her left eye is unusual

Chapter 389 Chapter 403 The Greatest Danger

Chapter 389 Chapter [-] The Greatest Danger
Seeing that Yu Chijing didn't give in at all, Ke Lan was about to argue, but was blocked by Jingxi.

Jingxi said, "Oh, that's right."

Then he turned his head and said to Su Xin: "I'll take you there to have a look. I just want to do the task too. Lan Lan, you go to the station to rest first. You have consumed a lot of spiritual power today, and the cultivation effect is the best at this time."

Curran: "No, I'm going with you."

Jingxi: "..."

Su Xin smiled and said: "Thank you Jingjing for your kindness, I know how to do it. We all have our own tasks, and we will work together on tasks when we have the opportunity."

Jingxi glanced at Yu Chijing and the others who had left straight away, then looked at Ke Lan, and finally said: "Well, this is my summoning talisman, if there is anything, please send me a summons."

Su Xin took it with both hands, gratefully said: "Thank you."

A warm current flowed through her heart, and this kindness made the yellow sand around her feel warmer.

Su Xin got on the cable car, and the inside was very spacious and tidy.

Then another team sat up while chatting about how to cooperate with each other.

During the conversation, it can be seen that they are also newly recruited supernatural beings of the special case team spontaneously forming a team, and they have already been to the seal once.

Because he encountered a ghoul, he was caught off guard, and a companion was injured, so he had to activate the "teleportation talisman" and retreat.

They saw Su Xin alone, and one of them, a thin man with glasses, asked Su Xin, "Is this fellow Taoist also going to seal it?"

Su Xin nodded: "Well, my name is Su Xin, and I have met a few seniors."

Unfamiliar with him, and obviously looking older than himself, it is always right to call him a senior.

Several people were staring at Su Xin with curiosity and inquiry. Seeing the other party's magnanimous description, he took the initiative to introduce, and the atmosphere relaxed. With kind smiles on their faces, they introduced themselves one by one:

The one who took the initiative to greet Su Xin just now is called Zhan Yuan, whose ability is a ghost whisperer, that is, the kind that can communicate with ghosts.It is now at the sixth level of the ability, which is about the same as Su Xin.

An old lady who looks more than 60 years old, called Yupo, has the ability to ask rice, in fact, it is the kind that can communicate with ghosts through a medium.He has gray hair, a bun behind his head, and a walking stick that looks like a dead tree branch in his hand.

Su Xin felt that she had no fighting power, and she was getting old again, so it would be bad if she was injured.

Zhanyuan saw the doubt in Suxin's eyes, and explained in a rough voice from the side: "Yupo came with us mainly to find something, because she was different from other people since she was a child, so everyone isolated her. She has never been married and has no children in her life. This time she received a difficult commission and found out that the other party is a child with high talents, but she must ensure that he grows up safely and be a person with a stable soul and safety. On the market It hasn’t been sold, and even if it is expensive, it won’t last long, so I plan to come here to try my luck and find materials.”

After hearing this, Su Xin couldn't help but look at Yu Po twice more.

Vaguely, she seems to see a protagonist growing up, there are always a few who have no relatives, just because of "high talent", so others are willing to even sacrifice their own lives to protect and fulfill.

Of course, this is someone else's decision. She does not have such awareness and dedication, and she will not question others.

There are also two young men and women, the male Xu Gao is in his forties, his body is a bit blessed, his ability is to eat ghosts, and he can even directly absorb and refine himself to strengthen himself.But I don't know why, the refining speed of his body is very slow, so the energy that has not been fully absorbed and turned into spiritual power is stored in the body, which makes him so fat.

The female, Qin Fang, was about 30 years old. She didn't introduce her abilities and level, but just said her name lightly, then lowered her head to play with her phone again.

The signal here is completely isolated from the outside, but you can take selfies or play some small games.

At this moment, Zhan Yuan looked at Su Xin expectantly: "Join us, we all have a care together, don't you think?"

From their chat and introduction just now, Su Xin learned that the companion who entered the seal with them last time but was injured in the end was a very powerful supernatural being.

Her eyes can form a different-dimensional space to absorb ghosts, but the premise is that someone must protect her safety and give her enough space to cast spells.

But look at the few people here...

Now Zhanyuan tried his best to invite her to join, just wanting to "take care" of them.

Su Xin felt that this was the reality. Earlier, Jingxi wanted Yu Chijing's team to take her, but Yu Chijing knew her strength, so she flatly refused without even thinking about it.

But now, when I met a miscellaneous team, I took the initiative to invite her.

Su Xin didn't think good intentions should be used in these places, so she declined: "Thank you, I plan to try it alone. But I heard from them that there are not only very powerful ghosts but also demons inside the seal, so you should be careful some."

After hearing this, several people showed obvious disappointment on their faces.

Qin Fang pursed her lips, "Since you won't go, what's the point of talking about those empty ones."

Seeing that the other party was obviously dissatisfied with her, Su Xin was inexplicable, she didn't want to say a word to the other party at all, and even felt very grateful for the decision just now.

That's right, she felt that it would be a burden to keep these people by her side, but she kindly reminded her to "be careful", but she was stunned... Well, let's just pretend that I was wrong, okay.

Zhanyuan and Yupo kept inviting.

Yu Po even said: The child she is helping now is already in his teens, and he is born with ghost eyes. Once he grows up, his future will be limitless.If Su Xin is willing to help this time, the children will remember her kindness when they grow up.

The people next to her also began to say: Even in view of Yu Po's heart to help young people and her age, she should lend a helping hand.

Seeing this, Su Xin just kept saying sorry.

In fact, she didn't feel sorry for anyone if she didn't join the team, but the more she said this, it made these people think it was her fault.

Fortunately, the cable car arrived at its destination very quickly.

Su Xin got out of the car first.Although he had been keeping a low profile in the carriage just now, the moment he stepped out of the car door, he had put up a protective cover on his body.

There is an enchantment outside the car, it seems that the special case team is quite thoughtful.

There were people in twos and threes standing in the barrier, and their eyes swept over the person who just got off the car.

When they found that she was the only one acting alone, they all focused on her.

Su Xin sensed that these people had a very heavy resentment and killing intent from Chi Guoguo, which meant that the other party had already killed someone, and there were more than one.

It seems that the real danger is probably not from the sealed land, but from the same kind.

(End of this chapter)

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