Chapter 378
Let's say that Jiangjin had just finished "inspecting" the Yuxin Pharmaceutical Factory, and before he had time to enjoy the gentle countryside, he received a call from a secret line in the police.

Jiang Jin was depressed, he had just left, everything was normal, why did something happen all of a sudden?

Could it be that those old things are tossing something again?

But it shouldn't be, if something happens, the people inside should notify him as soon as possible...

Who dared to call the police?If he finds out whoever doesn't have a good eye and dares to poke a basket at the factory, not only will he be unable to eat, but he will also be buried with his whole family!

Jiang Jin kept asking what happened, but the other party couldn't tell.

So he ordered the other party to temporarily suppress the case, and wait for him to find out what happened before making any plans.

While asking the other party to pass the alarm phone number and recording to him.

The phone number was quickly found out, and it was the little boss who worked as a bodyguard in the factory.

But the recording of the phone call... It's just like holding your nose, not like that little boss.

It only said that the security guards in the Yuxin pharmaceutical factory fought with each other and killed people.

Hmph, those who go to TM fight each other, and the people inside are all carefully selected by him.It is absolutely impossible to rebel inside, so someone must be deliberately provoking and framing!

Could it be that someone discovered what was inside and wanted to expose it with the help of jc?
Thinking of this, Jiang Jin smiled coldly.

It is naive of this person to want to harm them in this way.

Doesn't he know that if he wants to gain a firm foothold in a place, the most important task is to get rid of all the underworld and white ways in that place?
But no matter what, if there is an accident in the factory, it will be bad if something happens.

Jiang Jin hurriedly called several persons in charge of the pharmaceutical factory, but none of them answered.

This was something he had never done before, and he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

He planned to go and have a look in person. Just as he got in the car, the secret line that communicated with him just now called again, saying that their authority had been directly taken over by Shangfeng...

It was Duan Ju who went out in person and brought the people over.

Segment?Isn't he already under surveillance?Why did he take advantage of the loophole all of a sudden?

Cursing this old fox in his heart, the last time he came, he directly pulled out the ideas that had been buried layer by layer, which was the power they had cultivated with great difficulty.

Their monopoly of power in S City had to be postponed.

He knew that it was too late for people to chase and intercept him at this time, so he hurriedly contacted the other bosses.

Because no news from the pharmaceutical factory has leaked out, I had to go to see the situation in person as a last resort.

Just when Jiangjin rushed to Yuxin Pharmaceutical Factory in a hurry, an ambulance left without honking its horn.

Then there was a violent explosion from the direction of the office building.

The eye-catching red cross in the center was submerged by the shaking dust in a slight tremor, and then the whole building collapsed and collapsed.

Then Duanju left with a team of masked JCs, and several police cars roared up.

Less than half an hour before and after.

The three of Suxin have been guarding outside the pharmaceutical factory, lamenting that Duanju's method can be called a thunderbolt.

At this moment, Shi Feng whispered: "Someone is coming..."

Mo Li and Su Xin hurriedly looked around... In fact, they have been watching here all along, just waiting for their leader to turn around and catch them all.

But after guarding for so long, no suspicious person or vehicle passed by.

Hearing Shi Feng's sudden words at this time, both of them searched subconsciously.

But after looking around, I didn't find anything. The soul-slaying ring in Su Xin's hand was twirling, and asked, "Where is it?"

Shi Feng: "To the southeast, about 200 meters away from us, it has the same aura as the person we met when we entered the office building earlier."

The aura Shi Feng mentioned is actually like a person's life fluctuation.Everyone has their own unique life wave code.

Because the last trip to G city opened up his power of perception, and after merging with the Karma Mirror, the power of perception was completely stimulated, and it was the perception of life fluctuations.

Within the scope of his perception, all life fluctuations are invisible.

200 meters away is blocked by another factory.

Su Xin and Mo Li looked at Shi Feng at the same time, then got up and ran over there at the same time.

On the other hand, Xiao Tao also sorted out some information about the soul that Su Xin had brought into Lingyan.

Even Xiao Tao, who eats people, beasts, monsters, and ghosts without blinking his eyes, can't help feeling sick after searching for these souls.

I didn't expect that human beings are truly cruel to human beings...

So he blocked all those information, and directly passed those people's network to Su Xin.

Looking at the messy relationship network in the sea of ​​consciousness, Su Xin felt a headache.

No matter, just pick up a thread at random, follow the logic, and kill all the people involved in the thread.

Well, let's start with Jiangjin.

Mo Li and Shi Feng really let go and ran away, leaving Su Xin behind.

In just a few tens of seconds, the two arrived beside Jiangjin's car.


Let's say that Jiang Jin came here to take a look, and it seemed that the matter had already been exposed. He was about to ask two "acquaintances" to ask, but he saw that those people all covered their faces and left in a hurry.

These people who came again were just going through the motions, there was no need for them to stay here, and then the phone rang.

The old man suppressed his anger and hostility from inside: "Come back, don't show your face, and adapt to the situation when the time comes. Since they destroyed the inside, it means they don't want to make it public. You know how to do it."

Jiang Jin held up the phone nonchalantly, not even knowing when the other party hung up.

He knew very well what the other party meant by "how to do it", that is, to let him carry the bag, to push him out as a scapegoat.

But he has no choice, he is too aware of how powerful they are, if he doesn't carry the bag, he will die in an ugly way!
At this moment, he suddenly felt danger coming... purely because he had experienced too many scenes, a layer of evil spirit formed outside his body, just like the body's instinct, it has the ability to warn of danger.

Just like Shi Feng before, once this layer of evil spirit is collected by others and refined, it will become someone else's energy and may even evolve a new ability.

Yin Bao asked Mo Li to give Shi Feng psychological counseling at the beginning, to let him relax his guard, so that she could subtly take away his evil spirit.

Then he felt that he was no longer worth using, so he just found an excuse to leave.

It just happened to be such a coincidence that after a chance encounter, he suddenly discovered that not only was another woman by his side, but the evil spirit on his body had returned, even more condensed than before, with faint signs of restraint.

So he wanted to get rid of that woman directly, so that he could easily capture his heart again.

It's just that she never expected that Su Xin is not a lamb to be slaughtered, and Shi Feng is not the idiot he was three years ago, not only slowly regaining the sharp feeling he once had.

And at the juncture of several life and death experiences with Su Xin, by chance, the ability was truly activated.

(End of this chapter)

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