her left eye is unusual

Chapter 390 Chapter 404

Chapter 390 Four Hundred and Four Anti-killing
Because they are the same kind, when the other party approaches, you don't even know if the other party is going to be against you, and when it is against you.

If you strike early, it is your fault that you killed first.

If it's too late, it's too late.

At this time, two young men came towards Suxin and said teasingly: "Hey, here are all my family members, why are you putting up a defensive cover? It's a waste. You see, none of us have a defensive cover." Hood, aren't you implying that we are not good people?"

The people next to her echoed, saying that she was too unique, out of gregarious, and looked down on them.

They saw that Su Xin was born, very young, alone, and didn't talk to him, and thought that the other party was afraid, so they talked more and more forward.

Just when she was about to leave the barrier, Su Xin suddenly turned her head to look at them, and grinned, revealing her white teeth.

Bright eyes and bright teeth made them inexplicably chill.

One of them gave a secret wink to the crowd, and then the two backed away.

Coming out of the enchantment at the terminal station of the cable car, there are still a few hundred meters away from the sealed place.

The inside of the barrier completely blocks the scorching heat and sand and dust in the desert, and as soon as you come out, you can feel the hot air, and the water is being lost from your body every minute.

Su Xin carried a few bottles of mineral water in his bag, and drew a few water polo symbols for emergencies.

Because the talisman is too precious, she will not just use the polo talisman to condense the water unless it is absolutely necessary.

Along the way, you can see people similar to those in the enchantment, gathering together in twos and threes.

Seeing her alone, he came up to her, and when he found that she was holding up the defensive cover, he knew it was a prudent one, and it was not easy to strike.Similar to the ones I met before, he backed away while saying sour words to squeeze her.

Su Xin learned when she was in college, don't live in other people's eyes and comments.For example, if someone says you are stingy, it must be because others have not taken advantage of you. If you say "why do you read so many books", it must be because the other party is not as hardworking as you.

Now, these people are saying that she's a shield and doesn't fit in, implying that they're the bad guy, stuff like that.To put it bluntly, they just want her to let go of her defenses so that she can strike.

If she really got angry with these people, she would really meet their wishes.

Of course, Su Xin's behavior also conveyed a message at the same time: the person who can support the energy shield at any time must be fat.

But the other party is only one person, and judging by the energy fluctuations on his body, he has three or four layers of abilities at most.

Even if she has a lot of means, as long as a few people join forces, it may not be impossible to get it done.

Just when Su Xin walked into the passage of the sealed place, he quickly approached the two of them behind him, and shouted: "Hey, so who, wait a minute..." It was like ordinary people shouting hello.

One of them pretended to reach out and pat Su Xin on the shoulder.

In an instant, the alarm bell in Su Xin's mind was loud, and his body hurriedly moved aside, at the same time, the soul-slaying ring in his hand turned into a fish-gut sword, which was slashed backwards.

But she saw that the two men beside her attacked at the same time, one stretched out his hand to attack her on the back of the head, and the other attacked her down the road.

Fortunately, she struck swiftly, and at the same time as the other party reached out, two screams came.

Both arms were cut off in unison and fell to the ground.

Two black balls the size of eggs fell out of the severed hand... Palm Thunder?

Su Xin had seen it in the supply area of ​​the station before, and it cost hundreds of thousands of pieces.A type of bomb specifically aimed at the defense cover, the explosion power is comparable to a missile concentrated within a range of two meters.

Even if she has two or three defensive shields at most, it will be reimbursed.

But this palm thunder has a disadvantage, that is, it must be attached to the other party's defensive cover, so they pretended to be talking normally and approached her.

They are just right for ordinary people, unless it is a murderer, who would hurt a killer just because someone asked a question or slapped him on the shoulder?Of course, it's not that they haven't encountered grumpy people before, but they always have to question them first and ask why they filmed them for no reason.

In the end, they all detonated the palm thunder in their sinister smiles.At the least, the opponent's defensive cover was broken, and at the worst, even the person himself was killed on the spot.They just waited to loot the loot.

There is a saying that there is no one who does not get his shoes wet when he often walks by the river. This time when he met Su Xin, he had no choice but to admit it.

Although Su Xin has never been out of S City and has never seen a big "market", she has experienced many life and death battles in essence. military adviser.

So no matter how ordinary people they pretended to be, Su Xin still felt a strong murderous intent.

If it weren't for the fear that doing something in the enchantment would leave a clue for someone who cared, he would have done it long ago.

So just now they reached out their hands, and before they detonated the palm mine, Su Xin preemptively cut off their arms.

The screams of the two stopped abruptly as soon as they uttered the first syllable.

It turned out that Su Xin had taken advantage of the situation and pulled down the slanting stab of the soul-slaying ring, and the two bodies turned into four parts and fell to the ground. The dead couldn't die anymore.

Stretching out her hand to grab it, she grabbed two souls that had just emerged from her body.

It took only two seconds from those two people fighting to being counter-killed at the end.

The strong smell of blood immediately attracted the bloodthirsty ghouls and gorefiends.

The Gorefiend turned into a blood-red mist and passed over the body, all the blood on it disappeared.

Then a group of blue-gray ghouls pounced on it, and began to tear the flesh from it.

So this is the place of seal.

Su Xin looked around: the ground was like black scorched earth after the volcano melted, and the sky and the earth were filled with clusters of gray mist, floating in the air, and whirlwinds were set off on the ground, and the scorching heat could roast people. Ripe heat waves or chills that freeze people into popsicles.

Su Xin didn't have time to appreciate the exotic atmosphere here, so she launched her first massacre of the sealed place.

These ghouls are similar to the ones she saw in the Six-Armed God Realm, and they should be their evolutionary versions, but now Su Xin's cultivation base has improved, and she has stronger control over the soul-slaying ring, so she can inject more spiritual power.

So in the face of these, as long as you don't feel nauseous or vomiting, it's not much different from cutting tofu.

Gorefiends evolved from wandering souls.

Su Xin rotated the soul hammer, scattered the blood demon in two or three strokes, and was about to collect it into the spirit inkstone.

It was found that the blood mist shrank inward automatically, and then one fell to the ground like a red crystal, making a "ding zero" sound.

With a thought, Su Xin passed a layer of spiritual power in his hand, picked it up and took a look——corpse pill?
Xiao Tao lazily gave her a popular science: "This is condensed from ghosts and demons, called energy crystals. This is just a very ordinary two-level little blood demon, but it can condense energy crystals. It seems that it is not an ordinary generation. Yes, but someone deliberately raised them."


When Su Xin heard these two words, she inexplicably remembered the scene when she met the zombie doctor.

Subconsciously, I took out another one from the portable space and put it together. Except for the slightly strange size and color, the texture and energy fluctuations are exactly the same.

That's right, the other energy crystal was picked out by Su Xin from the zombie doctor's head during that mission.

At the beginning, the zombie doctor thought he was a dick who had an adventure, but in fact he was just a "pig" raised by others.

Intentionally letting them eat the elixir that can transform their physique is actually just asking them to collect more life force, generate corpse pills, and then be recycled by others.

(End of this chapter)

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