her left eye is unusual

Chapter 384 Walking Out of City S

Chapter 384 Walking Out of City S

The three of Su Xin checked her for several days, including visiting her former work place, asking about her neighbors and so on.

Their memories of Qiao Yue were only a few days ago, and the case was not going well.

Fortunately, Xiao Tao can still sense that Yi Xiaorou's soul is still there, which makes Su Xin a little more at ease.

Just then, Duan Ju called again.

Because Su Xin and the others have wiped out the underground forces, even those little gangsters, if they have committed repeated crimes and are hopeless, will receive their lunch box directly, so there is no longer any threat to the existence of orthodox forces.

The police station was refurbished under the leadership of the Duan Bureau.Everything is on track.

Wang Yang was just a little malnourished, he recovered after two days of recuperation, and returned to work like everyone else. Anyway, many colleagues were "leaved" during this period, so he lied casually and didn't pursue it.

Because of the lack of soul, Yi Xiaorou recovered slowly from the injuries on her body, but also because she was unconscious, so she didn't have the stress response of pain, which allowed her to pass the dangerous period.

Become a real vegetative person, everything is maintained by machines.

...Actually, Duan Ju hung up the phone with hesitation in his heart.

Although he is not the person involved, he still knows something about the collective poisoning of the villagers.

Because Su Xin was recommended by him personally, and because of that incident, another person from the special case team said that he was not suitable to join the special case team, and finally let it go.

Now the other party said that they could send Hui Xinjie over to help him, but they had to let Su Xin go.

Not to mention that there is actually a face-to-face contest over there now, and it will also determine who will rule the orthodoxy of this world in the future.It goes without saying how dangerous it is.

But the problem now is that he is not Su Xin's leader, they are just a cooperative relationship, how can he tell her to go there wherever she goes?

Furthermore, if Su Xin knew that she was still related to the person who had prevented her from entering the special case team, how would she feel?
But looking at Wei Yan's current body, as well as Changyun's father, I really can't hold on...

Besides, when Su Xin got on the phone and heard Duan Ju's speech not as crisp as before, it was too abnormal.

The mind keenly caught some breath, paused, and said, "Duanju, if you have anything to say, just speak up."

Duan Ju hesitated for a moment, and decided to just say it outright: "The special case team asked you to save a trip to X. Because... if you want to send someone over, you will... need someone to replace you..."

He explained it as tactfully as possible.

Su Xin knew from the souls of those people who collected that the forces of several major supernatural organizations are now almost trapped in the northwest region, as if they are fighting for a more important treasure.

The "old man" was also there, and it was precisely because he was stuck there that he couldn't get out of his body, so he didn't return to City S, otherwise they couldn't have cleaned it up so smoothly.

Su Xin didn't doubt what Duan Ju said, but she didn't understand, now there are several forces at stake, what's the point of letting her go?
Oh no, the other party said it so carefully, it seems that they want her to make an exchange with Hui Xinjie?
The corners of Su Xin's mouth couldn't help but twitch. Although she didn't like Hui Xinjie's sympathetic demeanor who wanted to save everyone, in fact it was just that the two had different hearts.

If the other party decides to come, it will definitely not be because of "exchange", but because of her own heart.

It was rare for Su Xin to pierce Duan Ju's small thoughts at the moment, but asked directly: "Let me go to X province, what's the matter?"

Duan Ju: "You will know when you go."

Su Xin hesitated for a moment, and replied, "Okay, I'll book a ticket right away."

After weighing it in my mind, I feel that no matter how I look at it, getting out of S City is not a bad thing for me!

"No, they're ready, now at the airport, someone will see you off, and someone will meet you when you get off the plane..."

"Oh...okay." Su Xin hung up the phone and was stunned for a long time before recovering.

Everything is arranged?Dare to just let her know.

Forget it, don't think so much, tell Shi Feng and Mo Li the information.

"The Duan Bureau called just now, saying that the special case team asked me to go to Province X, and I will leave later..."

Shi Feng and Mo Li can now be said to be tied to Su Xin's interests, and their pursuit is the same as Su Xin's, not just wanting to be a detective agency.

Instead, treat the detective agency as a kind of business, and exercise and improve yourself through each mission, and then understand the wider world.

Now that the affairs in City S have been settled, at most there will be some small tasks of helping people exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts in the future.

There is no challenge at all, and there is no improvement without challenges, so it is very necessary to get out of S City.

They're just worried about leaving Su Shin alone...

It seems that she doesn't need their worries at all.

She is thoughtful, not to say that she will use any subtle schemes, but that she will take every step of the way, not rushing or rushing, fully prepared to launch an attack, and once she makes a move, she will never procrastinate.

If even she can't handle things, they can't help if they follow.

So in the end, the two of them said one word in an incomparable tacit understanding: "Okay".


According to Suxin's urination, before going out on a mission, he must prepare enough food and water, and then self-defense weapons and so on.

In the past, I could check it directly, but now the problem is that I don’t know the situation there, and it takes a lot of trouble when I get off the plane to pick up the package.

Afraid of delay or inconvenience, she only put her things in her personal space as much as possible, and only carried a bag as a token, so she packed lightly.

After getting off the plane, as soon as I walked out of the lobby, I saw two "acquaintances" - Ke Lan and Jingxi.

The two had only met once.

Compared with the amazement and admiration in Su Xin's heart when she first saw them, now her mood is very calm.

Because she found that her current cultivation level was comparable to that of Jingxi, and slightly higher than that of Ke Lan.

Instead, it was the surprise of the two of them.

Ke Lan's personality is still so bright. Seeing Su Xin, he exaggeratedly said: "Wow, I'm talking about Su Su, please tell me how you practiced. It feels like riding a rocket."

There was a rare smile on Jingxi's face and said: "I really can't see it. After the last farewell, you got another chance. It's really enviable."

Although the other party said he was envious, he didn't mean to be greedy at all.

Su Xin quickly responded: "It's all God's favor. It's Su Xin's honor to see you two again today."

As he spoke, he led Su Xin to the car outside.

Jeonghee drives.

Because the airport is relatively remote, and it has been driving outside, at first you can see scattered houses and fields, and then there are only lonely roads around, and there are pale yellow eyes on both sides.

Except for the three of them intermittently exchanging greetings when they got in the car, they were surprisingly silent after getting in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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