her left eye is unusual

Chapter 375 I Want to Kill Too Much!

Chapter 375 I Want to Kill Too Much!

stranger? !

Could it be him that the supernatural being that Mo Li searched from the memories of those people earlier?
It seems that the energy fluctuations are very ordinary, but I don't know if it will be like those people I met a few times ago. Although the cultivation base is very ordinary, but the methods are endless and very sinister.

"What's the matter?" The middle-aged man saw the long-haired man's movements and asked slightly tilting his head.

This long-haired man is Mr. Huai who searched Yi Xiaorou's soul last time. He almost messed up last time, so he didn't want to take this business again. However, the organization was caught in the war in the northwest, and there was no way to get another one. Many hands come.

This time Jiang Jin took the initiative to invite him to come and see him no matter what, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and come.

Mr. Huai came back to his senses, subconsciously shook his head, and replied, "Nothing?"

Jiang Jin also turned his head and glanced in the direction Mr. Huai was looking at just now... There is nothing wrong with a huge vase nearly two meters high.

Jiang Jin thought about what happened in the basement just now, and asked again: "Mr. Huai, can you think of a way? Now the top is pressing hard, all the brothers have been sent out, and there is still nothing whereabouts..."

Mr. Huai: "That man's mental power is too strong, even if he is searched for his soul, he can't find any memories."

Jiang Jin frowned, took a deep breath, turned around and shouted to the man in the jacket who watched them leave respectfully: "Vole, no matter what method you use, be sure to pry his mouth open!"

The field mouse suddenly felt a shock.

Is this the boss directly ordering him to do something?

It seems that my promotion and the days of calling the wind and rain are just around the corner, so I hurriedly responded: "Yes, big brother!"

Watching the limousine drive away slowly, Vole turned his head and yelled at the younger brothers, "Didn't you hear the boss's order? Go, get ready for me, I will let him know, it's in the hands of Vole!" fate!"

Su Xin really wanted to get rid of that man directly, but there are more than a dozen people here, all of whom have weapons.

If they can't subdue them all in an instant, there will be a lot of hidden dangers.

Forget it, the top priority is to find the guards before it's too late.

At this time, Mo Li gestured to the two of them, and pointed to the inside of the building.

The three followed behind the man named Vole.

Vole enters the office building, turns a few turns, and ends up in a downward staircase...md, the basement again.

Su Xin now has a psychological shadow on the basement.

A long corridor connects the rooms one by one.

There are sections of fluorescent tubes embedded on the top of the corridor, which are brightly lit.

Looking through the glass window, Su Xin found that there were rows of workbenches with all kinds of glassware on them, just like reading and taking chemistry experiment classes.

Some people in protective suits and gas masks were working inside, and they were... making dupes? !

Su Xin clenched her fist subconsciously... At this moment, a powerful big hand grabbed her hand, and there was a warm and steady force.

Su Xin nodded. She was just a little emotional just now, and she knew the main purpose of this trip very well, and she would not get confused.

The field mouse walked very quickly, cursing as he walked.

There is another layer of space below.

This is exactly the layout of an interrogation room, with complete facilities. It should be that several underground floors were planned at the same time when it was first built.

Su Xin and the others followed the field mouse into a room where two old men were locked up, their heads covered with black cloth belts, and they were escorted by two young men to kneel on the ground, facing the front glass wall.

Seeing the field mouse coming, the young man quickly shouted obsequiously: "Brother Mouse..."

The field mouse said: "These two old things are useless, and they will obey my orders later... come one by one, understand?"

After finishing speaking, he cursed in a low voice: "Md, fight against my field mouse, whoever dares to spoil my good deed, I will make him regret coming to this world!"

The two promised repeatedly, and when the voles left, they yelled cursingly: "Md, I've been guarding these two old things for the past two days, it's really f*cking annoying, and it makes Liz not play for a few days and women are high."

"That's right, it's annoying to see these old things. Will I do this first or this?"

"Well, she was the one who talked the most yesterday..."

When the two of them were talking, they suddenly felt their heads twisting uncontrollably, and there was a click, and it was twisted abruptly.

Not even the last scream.

Shi Feng and Mo Li each solved one in less than a second.

Then drag the two of them to a slightly more hidden place next to it, at least to prevent people from discovering the abnormality so quickly.

As for the two old men, they have no intention of tearing off the black cloth bags on their heads and the cotton towels in their mouths.

One is that if they make some noise now, more people may be attracted; the other is that it is not good for them to see what will happen later.

When Shi Feng and the two were dealing with the two gangsters, Su Xin followed the field mouse to another room.

The ground was wet and covered with blood, and there was a pungent smell.

The three young men were fighting the landlord lively beside them.

The voles walked in, and a few young men called "Brother Mouse" flatteringly.

The field mouse was about to give Wei Yan a strong medicine just now, but was called out by Zuo Tian.

Listening to their tone, it seems that the situation has become more serious.Wait for the special case team to slow down, get the information, and follow the instructions above, none of them can escape!
So now continue the interrogation, even if he smashes his bones bit by bit, he must be interrogated.

He came to Wei Yan, cursed in a low voice, took a deep breath, exhaled a large smoke ring, and threw the cigarette butt on the ground.

Then he brought a bucket of cold water from the side and poured it on Wei Yan who was unconscious.

A few punks next to him were startled by the movement, and looked at each other when they saw the field mouse's movements, and one of them couldn't help but said: "That mouse brother, those pharmacists just said that he can't bear it anymore, if he dies... "

The field mouse rushed over, grabbed the man's collar with a ferocious expression, and raised it all at once, "What the hell do you know? If he doesn't tell the whereabouts of the things all the time, wait for the people above them to relax. Turn the spearhead directly at us, all of us have only one end, and that is death! Now whether he dies or us die, don't you think about it with your dog heads?"

The man was frightened, his body couldn't help shaking, and he repeatedly begged for forgiveness, "I'm sorry, Brother Mouse, I, I..."

The two people next to him also hurriedly made a rescue.

The field mouse slammed the man on the ground and snorted coldly.

He turned his head and gestured to the direction of the two old men who were locked up next door... let him watch his parents being beaten to death in front of his own eyes...

I can't believe that his heart is so cold-blooded and ruthless that he doesn't even care about his own parents!
——A man was hanging in the middle of the room, he was dying at this time, all the strength of his body fell on his arms, and he was hanging from the thin rope hanging from the roof with his back cut.

In one corner of the room lay a woman...

Both of them were smeared with blood, and they couldn't see their original appearance at all.

But this scene is very consistent with what Duan Ju said, it should be Wei Yan and Yi Xiaorou.

In an instant, Su Xin felt his blood rushing to his brain.

The person I respect so much is tormented like this, md, I really want to kill someone!

(End of this chapter)

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