her left eye is unusual

Chapter 383 Live up to the trust

Chapter 383 Live up to the trust

After Su Xin went out, she told Duan Ju and Shi Feng Mo Li about Wei Yan's situation.

Now there are three urgent matters: Wang Yang, Hui Xinjie and Qiao Yue.

Wang Yang and Wei Yan once made an agreement that if there was a particularly urgent situation, they would hide and not come out until the agreed signal appeared.

No wonder the underground forces, which can almost cover the sky with one hand, mobilized so many people to look for it, but they couldn't find it.

Counting the time, Su Xin found that a few days had passed, and the only way to prevent the outside world from discovering and arousing suspicion was to completely hide herself in one place.

For now, all that is known is that Hui Xinjie can save Wei Yan, and the three of Su Xin have no clue at all, so they can only be handed over to Duan Ju to contact them.

So the division of labor:

The Duan Bureau is responsible for contacting the special case team.

Su Xin went to find Wang Yang.

Shi Feng and Mo Li were in charge of finding Qiao Yue. Once they got information from Qiao Yue, they immediately notified Su Xin to retrieve Yi Xiaorou's soul.

After the discussion was settled, everyone began to split up.

The reason why Su Xin chose to save Wang Yang by himself was mainly because it was Wei Yan's entrustment, and he always insisted that he refused to even talk about the section, but only told himself that in addition to fully trusting her, it was also because of him. I don't want more people to know about that place.

If he told Duan Ju that Duan Ju is getting old now and has no intentions, he would definitely ask someone else to do it.

No matter how assured Duan Ju was of that person, Wei Yan couldn't put his brother's life in anyone else's hands.

Su Xin prepared enough food and water, and even bought temporary infusion equipment, packed a backpack, and rushed over to avoid everyone.

When she found Wang Yang, she was completely out of shape, but fortunately she was still conscious.

Su Xin imitated the nurse and put salt water on him. After all, her current strength and character are there, and she only failed twice before successfully pushing the needle in.

After hanging the salt water for a while, Wang Yang's body showed signs of recovery, and then he gave him the rice porridge that was still warm in the thermos.

After resting for half a day, people can basically walk, and it happened to be dark, so the two came out from there.

Although the leader of the underground forces in City S has been pulled out, there are still many minions.

At this time, the dragons had no leader, and it was the most rampant time, so after Su Xin informed Duan Ju and his two companions, he sent Wang Yang to Shili Lane for him to recuperate.

As for the evidence that Yi Xiaorou, Wei Yan and Wang Yang guarded with their lives, it was directly handled by Duan Ju.

Then Su Xin and Shi Feng Moli met.

The two ran for a whole day, even though Mo Li used his "mind reading skills", he still couldn't find Qiao Yue's whereabouts.

So Su Xin decided to completely root out the underground forces in S City based on the network of relationships sorted out by Xiao Tao, and cut off the "old man"'s way out!
Another two days passed, and the three of Su Xin had completely wiped out the underground forces like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

For a person who knows all the information and has powerful abilities, killing someone is really not much more difficult than crushing an ant.

Most of the reported news is that "the director of XX Group crashed into the guardrail and fell into the river and died due to drunk driving."

"The owner of XX food factory died of a heart attack in his lover's villa"

"The founder of XX jumped to his death because of the exposure of XX"

"Two gangs clashed, killing 20 people..."

Therefore, although they do so many things, for ordinary people, their life is still the same, they should go to work, eat and drink.It didn't cause much shock, and people even clapped their hands because they saw the news.

When Su Xin fell into tranquility again, the gloomy atmosphere was swept away.


Zhan Yunfei, the chief of the special case team, 32 years old, tall and straight, clairvoyant, eighth-level supernatural power, almost mortal body perfect.

He hung up the phone of Duanju, which was a back door specially reserved for a few people.

When I told them this number, I repeatedly told them not to call this number unless it was absolutely necessary, otherwise they would be directly disqualified.

However, after Duan Bureau reported the situation in City S in full, he changed his mind.

Call Hui Xinjie.

There is a stalemate here. Although Hui Xinjie can treat the injured to a greater extent and as quickly as possible, but... it does not have any substantial help for the progress.

And the supernatural being who had been excluded or even ignored by them before did not expect to have such a means in just a few months.

In just a few days, the underground forces in the entire city were completely wiped out, which indirectly cut off one of the opponent's base points.

Even if the members of their team are dispatched, it may not be able to handle it.

First of all, they don't have ancient monsters like Xiao Tao, so they can't get the most complete relationship network as quickly as possible.

Secondly, once they make a move, the person who secretly monitors their every move will definitely take corresponding action, and it is absolutely impossible to be as silent as Su Xin, who beats the sap.

Therefore, Zhan Yunfei wanted to meet this suddenly emerging supernatural being in person to see how strong she was.Even……

Hui Xinjie immediately objected after hearing Zhan Yunfei's words: "You said you want me to make a deal with her? No, it's absolutely impossible. I can save that person because of the mission assigned to me by the chief, and because I should to save her, not because of her."

Zhan Yunfei suddenly felt that he was really worrying too much. He thought she had made a "small report" to Su Xin, and then the two had an awkward fight because of some things, leaving some gap in their hearts.

It is said that a woman's heart is like a needle, for fear that she would be unhappy knowing that it was because of Su Xin that she was transferred away, but now it seems that is not the case at all.

Or it's not what he thought, but just because their "Tao" is different.

"Well, I'll send you to City S now. If you're ready, I've got someone to prepare the itinerary for you. Someone will pick you up when you get off the plane."

Hui Xinjie replied quickly, and immediately put on a shy face, stretched out her hands to brush her hair around her ears, and asked falteringly, "Well, that, brother Yunfei...can you let Xiao...Yixuan go with me?"

As soon as she spoke, she explained eagerly: "I'm afraid of what will happen there again. You know that I only have a life ability, and I can't do anything else..."

Zhan Yunfei was in an inexplicably happy mood, and replied, "You can rest assured, there are no obstacles there."

Hui Xinjie frowned slightly, tilted her head slightly and asked, "Why?"

Zhan Yunfei: "Because the cold-blooded girl you mentioned has taken care of everything there." After speaking, he added with a smile: "Hehe, actually, I think it's quite a good fit for the two of you, one to live and the other to die."

Hui Xinjie pouted and snorted, "I don't want to be with such a cold-blooded and ruthless murderer, Brother Yunfei, why don't you send Xiao Yixuan here, I..."

Zhan Yunfei sent it directly: "I know your little thoughts, and I also know about the things between you, but I don't want to affect my work."

Hui Xinjie pouted and left.

(End of this chapter)

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