her left eye is unusual

Chapter 377 Saving People——

Chapter 377 Saving People——

This time, if Suxin hadn't called Duan Ju directly, and Duan Ju would have hosted it himself, let alone half an hour, it might not be possible to arrive in half a day.

In fact, less than 2 minutes after calling the police, the inner ghost over there told Jiang Jin.

Although Jiang Jin was very puzzled that he had just left, how could something happen suddenly, but at the same time, he still asked them to press the matter temporarily, and all the people waiting for them arrived.

For the policemen in charge of this area, it is just a little late to dispatch the police, and it is very late at night, which is completely excusable.

What I never expected was that they had already pressed the matter, but somehow it was reported to the City Bureau, and the Duan Bureau took over the matter in person, and then directly mobilized people to come.

Even if they wanted to intervene again, such as entering the factory area to check the situation, they were all isolated and ordered to leave, otherwise their jobs would be lost.

Duan Bureau is the head of the entire city police station, and those people can't stop them even if they want to.

As for those eyeliners who have been guarding around Duan Ju's house, they are just watching, and the incident happened suddenly, before they could react, Duan Ju had already started to act.

When Duan Ju walked into this underground world, he realized what Su Xin said to him just now, and the last sentence "You decide how to deal with it yourself, we have already mastered all the information about the people here."

Even if the psychological construction has been done;

Even he can be regarded as a person who has experienced great storms;
But the scene in front of him still made him feel incomparably...shocked.

It can be said that there are corpses all over the place, blood splattered everywhere, and even the air is filled with a wet, greasy smell of blood.

Fortunately, the people who were able to bring this time were all promoted after he was purged, and they were trustworthy and capable officers.

Fortunately, just now he has ordered people to remove all the hard drives of the surveillance video here, and strictly control all the people entering and leaving.

And the doctor who came this time was also Tang Mingsheng who personally helped him take Wei Yan's finger to protect him in the morning.

The two were also a fateful friendship, otherwise Tang Mingsheng wouldn't have been willing to help Duanju deal with the severed finger at the cusp of this crisis.

But this time, when Duanju received Su Xin's call, when Wei Yan and Yi Xiaorou were in a very bad situation, the first thing that came to mind was to let Tang Mingsheng, who had decades of experience and noble medical ethics, go out.

And Tang Mingsheng didn't hesitate, grabbed his clothes, and called a few of his trusted disciples to rush over.

So, everything is under control.

Duan Ju's body couldn't help trembling slightly, he reached out and grabbed Tang Mingsheng's hand, and said heavily, "This time, please."

Tang Mingsheng clasped back vigorously, and said in a low voice, "I understand."

Tang Mingsheng, as a well-known leading physician, faced the patients on the operating table only if he was calm enough to perform the knife accurately. Facing the open internal organs, the blood soaring out and seeing the blood on the dinner plate Steak with a trace of blood is almost the same.

But facing all this in front of him, it was like entering hell.

He stood at the entrance of the underground passage, and said to the white coats behind him, "You all wait here, Xiaohe Xiaoli, come in with me."

These few are his disciples, and they are trustworthy, but still only pick two out of them, and they still need to be able to bear their hearts.

Duan Ju had already walked to the front and went straight to the second basement floor.

There are almost the same rooms on both sides of the passage, and he really heard the faint ringtone of the mobile phone...

Finally found Wei Yan.

Wei Yan woke up tenaciously at this moment, and was struggling little by little to crawl towards Yi Xiaorou.

He hates himself for being cowardly. If, if he had shown his heart to her earlier, if he had taken the initiative, he would have known about her earlier, and she would not have had to face and suffer such pain alone...

Duan Ju hurried over and carried Wei Yan onto the stretcher with Tang Mingsheng.

At this moment, all Wei Yan's consciousness is left is that bright figure, and his hand just keeps stretching in that direction...

Tang Mingsheng did it himself, quickly put on Wei Yan's oxygen mask and infusion tube, and then asked Duan Ju to hold the infusion stand, and they rushed towards the ground.

Put the person at the entrance of the aisle, let several other white coats carry it to the ambulance, and then ran in with an empty stretcher to continue moving people.

And Tang Mingsheng used this time to give Yi Xiaorou a preliminary examination. It was a miracle that he was still breathing after suffering such a serious injury.

He has put on an oxygen mask for her and inserted an infusion tube...

Su Xin said just now that there are only these two people who need and deserve treatment here, so Duan Ju asked the three to leave, and went to another room by himself, and he really saw the old man with his hands and feet tied and wearing a black cloth bag.

They had been whimpering and wriggling when they heard movement.

There are still two people lying on the ground next to them, and they are still holding shovels in their hands...

Duan Ju untied the ropes on the two feet, and saw that they could still move freely, so he helped them up one by one.

Without taking off the cotton towel in his mouth, let alone the hood, he told them that it was the police who came to rescue them, and he just let them go with him at ease.

The two elders whined, but they couldn't see or speak, but hearing each other's voice was not like those people's, which made people feel at ease and trust inexplicably, so they were supported by Duan Ju and walked out bit by bit .

They were handed over to two policemen to help them into the police car, and then they untied the ropes on their hands, the hoods and the cotton towels in their mouths.

Although the two elders of the Wei family didn't see anything inside, they still heard something.

Thinking of his son, he asked very worriedly, but the policeman could only patiently explain to them that there were traffickers pretending to be the guards.The guards have gone on a mission, and they won't be back until two days later. When they come back, they will be notified as soon as possible.

Only then did the two elders calm down a little bit, and they were too tired, so they relaxed and fell into a deep sleep.

The basement floor is basically where this place is used to detain organ donors, interrogate them, and so on.

The upper layer is the research and development and production of the drug...

In addition to being produced, the finished product warehouse inside faces dozens of tons of drug raw materials, as well as several tons of finished new drugs...

It turned out that the real evil intentions were hidden under the leading enterprises in S City.

Duan Ju looked at everything in front of him, supported the wall next to him, and it took him a while to recover.

Such a huge drug production and trafficking den;

Such a huge underground human organ trading place;

Also, hundreds of lives were lost overnight...

Anything here, leaked casually, will cause great panic in the society.

And the most important point, just now Suxin told him that they already have all the information here.

Therefore, there is no need to preserve evidence for these.

and so……

After weighing, let people get local materials, use the chemicals in the laboratory to directly destroy all the drugs, and then plant high explosives.

(End of this chapter)

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