Chapter 376

The field mouse yelled into the microphone and asked the people in the next room to kill the two old things.

But just when he turned his head, he found that his sight was empty, and the man who was supposed to be hanging in mid-air was lying on the ground, twitching slightly.

The vole suddenly became angry, this damned man really pretended to be dead there!Played them all.

Thinking that the rope was not strong, he casually picked up a whip with thorns from the side, and was about to step forward to torture him again.

Unexpectedly, just after taking two steps, I suddenly felt that my feet were empty, and my body instinctively fell forward.

Looking down, he found that his legs were still intact at the knees, but his upper body fell to the ground involuntarily.


The field mouse wailed like a pig, and blood spurted from the severed limb like a fountain.

Sprayed the other three people in the face.

They were stunned in place, and it took a while to come back to their senses, uttering strange screams, and rushed to the door.

But before I knew it, the door was closed.

Shi Feng and Mo Li happened to follow, one closed the door and the other stood guard outside.

The person who ran at the front felt a chill on his neck, like a high-pressure water pipe that had been cut, and blood spattered out.

The other two sensed that something was wrong, and looked around in horror. There was nothing but the twitching companion who fell on the ground.

But soon, they also got the same end.

Ah—ah—the screams continued, Su Xin felt inexplicably harsh, and the blade slashed across, directly cutting off the man's jaw.


Well, the sound is finally not so harsh.

Shi Feng watched the dying person on the ground writhing and howling in the puddle of blood dripping from his body, he knew that she did it on purpose.

She could kill this man with a single blow, but no, she just wanted him to suffer and die!
If Wei Yan had used such harsh methods at the beginning, he might not have ended up like this.

It can be seen that many people really don't deserve kindness and pity, so they have to use thunderous means.

Su Xin cut off the rope on Wei Yan's wrist...

The rope has been deeply embedded in the flesh, and the hands are black and purple, showing signs of necrosis. I don't know if I can keep it.

She can only cut it off carefully, and the rest can only be handed over to the doctor for surgery...

Su Xin came to the woman in the corner, Yi Xiaorou.

Her injuries are not much better than Wei Yan's. A woman can endure such great pain without giving in. What a firm belief she must have!

Yi Xiaorou's vital signs are also very weak now, but what makes Su Xin even more heartbroken is that her soul was forcibly taken away!

Su Xin: "Little Tao, can you sense that her soul is still there?"

Xiaotao: "Yes, it's still there, but..."

"You mean you have already been practiced?"

Xiao Tao: "No, I mean her soul is still there, I can sense it. But don't you think all of this is very strange. They have so much energy, they can threaten everyone, and they can do such things in broad daylight. There are many things but no one reports. Since they have already locked the target, then this woman is not important to them. What do you think is the reason for pulling the soul but not killing her?"


After being analyzed by Xiao Tao, Su Xin also calmed down.It seems that not only a person with supernatural powers intervened in this case, but also the relationship behind it is intricate and not simple.

But since I have already done it now, there is no reason to give up halfway.

Both of them had to be rescued.

But the premise is that all obstacles here must be cleared, everyone here, whoever blocks, kill!

In fact, no one was wronged by killing them all.

"Not good, dead..."

A voice came from outside the passage. It seemed that the two people they killed just now had been discovered.

Before the man could utter his words, he stopped abruptly.

Mo Li slashed the back of his neck with a knife.

At this moment, a wind blade slashed across the man's neck, and a hole was opened in his neck, and blood gushed out.

Mo Li subconsciously looked in Su Xin's direction, he knew she did it.This method... No wonder Shi Feng also directly kills.I just want to kill a few more, so as not to get more blood on her hands.

This idea may be a bit ridiculous, but this kind of concern emanating from the subconscious is more pure.

Well, these people are really hard to deal with.

He is an accomplice on the surface, but in fact he does not know that he has done evil things.

Mo Li only subconsciously let go of his spiritual realm, and immediately closed it.

Md, what's going on in these people's heads.

Apart from mobbing and promiscuity, drug use and fights...

Fuck the law of tm, even if all these evidences are brought out, it is not enough for a "death penalty", kill it!
Su Xin saw that Shi Feng and Mo Li had now completely turned into two gods of death, killing all the people wielding machetes and electric shock batons...they would never encounter such a good thing as they did with Wei Yan last time .

No longer will they be left with a chance to breathe, so die!
Su Xin felt that there was absolutely no place for her to show her strength now, and the timing was about the same, so she was going to make an emergency call.

With his arrangement over there, it should be cleared up here too.

Su Xin picked up a mobile phone at random, grabbed the other party's fingerprints for verification, first called the police and emergency numbers, and briefly described the injuries of the two.

Then he called Duan Bureau again and briefly explained Wei Yan's situation.

There are many things here that I am afraid that he needs to sit in the town himself.

Shi Feng and Mo Li got rid of everyone on this floor and went to the upper floor.

In addition to the ones being made, there are several rooms where human organ extractions are taking place...

Taking advantage of the fact that jc hasn't come yet, they all click.

Killed from below to the office building above...not one of them was spared!
It had been more than half an hour since Su Xin made the phone call before he heard the siren sound of "Woo-oo-ooo--" coming slowly.

Su Xin put all the souls of all people into the Lingyan, and let the little Tao search for the souls and extract useful information.

It's like being trapped on the chessboard and harvesting one by one, there is no pressure at all.

After doing this, the three of Su Xin came outside.

I really saw Duan Ju jumping out of a police car...

The entire factory area was empty and silent, only the cold lights were on.

Send several teams of jc to guard the gate and search...

The ambulance also stopped nearby, and a man in winter clothes walked to Duanju.Probably asking where the wounded were.

Su Xin came to the side of Duan Ju silently, Duan Ju was aware of it, only paused for a moment, did not make any abnormal movements, and quietly listened to Su Xin's words.

Duan Juxin immediately calmed down, and then rushed towards the office building with the ambulance crew.

The three of Su Xin left the factory area and guarded outside separately.

Such a big incident happened here, I am sure the other party will send someone here soon, and then...

A net is exhausted!
(End of this chapter)

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