Xin, a long-haired man walking in the middle suddenly turned his head and glanced in the direction where the three were standing.

 Thank you Yuegejun for your support and love. Pepper will continue to work hard to update the codewords. I wish you peace and prosperity!
  Thank you Lois·W, Fu Xiao, Naughty Mouse, rtjhrsdgvsdv, Lan Yaer, crossrain200 for your support, thank you to all the friends who cast valuable votes, thank you very much, every click and every bit of support is great for chili With the encouragement and motivation, Chili will work harder to update the code words. If you have any comments and suggestions, please tell Chili, Chili will definitely work hard to improve!
(End of this chapter)

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