her left eye is unusual

Chapter 379 There is still hope

Chapter 379 There is still hope
When Su Xin arrived panting, Shi Feng and Mo Li had completely controlled the situation.

Mo Li can sense each other's thoughts and memories, even if they don't do it now, Su Xin will not hesitate to click the two of them later.

So after Su Xin collected the souls of the two, he arranged it as a scene of a drunken car accident.

Shi Feng and Mo Li looked at Su Xin at the same time: "What should we do next?"

Su Xin asked Xiao Tao to sort out Jiang Jin's soul and supplement the relationship network that was sorted out earlier.

I have already made a decision in my heart, so naturally I will continue to sort out along this line.

There is a leadership team in the name of the pharmaceutical factory. Some may know that some dirty things are going on in the factory, but most of them are just ordinary people who don't know the inside story.

And Jiang Jin is the manager behind the scenes of this pharmaceutical factory, and his offline is actually not the field mouse, but Zuo Tian.

Zuo Tian is the head of the bodyguards in the factory. Two days ago, because he failed to track down Wei Yan, he was transferred to track down Wang Yang's whereabouts, so the matter of tossing Wei Yan fell on Tian Shu.

Jiangjin's Shangfeng was called an "old man" by them, and all of this was planned by him.

Su Xin didn't find any more information about the old man from Jiangjin's memory, but only knew that he was a very mysterious person and no one had seen his true face.

So the next step is to get rid of the supernatural being who has half a bottle of water... No, even if the other party's energy fluctuations are average, it must not cause any thoughts of contempt.

Su Xin explained her plan again, and both of them had no objection, and took advantage of the invisibility effect on her body to act.

...Let's say that after Mr. Huai returned to the villa from the pharmaceutical factory, he always felt uneasy, as if something was going to happen.

The scene of passing by that big vase when I left the factory area always appeared in my mind inexplicably.

Although I didn't see anything or sense anything, the more I thought about it, the more uneasy I felt.

The past two days felt like a roller coaster. I was originally called Mr. Huai respectfully, but wherever I went, I was flattered and flattered, with endless wealth and beauties.

But these two missions made him feel deeply frustrated.

Because everyone in the group was caught in the battle for the Northwest region, on the one hand, the hall master felt that he would not be of much help if he went, and on the other hand, he let him go because he felt that he was very influential in this area. Sitting in the rear.

Mr. Huai decided to take the initiative to call Jiang Jin to ask him how the situation was going.

After all, as a person with supernatural powers, he has always been begged by others, and he thinks highly of himself. He never calls others lightly, because it will make him feel that he is the same as those ordinary people, which is very cheap.

The phone showed that no one answered... At this moment, he found that the talisman paper of the induction array he had arranged suddenly spontaneously ignited.

Mr. Huai's face suddenly changed, and he dropped the phone in fright. This was the first time he encountered such a situation, which meant that someone with supernatural powers had invaded his territory.

Hastily grabbed the bag containing the talisman paper...

But it was too late, a sharp stabbing pain suddenly came from his heart, and a dagger protruded from his chest.

A blood hole was left, and blood gushed out of it like a spring.

Confused, he lowered his head to look at...

He didn't understand what was going on, and suddenly he was hit with a hammer on the head again, his soul was shaken, and at the moment the soul shook out of his body, Su Xin pulled it out and stuffed it into the Lingyan.

Compared to before, when he drew formations and chanted spells, he managed to drag Yi Xiaorou's soul out with great difficulty, the gap between the two was not even a tiny bit.

Su Xin didn't expect everything to be so easy. Compared with the ones she encountered before, it's just too....

With one hand, he grabbed the yellow cloth bag that the other party had just taken.

There are a lot of miscellaneous things inside, ordinary yellow talisman paper, copper coin sword, compass, and various soul nails, and some small jade bottles and the like.

Looking eagerly inside... no, no, still no...

Su Xin was looking for Yi Xiaorou's soul, but she didn't find it.

He said to Little Tao: "Tao, look where he has taken Yi Xiaorou's soul in his memory?"

When she asked this question, she found that the thoughts she conveyed were trembling slightly, with hope in her heart, for fear that she would get the news that the other party had already refined them.

It took Xiao Tao a lot of effort to search out some memories from Mr. Huai's memory. After all, he is also a supernatural being. In terms of talent, he is a bit higher than Su Xin, and he has been in the ranks of supernatural beings for a longer time than Su Xin.

It's a pity that he first came into contact with the so-called "upper class" society, helping people eliminate ghosts, and he gained a lot of money from any mission, so he didn't encounter such a dangerous case.Of course, coupled with his own intemperance, the physical fitness of becoming a supernatural being is better than that of ordinary people, so that he can also show his prowess in that respect, and he is the number one woman at night.It would be strange if you didn't empty your body, where can you advance.

Xiao Tao said: "He seems to have sold it to someone...you know him."

Su Xin: "I know?"

She quickly went through the people she knew in her head, and it seemed that there was no one who could sell her soul.

Little Tao: "Qiao Yue."

Seeing that Su Xin hadn't remembered it, she added: "It's the female reporter who came here inexplicably in the case of Cao's family last time."

Having said that, Su Xin remembered.

Later, that woman wanted to use the news to create a reputation for discrediting herself, but she was suppressed by the force. She thought that she would gain wisdom from a fall, and she stopped. She never thought that she would meet again this time.

To actually buy other people's souls is really stubborn!
I can't spare her this time!

Xiaotao continued: "Huai doesn't have Qiao Yue's specific address in his memory, but I sense that Yi Xiaorou's soul is still there. Besides, Qiao Yue, an ordinary person who buys a soul, is definitely not as simple as wanting to destroy it."

Su Xin gave a "hmm" to express her understanding, as long as Yi Xiaorou's soul is still there, there is hope.

It's better to deal with the matter in front of you first.

When I came back to my senses, I was actually communicating with Xiao Tao just now, and it only took a few breaths.

Su Xin grabbed the yellow talisman paper, there was no energy fluctuation on it, but it was a bit ghostly.

And some other small jade bottles are filled with all kinds of little ghosts. It seems that what really works is not the talisman paper itself, but the talisman paper as a medium to control these little ghosts to do things.

It's useless to keep these things. If they fall into the hands of ordinary people, they will only conclude contracts with ghosts for no reason and harm people.

Together with those copper coins, swords and soul nails, they were burned.

As for the little ghosts in the small bottle, Diu Lingyan refined them.

Shi Feng and Mo Li searched the entire villa, except for a nanny, a gardener and two young women, there was no one else.

They were still in the invisible state, and it was past four o'clock in the morning, so they didn't make any movement.

(End of this chapter)

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