her left eye is unusual

Chapter 388 Chapter 402 Mission: Touchstone

Chapter 388 Chapter [-] Mission: Touchstone
There was no trace of impatience on Jingxi's face, but she patiently explained: "You are the one with the highest formation talent right now, and even Team Leader Yu Chenzi said that if you practice hard, it is not impossible to become a formation master in the future .”

"Now he's going to break the formation in the ruins, and you're the only one left to repair the seal. If you go in, who will maintain the seal? What if you let those monsters escape? At that time, all people will be destroyed, and the whole world will become a world of monsters. "

Ke Lan thought about it seriously, and looked very righteous: "Well, well, in order to prevent those monsters from rushing out of the seal and burning lives, I will not earn those few spirit stones."

In fact, Jingxi's current subtext is: Dozens of supernatural beings have been lost in it, and there are even a few who have higher cultivation levels than her.Ke Lan's formation is mainly for auxiliary attacks, and she has little actual combat experience. If she is allowed to enter, she may become the energy of those monsters in minutes.

Looking at the interaction between the two, Su Xin knew why Jingxi was allowed to lead Ke Lan. The temperaments of the two were a perfect match.

One is as generous as a big sister, and the other is as delicate as a child.

Jingxi turned her head and said to Su Xin: "The seal is indeed dangerous, but we have prepared some measures. There is a teleportation talisman. If you feel that you are invincible, you can activate the teleportation talisman immediately, and it will be ejected from the seal."

In fact, it is a kind of talisman combined with seals. In theory, it is not teleportation, but "ejection".It means being repelled by the seal.

"The first time you go in now, you will be given a teleportation talisman for free, but you need to use your own contribution points to buy it in the future."

Ke Lan quickly asked: "But Susu is not in our group, how can I buy it without contribution points?"

Jingxi continued to explain: "Actually, this is just an incentive mechanism, please don't mind."

Su Xin smiled and shook her head, "Of course not."

In other words, it is just a "touchstone" task right now.

If she is given a chance to enter the seal but fails to do anything, it proves that she is not qualified to take on this task.

In this way, there is no need to give her more preferential treatment at all.

She followed along mainly to understand the rules here, instead of asking people "why the rules are like this".

Therefore, when Jingxi introduced everything about the same, she took Suxin to a room on the right, "This is your room, and there are everything you need for life in it. If you need anything else, you can enter the central life trading area." For supplementation, everyone who enters the station can take it at will, but if it involves some special items, you need to use contribution points or money to buy them. Now I will take you to see the seal."

Go out from another door of the station, and a track extends to the depths of the desert.

At this time, a bullet-like silver car came along the track.

Jingxi: "Take this cable rail to get outside the seal. The entrance of the seal can be used for people to enter and exit at any time..."

Everything here is built by supernatural beings.

After Jingxi finished introducing everything that should be introduced, she gave Suxin a few more sentences, and then took Xiaoke away.

Su Xin actually has a lot of questions in her mind, but now she is just an ordinary summoned supernatural being, not even a real tasker, and she is not yet qualified to "ask questions", so she is simply too lazy Even though there are so many, I'd better complete my own package first, and learn more about the seal and those monsters before making any plans.

Su Xin enters the living area, where there are all kinds of food, just like a cafeteria.

There were only three or five people sitting inside, eating quietly and chatting quietly.

Su Xin picked up a large plate of high-calorie food, sat down to eat slowly, and listened to the chats of these people, which can be regarded as an indirect increase in understanding of the location of the special case team.

After hearing this, she finally understood the meaning of Zhan Yunfei's incomplete sentence.

If it was as she imagined, people from other forces have now officially launched a siege to them.

In the past, they only harassed outside the ruins and seals, but now some people even openly form a team to hunt and kill the supernatural beings of the special case team. The situation is very grim.

Of course, the special case team is orthodox, if they get out of the seal to deal with them, those people will not be afraid at all.

But they couldn't give up the seal on the monsters, so they could only involve both sides and fell into a dilemma.

This is only an external cause. What really worries Zhan Yunfei and the others is that within the special case team, a small number of people feel that the special case team did not give up the seal on the demons, but put them in a desperate situation. Already feeling burnt out, and even being instigated, she had the intention of betraying her.

Su Xin listened to these just to understand the current situation. For her, since she has chosen her own beliefs and principles, she will not shake her will.

It just so happened that her beliefs and principles matched the orthodoxy of the Special Cases Team, so of course she would choose the Special Cases Team without hesitation.

Su Xin stopped eating after eating a large plate. Although she felt that she could still finish a few plates, the most important thing was not to let herself become a different kind.

Then she chose a large bag of dry food and water, enough for three or four days.

The special items that Jingxi mentioned were all kinds of talismans, medicine pills, and knives and guns that were destructive to yin objects.

Su Xin took a look, most of the talismans were drawn on yellow talisman paper, and the price tag was ten Hunyuan beads, or several million.

There are only a few like the ones that Xing Mu once gave her. Looking at the price, there are two spirit stones listed.It's completely incomparable with my own.

No wonder Yin Bao showed such a surprised expression when he saw him take out several talismans at once last time.

Su Xin found that the money in her pocket could not even afford a talisman.

It also includes the money she got from raiding the safe at Mr. Huai's house. Now she only knows how to buy ginseng and ganoderma tonics, and the rest is used as activity funds.

After looking around, he was ready to set off for the sealed land.

Outside the station, while waiting for the cable car, I met Jingxi and Ke Lan who had returned from the mission.

Seeing the backpacks on their backs, they asked in a little surprise, "Are you about to go on a mission?"

Su Xin nodded: "Well, I want to go and have a look first."

Jingxi paused for a moment, and said to a superhuman who had just gotten off the cable car in the same company: "By the way, Yuchi, last time I heard you say that your team still sends people..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Yu Chijing snatched it up and said, "We just came back from our mission and plan to take a rest. Now the three of us are cooperating well, and we don't intend to add any new people for the time being."

Seeing Su Xin, Yu Chijing was wondering why she came here.As soon as Jingxi said it, she understood the meaning of the other party's words, so she flatly refused.

(End of this chapter)

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