her left eye is unusual

Chapter 380 Flame Talisman

Chapter 380 Flame Talisman

Because Su Xin was well prepared, and he made a deadly move as soon as he came up.

Therefore, Mr. Huai was killed with one move, leaving a big blood hole in his chest. Such a wound cannot be disguised as ordinary burglary and murder, and can only be destroyed.

Waste a Fireball Talisman.

Then, by the way, he asked Xiao Tao to clean up the safe in the bedroom.

This is Su Xin's own personal trophy, so put it in his personal space.

Because of the improvement in her cultivation level, the space she can support with her powers now expands to a two-foot square, allowing more things to be placed.

After all, the two of them walked around inside just now, and the safe was right under their noses, and they didn't move it, which shows that they didn't bother to move it.So I took it quietly, so as not to embarrass them.

Xiao Tao despises Su Su in his heart: It is obvious that he is greedy and selfish... They don't move, so they can't move if they want to, unless they have superb lockpicking skills, or they just break open.

Whatever it is will leave traces, how can it be as magical as myself.

Su Xin said she didn't see Xiao Tao's pursed mouth and humming intentionally.

Several people have been tired for a whole day, and they have been highly concentrated throughout the whole process. At this time, it can be said that they are physically and mentally exhausted.

At dawn, I finally returned to Ten Mile Lane.

Rest and replenish your energy.

After eating two ginseng sticks, Su Xin was full of energy, and then sat quietly to adjust her breath.

While sorting out the gains and losses of the past two days.

When the spirit and spiritual power are full, start drawing symbols.

This time, she plans to draw the most advanced talisman that she can draw at this stage—the flame talisman!

The attacks of the fireball talisman and the thunder talisman are too limited, and they can only target one point, and the opponent can avoid it with a little sensitivity.

But the Flame Talisman is a range attack. It can attack the fan-shaped area in front of it. As long as the opponent can't move out of the range in an instant, it can be attacked.

Combined with the trapping talisman and the body talisman, it is simply an excellent combination.

The spiritual power required to draw the Flame Talisman is ten times that of the Fireball Talisman, and the spiritual power requirements are also higher.

But she has no better way now.

From the memory of Mr. Huai who just received it, she really kicked the iron plate this time.

And finally knew why Duan Ju came to her for such a big case this time.

Because a very important rare treasure appeared in the northwest region, several forces were all trapped in it, and an epic battle began.

Once the opponent slows down and finds himself, he will die for sure!
Therefore, before they slow down, they must act first.

Take the opportunity to completely uproot their influence in S City and consolidate the power of orthodoxy!
As before, prepare the pen, ink, paper and inkstone before actually drawing the symbols.

There are still a lot of talismans made of human skin puppets collected last time, but only a small half of the spirit ink is left, and the blood of the spirit beast is gone.

Fortunately, Su Xin's current cultivation base also contains spiritual power in his blood, so he can make do with it.

A few milliliters of blood was drawn with a disposable syringe, ground into ink, and everything was ready.

Su Xin made final preparations before writing.

Putting away all distracting thoughts, I copied the direction of the runes countless times in my mind, and I didn't start to draw until I couldn't make mistakes even with my eyes closed.

Probably because of her improved mood, she drew three flame talismans in a row this time, all of which were successful, and she didn't stop until the spiritual power in her body was almost exhausted.

When I came to the backyard, I found a three-meter-square open space.

Xiao Tao said that the attack range of the flame talisman is three meters.

With a thought of Su Xin, the talisman as thin as a cicada's wings flew to a distance of two meters in front of him, and then suddenly a large purple-red flame burst out from the talisman as the center, covering the surrounding three meters in an instant .

It takes less than 0.01 seconds from activation to the activation of the magic talisman, which is several times faster than the activation speed of the thunder talisman, so as long as the opponent does not have the magical power of teleportation, he will be hit!

The flame talisman continued to burn for about ten seconds, and then disappeared instantly.

Only a piece of red molten mud was left in place.

Su Xin secretly exclaimed in her heart, she really deserved to be a big killer, such high temperature would directly burn people to ashes.

The most important thing is that the flame is very restrained, and she didn't feel the burning sensation of the flame even one meter away.

Waste a flame talisman, leaving a three-meter-diameter "glazed ground" on the ground.

Although it is a bit painful, this kind of experiment is very necessary.

Because in this way, you can more clearly grasp the control, power, etc. of your talisman.

Su Xin went back to her room again, tidied up a bit, and saw that it was almost noon, so she went out to eat something, and then went to see Wei Yan and Yi Xiaorou.

By the way, look for Qiao Yue and get Yi Xiaorou's soul back.

When they came out, Shi Feng and Mo Li also got up.

Full of energy, with faint energy fluctuations on his body, like a cheetah ready to go.

It seems that last night's madness made them all gain a lot.

Su Xin didn't ask too much, everyone has their own way of cultivation, even if they are friends or partners, they also have their own independent space.

The three of them drove to eat outside, and planned to go to the cafeteria to have a good meal... Well, the main reason was to take care of Su Xin, a "crazy bucket", but when they were halfway there, they received a call from Duanju.

So I decided to find a noodle shop nearby to make do with it.

Because from the tone of the other party, this matter is indeed a bit tricky, but it is not that urgent.

And they don't know if they will have to fight for dozens of hours, so it is very necessary to fill their stomachs at this time.

Just this noodle shop, it looks clean and tidy.

It's almost meal time now, so the diners are [-] to [-]% full.

The three sat down near the door, and Su Xin ordered a super large portion, and added two extra knots, two eggs, and two slices of ham sausage.

When the proprietress served it enthusiastically, Shi Feng and Mo Li saw this big bowl that was comparable to a basin. Compared with the two bowls in front of them, they felt physically and mentally hurt by a hundred thousand points.

The proprietress was still helping Suxin to make things happen, "Eating is a blessing, she is so thin, she just needs to eat more..."

Someone beside him began to joke: "Look, look, that person is holding a pot and eating."

"Wow, with her appetite, most people really can't afford it."

"Isn't it? But look at her body, except for the chest, there is still a little flesh, and the other places are so thin that the bones can be counted. I don't know where she has grown after eating so much?"

There is a sour taste in the words, such a person is simply too attractive to hate.

"Haha, of course it's where it should be. It's not like you. It's where it shouldn't be."

With a calm expression, Su Xin ate her fried spicy bean sprout noodles, eggs, ham sausage, and knots without any haste.

The food made everyone around feel hungry, so I couldn't help but ask the proprietress to add an extra knot or a fried egg or two.

At this time, a woman's voice came from another table: "By the way, lady boss, do you have any forks here?"

(End of this chapter)

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