her left eye is unusual

Chapter 385 First Entry

Chapter 385 First Entry
Because Jingxi and Ke Lan are in the organization, there are rules for what they say and do, especially for matters involving the internal affairs of the special case team, and they cannot casually disclose them to outsiders.

And Su Xin is also a person who likes to watch, listen, and think more. If the two of them want to tell her, they will naturally let her know.

Otherwise, there must be someone else who made her understand what she should know.

Jingxi's driving skills were so good that she moved forward almost at an extremely fast speed. Suxin felt that she was about to fly, and almost put up a defensive shield.

Even so, it took seven or eight hours to stop in a desert.

The three jumped out of the car, with Jingxi and Ke Lan on Suxin's left and right, leading her towards a small sand dune ahead.

In the line of sight of the left eye, the plain sand dunes in front turned into a huge cloud cluster, revealing powerful energy fluctuations.

"This..." Su Xin paused for a moment.

Jingxi suddenly glanced at Suxin, glanced at her wrist, and said, "That's right, our camp is in front, and we'll take you in to see the chief."

Ke Lan also explained: "Don't be afraid, we are here."

Su Xin turned her head to look at her, and smiled. She often said to others, "Don't be afraid, I'm here." She didn't expect that one day someone would say this to herself. This feeling is really good.

Approaching the cloud group, the white cloud group separated a gap from the middle and turned into a passage.

Jingxi flipped her wrist lightly, and the passing jade token in her hand was activated, and a layer of energy shield covered the three of them.

From the outside, the clouds are so thick that you can't see the inside clearly, but when you step into it, you feel like you are so close to the world, as if you have stepped into another world with that step.

Before, it was full of yellow sand, but in the next second it turned into a high-tech hall, glowing with silvery white luster, everything is so clean and simple.

The whole building is like a huge hemisphere upside down on the ground.

In the center is an ultra-modern hall surrounded by rooms.

There are many people coming and going inside, or in groups of two or three, or groups of a dozen or so people, with dignified and serious expressions, and different degrees of energy fluctuations in their bodies.

Su Xin's arrival did not attract much attention.

Now the situation is at a stalemate, and all forces are trying their best to recruit people with supernatural powers from outside. Anyone with any strength will be drawn into this maelstrom.

Jingxi stepped forward and knocked on the door, and after hearing the deep echo "come in" from inside, she gently opened the door, without even looking inside, she stepped back sideways, letting Su Xin to the front.

Ke Lan whispered to her from the side: "There is our uncle chief, don't be afraid, he will bully you, tell me, I will help you deal with him..."

Uh... Su Xin was dumbfounded.

Everyone was silent along the way just now, and it seems that the relationship between the two has not yet reached this level. Why did they suddenly say such things?
Could it be because...?By the way, just now she called him... Uncle?
If Su Xin remembers correctly, Ke Lan has been in the special case team for a long time, but she can still maintain such a hearty and innocent attitude. If no one gave her absolute love and protection behind her, she would have been rounded up long ago. edges and corners.

Thinking of this, the corners of Su Xin's mouth slightly raised, and he smiled unkindly.

Following the other party's words, he replied: "Okay."

As soon as Su Xin walked in, the door closed behind him.

Almost instantly, the defensive talisman gold shield talisman flame talisman horse drop in Su Xin's hand was on the verge of activation.

Fortunately, it was only a few beams of probing and examining gazes and divine senses that fell on her, and there was no killing intent or crisis.

Looking up, the room is [-] square meters. Except for the entrance wall, the other three sides are connected by a stool, like an upside-down U. Four people sit casually, like a small...party.

When they were looking at Su Xin, Su Xin quickly looked at them again.

Eh, it's him... Yu Chenzi?

Before the detective agency moved last time, he came here once and told her about joining the team.

However, it was just a one-sided meeting, and Su Xin didn't intend to deliberately show the surprise and excitement of "fellow folks meeting fellow villagers" at this time.

At this time, Su Xin clearly felt several strands of divine consciousness sweeping across her body.

She didn't directly sweep them with her spiritual sense.

In the words of Xiao Tao, in fact, for real practitioners, it is a sign of disrespect to directly use spiritual consciousness to sweep people.It's like when you meet someone for the first time, you deliberately use your eyes to look him up and down.

However, she could see with her left eye just now that the energy fluctuations in these people were basically not completely contained in the body.Probably around the sixth to eighth level of the ability.

Of course, maybe they can release it.

Su Xin paused for a moment, then asked politely: "My name is Su Xin, who is looking for me?"

She was not familiar with these people at all, and it was a sign of contempt for them to scan her directly with their spiritual sense, so Su Xin didn't intend to greet them, but just showed her identity and asked who was looking for her.

Neither overbearing nor overbearing.

"Are you Su Xin?" The deep voice that said "come in" just now sounded.

Su Xin looked, a man with a tall stature, he seemed to be in his 30s or [-]s at most.Is this the chief length they are talking about?

She couldn't help but think of the "uncle" Ke Lan told her just now, it seems that this is too far from the uncle in her impression.

But judging by his calmness, he did not live up to the word "uncle".

"My name is Su Xin, may I ask you to come looking for me? I wonder what's the matter?" Although they used their spiritual sense to scan her just now, Su Xin used honorifics because the other party was more cultivated than herself.

"Hi Suxin, I've admired your name for a long time. My name is Zhan Yunfei, and I'm the chief of the special case team. Please don't mind, these are the team leaders in charge of several divisions. Let me introduce you, Cheng Ying, Hou Bao, And Yu Chenzi, I think you've seen it before."

Now that the person took the initiative to introduce, and her attitude swept away the arrogance at the beginning, Su Xin also quickly showed a gentle and humble side. With each introduction, she bowed slightly in the direction and responded, "Hello, Team Leader Cheng Ying, Team Hou Bao." Hello, Yu Chenzi, group leader..."

Su Xin's appearance and attitude made several people look at each other in blank dismay, always feeling that something was wrong.

This is too different from the information about her they just received.

All the cases about her in it all say that she is a cold-blooded woman with perverse personality and murder without blinking an eye.

But looking at her like this: delicate and elegant, with a soft and graceful figure, and a peaceful conversation.

No matter how you look at it, it can't be connected with the previous impression.

Yu Chenzi looked at Su Xin, he was not surprised by the gap between other people's impression and reality.

Of all the people here, he is the only one who "knows" Su Xin's growth along the way. The word "fast" can no longer describe it, but it is like riding a rocket.

(End of this chapter)

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