her left eye is unusual

Chapter 381 Is this the so-called "hard" for a mother?

Chapter 381 Is this the so-called "hard" for a mother?
The proprietress hurried over, "Hey, there are no forks in the store. I'm really sorry..."

"There is no fork, then you can refund me the money."

The proprietress froze for a moment with her kind expression, "Ah, here, you see, this side is already..." This side has already been cooked, and as soon as she brought this table, she was about to go in and bring their mother and daughter's share.

"My child doesn't know how to use chopsticks yet, but now he only learns to eat noodles with a fork. If you don't have a fork here, then give me my money back. We won't eat."

"I'm really sorry, the shop has just opened, so many things are not ready..." The proprietress continued to explain, "Well, next time, next time, I must prepare a fork."

A woman at the table next to Su Xin whispered to her companion, "Tsk, you don't need chopsticks and forks to eat noodles at a noodle restaurant. If you don't have a fork, you can get your money back. It's really weird."

"Nowadays some women are very hypocritical. They always feel that they are petty and fashionable. In fact, they are very low. In a small noodle restaurant, they want the treatment of a French restaurant. How can they treat her as an ancestor for noodles worth more than ten dollars?" Waiting? Really."

"Isn't it..."

The voices of the two fell into the ears of the woman who asked for a fork, and she was probably stimulated by the words "actually very low", and said: "The noodles are not served on the table, she doesn't have what I need here, and refunding the money is justified The proprietress didn't say anything, so what's the matter with you?"

"Yes, yes, we didn't prepare well. If this is the case, I will refund you immediately..." Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel, the proprietress hurriedly comforted her, and hurriedly responded. For fear of offending someone.

At this time, not only the two girls at the next table started to discuss, but other people also looked at the table of the woman asking for a fork.

"What kind of person is this? When you eat noodles in a noodle shop, you don't need chopsticks to ask for a fork, and if you don't have a fork, you ask the proprietress to refund the money. There is no one for this person."

"That's right, people have already said that the noodles are all in the pot, and the noodles are wet again. The water can be boiled twice, and now the money is refunded. If the noodles are left there, who wants it? Isn't it a waste of money?" .”

"That's right, it's not like buying clothes. Return them if they don't fit... Besides, even if you return the clothes, you have to check whether you have damaged them, otherwise they won't return them. You see, she still has the nerve to keep saying that the noodles are not served. Well, if you dare to be a lover, you are short of serving it on the table, so she looks justified."

"Otherwise, why didn't you ask if there was a fork when you gave the money just now? Knowing that she didn't have a fork here, she didn't do her business directly, so she asked now. Isn't this just bullying the proprietress who just opened the business?"


The woman was probably surrounded by so many people and said, she was naturally embarrassed, and said: "I have the right to refund the money before the noodles are served. Is there anything wrong with that? It's just that kind of ignorant all day long." People in dark corners think that noodle restaurants don’t have forks. My child is so young and he can’t use chopsticks. How can he eat without a fork? Haven’t you ever had children?”

These "uninformed" were also in a panic, and pushed her back:
"The child can't use chopsticks, you can't teach her?"

"This woman's head is really weird. There is no fork in the restaurant. The first thing she thinks of is not to feed the child herself or teach the child, but to ask her to refund the money. There is no one else."

"That kid looks like he's two or three years old, so it's time to learn..."

"That's right, just because I have a child by myself, I'm embarrassing the proprietress."

Someone also defended the fork woman: "Children are like this. It is more convenient to use a fork at the beginning of learning to eat. Our little treasure is..."

"Even so, this is eating out. Shouldn't you first think about feeding the baby yourself? He will refund the money as soon as he comes up. This person is really..."

The woman who asked for a fork turned red and was very annoyed, "It's impossible for a child to rely on adults all the time. She must exercise her independence. How old can she be fed, and will she be fed for a lifetime? Have you brought Have children? If you don’t have children, you are not qualified to tell me how to take care of children.”

The woman at the next table replied directly: "I didn't say to let your child rely on you all the time, but there is no fork in the store now, and the noodles are out of the pot again. What's the matter with feeding it? What's the matter with letting the child try to eat noodles with chopsticks? You want to refund the money as soon as you open your mouth, which is hypocritical. There is no one in these three views."

There was a puppy in the basket next to her, probably disturbed by the intense atmosphere here, and gave a soft "Wang" sound.

The woman who wanted the fork was mobbed and attacked, and was worried that she couldn't find anyone to vent her anger on, so she pointed directly at the woman at the table next to Su Xin and shouted: "Now I have the right to refund the money if the noodles are not served. It is up to me to refund the money or not." I asked you to meddle in your own business after taking gunpowder. The proprietress said she was sorry, and she would definitely provide me with a fork next time. But you, seeing that you hug your dog even when you eat, and you don’t even have children, what do you have? Are you qualified to blame me? I advise you, a dark and narrow-minded person, to have a child, which is better than raising a dog..."

As soon as the woman asking for a fork finished speaking, there was a commotion in the small noodle shop:

"What's wrong with my dog?"

"That's right, what does this have to do with raising dogs and cats?"

"Who said raising a child is better than raising a dog? Now many people are not as good as dogs."

...uh, this.

Su Xin looked up, and at some point, two camps formed in the noodle shop and quarreled.

Some say that it is not easy for women to take care of children, and people just want to cultivate children's ability to eat independently, so please don't be serious.

The other part felt that the woman was too hypocritical, why would she want to refund the money every now and then? This noodle is not the Chinese cabbage in the supermarket, just put it back if you don’t want it.Besides, you can't just use the child as a shield at every turn.

Finally, it comes to the fact that many women in today's society rely on themselves to take care of their children, all kinds of arrogance, they seem weak, but they are more fierce than anyone else.

It is said that Su Xin did not know that noodle restaurants must provide forks before, it seems that her knowledge is still too narrow;

She has never refunded money for something she has already bought, probably because she still doesn't know how to protect her own rights;

She has never felt that having a child must be a woman's lifelong ambition or even an extremely glorious honor, probably...

Well, the noodles are over.


From the beginning to the end, the three of them didn't look at the woman who asked for a fork, mainly because they were afraid that they would misunderstand her and be targeted at her.

As a mother, you are strong, and women who use "rigid" in this are really unaffected.

After leaving the noodle shop, I felt refreshed.

Shi Feng and Mo Li looked at Su Xin and saw that her expression was still calm... In fact, they were a little worried just now. The woman said just now that "a woman must have children to be considered a complete life, and to be considered a real woman" and so on. If it is, it will make Su Xin feel embarrassed.

Now it seems that their worries are completely unnecessary.

Still the same sentence, everyone has his own ambitions.

You can regard having children as a lofty honor and career, but you can’t say that Dink’s life is not complete, and people who keep pets will not be happy, or even say that they are psychologically dark and negative, and they cannot be controlled Others' aspirations and aspirations.

(End of this chapter)

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