her left eye is unusual

Chapter 386 Eye-opening

Chapter 386 Eye-opening
That's right, she must have had some adventures in the past few months!
But when you think about it, S City is such a small place, what kind of adventures can there be?

"About the last time, there was a delay because of some things, I hope you don't mind."

Zhan Yunfei purposefully and euphemistically explained why Su Xin was not allowed to join the group last time.

Su Xin replied with a light smile: "Everyone has their own chance, what do you care about?"

"Hehe, yes, each has a chance." Zhan Yunfei responded with a little embarrassment.

Indeed, if the other party was allowed to join the group at that time, the cultivation base might not have made such rapid progress.

After all, up to now, even the extremely talented people in the group have never been able to improve several levels in more than half a year.

Su Xin continued the first words and asked, "I don't know if there is anything I can do here?"

Su Xin is open-minded, so how can she keep what happened last time in her heart and make things difficult for herself?
Doing the task is the big thing, in order to experience more and improve yourself.

Zhan Yunfei suddenly laughed, "You really are a willful person. I, Zhan, was the one who was worrying too much. Please forgive me for my previous abruptness."

Su Xin smiled back.

"Our people found an ancient relic here half a year ago, and brought something out of it. We deduced that this might be a sect site in ancient times. Unexpectedly, the news leaked out, and all forces swarmed here to carry out crazy mining. , opened a seal, and a large number of very powerful ghosts and monsters flowed out from it."

Zhan Yunfei deliberately explained: "That's right, there are ghosts, spirits, monsters, and monsters."

Although Su Xin has only been in contact with ghosts and demons before, she has heard from Xiao Tao that there are actually countless monsters and monsters in the world. In fact, there is a big difference between monsters and monsters, but the monks collectively refer to them as monsters. .If it is a plant-type monster, it is called a spirit, and if it is an animal, it is called a monster.

Ghosts and demons are essentially the same, they are all Yin.But the strength is different, just like mortals and supernatural beings, the latter is stronger.You can even establish a domain, and then collect the power of faith for yourself, transform yourself into a "god".

Seeing that Suxin just nodded, Zhan Yunfei's expression was as calm as when he first entered the door, and he thought to himself, what has she experienced in the past few months, why is she so ignorant of sensuality?

Su Xin has even gone through the realm of the six-armed gods, and even retreated from the chessboard at the entrance of the devil world, plus there are little gluttons like "Bai Xiaosheng" in Lingyan, there are few things that can shock her. up.

Zhan Yunfei continued to give a brief introduction to the ancient ruins: "If those monsters and ghosts enter the human world, it will be an ancient catastrophe. So we worked together to build a large formation to temporarily seal them, and kept sending them into the formation. It consumes a lot of energy every day."

Speaking of this, his face was solemn: "To be honest, even with all the power stones we have now, we can only last for another month at most. After one month..."

"Of course, even if the energy can supply a month's needs, they are extremely powerful, and there are faint signs of breaking through the formation, so we have been trying to get rid of them. It's a pity that the other forces are so weak. Time not only did not work together to seal the formation, but took the opportunity to enter the ruins when we were distracted, what's more..."

What's more?

In fact, what Su Xin wanted to know more was the sentence he didn't finish.

Could it be that they took the opportunity to hunt down the members of the special case team?
If Su Xin had heard this plot two years ago, she would definitely have thought it was a bible, and listened to it as a fantasy story.

But now she is listening very carefully, ancient ruins?

That means there are magic weapons that they can't even imagine in this time and space, even more advanced cultivation techniques, spell inheritance, and even the production methods of various panacea and charms, etc.

It is simply a great opportunity.

But obviously, listening to the other party's tone did not mean that she would enter the ruins to hunt for treasure.

Zhan Yunfei continued: "When they were exploring in the ruins, they touched the formation again, so now..."

Uh, that's true.

Unexpectedly, the remaining formations from the ancient times were so powerful that everyone was helpless.

But they were unwilling to give up, and the ghosts and monsters who were accidentally released made them dare not leave casually.

So everyone settled down around the ruins.

Should they fight each other again, or form a team to explore the ruins and so on.

Su Xin tried to keep herself calm and calm.However, the excited thoughts of Xiaotao in the Sea of ​​Consciousness made it difficult for her not to be distracted to suppress the excitement in her heart.

"Wow, this is a god-given opportunity. Susu, hurry up, agree quickly. With me here, as long as it's not a fairy formation, I'll take you there... Let's go and collect all the things inside, Lingshi, Lingshi Dan, oh my god, I think my old glutton has been stuck in this place for so many years, and I finally have my day..."

Su Xin was so excited by Xiao Tao Ye's pick, she couldn't hold back anymore, she quickly lowered her head and frowned, covered her face with her hands and coughed lightly to cover it up.

In the eyes of several people, it was understood that she also felt that the situation in front of her was too annoyed, and she had the intention of retreating.

Zhan Yunfei said: "Because of this, our current plan is that some people will deal with the interference of other forces, some will break the formation, and the rest will suppress the ghosts in the formation and reduce the pressure on the sealing formation. So..."

Su Xin asked, "What can I do?"

Zhan Yunfei did not directly state Su Xin's mission, but said in a roundabout way: "To be honest, we were discussing information about you before you came. We think your method is very suitable for suppressing the ghosts in the seal..."

Su Xin frowned, looking constipated, "Uh, that, actually I... I'm very interested in the formation, that..."

Zhan Yunfei explained patiently: "I heard from Lan Lan that I once taught you how to form seals, but I didn't get the point after several times. Of course, it's a good thing that you are interested in formations, but everyone has specialties. Of course, if you If you really like it, when this incident is over, I promise, I will let the person in our group who has the highest attainment in formations teach you personally... until I teach you!"

When he said this, the eyes of the two people beside him fell on Yu Chenzi at the same time.

Yu Chenzi raised her eyebrows imperceptibly, although she admired Su Xin's character and means, but...is it too reluctant to let him be her master?

He still wants someone who is talented and spiritual in the formation, but he thinks that at this moment, the chief is also trying to appease the opponent.Furthermore, whether she can make it happen, stay here, and become a member of the demon-hunting and demon-killing team is another matter.

Zhan Yunfei ignored Yu Chenzi's resentment, but stared at Su Xin with burning eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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