her left eye is unusual

Chapter 391 Chapter 405 Blind 1

Chapter 391 Chapter 1 Blind [-]
Su Xin never expected that with just one blow of the hammer, he would harvest an energy crystal.

The depression of being robbed by those two people just now was swept away, and he was inexplicably excited.

Looking up at this scorched world, I also felt a little bit of excitement about the upcoming journey of sealing.

Just as she was looking at the two energy crystals, the ghoul that had been cut into pieces was quickly dried and turned into a cloud of dust, which dissipated into the air as soon as the wind blew.

Including the two people who tried to rob her that she killed just now, also disappeared completely.

There were only a few corpse pills reflecting light left on the ground.

The wealth came so quickly that she was a little bit giddy.

After a little tidying up, Su Xin started the mode of killing all directions.

What Xiao Tao said is correct, what she cultivates is the way of killing and cutting, and she is like a fish in water here.

In less than half a day, she gained more than all her past combined.


Xiao Tao: "...be careful, there are three third-level monsters approaching you."

Monsters and beasts are the combined name of "essence" and "monster" in ghosts and goblins. Compared with ghosts and demons, they all have entities, and they all evolved from animals, plants or other things.

These three monsters looked like enlarged versions of mangy dogs, one of which stopped in front of Su Xin, while the other two went around to the rear of Su Xin from both sides.

Su Xin didn't move, they also pretended to be wandering around, and the two sides formed a confrontation.

At this moment, the mangy dog ​​who was sleeping in front of Su Xin suddenly let out a scream of "Wooooooo", and the other two groaned and ran away without hesitation.

Su Xin wasted a ground trap talisman, how could they escape easily, and the soul-slaying ring in his hand flew in one direction.

Controlled by his spiritual sense, he chopped off the mangy dog ​​at the waist, while he rushed to the other side, firing several energy arrows in his hand, making several blood holes in his body.

Since you want to hunt others down, you have to realize that you will be counter-killed.

Su Xin stepped forward and fatally stabbed the mangy dog ​​caught in the land subsidence talisman, then unhurriedly split open his head, took out the energy crystal, and put a few canine teeth into a box by the way.

"Help, help..." Accompanied by the ear-piercing cry for help, the noise of other people and the howling of the demon soul, it was even more desolate and desolate.

On the black scorched horizon, a group of people were surrounded by ghosts around them, and there were several monsters waiting beside them.

In the sight of Su Xin's left eye, countless ghouls, lonely souls and demon souls rushed forward.

Those ghosts kept harassing the people inside, not only whirling whirlwinds around the defensive cover, but also rampaging inside, even attaching to people and biting them.

A woman squatted on the ground with her head in her arms and wept bitterly, all she could say was: "No, don't come here, don't come here, go away..."

A few people next to them waved their weapons in the air indiscriminately, while those yin creatures slid past them and even played with them.Make a mess.

While asking eagerly: "What the hell is it? Where is it? Tell me quickly..."

It's a pity that the woman was directly frightened by the appearance of the ghoul monster, and now she doesn't even dare to look at it.

"I don't know, I don't know anything, let me go, woo woo..."

The woman closed her eyes tightly, scratching with her hands while crying, as if trying to drive away the ghosts lying on her.

In fact, it was the opposite, because her mental defense collapsed, making these ghosts rush towards her as if they wanted to smell more delicious food, scaring her and harassing her with more terrifying and disgusting images.

The woman was madly trying to rush out in the defensive cover, some of the other people yelled at her to be quiet, and some stepped forward to hug her to comfort her, making a mess.

The woman faced those ghosts not far away, causing the whole team to collapse.

After all, not everyone has the ability to see Yin objects.

This team is that only the woman can see all the ghosts, while the others only have the means to deal with the ghosts.

Their defensive shields only prevent the monsters from outside from invading. Now that the inside is in chaos, the people who support the defensive shields are also affected. In addition, the monsters outside took the opportunity to rush up, completely collapsing the already unstable defensive shields.

Several leopard-shaped monsters were watching around and rushed towards the people inside at the same time.

Suddenly there was a scream.

But the woman who caused the entire team to collapse first was instead guarded in the center.

Although Su Xin is not a warm-hearted person, she is not the kind who would do nothing to save her.

When he saw those people were besieged by monsters and almost wiped out, he rushed over as fast as he could, fired a few beams of energy arrows to push back the leopard-shaped monsters, and at the same time waved the soul hammer to disperse the ghosts .

It turned into dozens of energy crystals and stayed on the ground. Su Xin captured them from the air and put them in his bag.

"Yes, it is the energy crystal... This is our prey, why did you take the energy crystal away."

A resentful question came from behind.

The soul-slaying ring in Su Xin's hand turned around, turned around quickly, and looked at the source of the voice.

A woman sat on the ground glaring at her.

If Su Xin remembers correctly, this is the woman who almost killed the entire team just now.

Didn't she see that someone else killed these monsters just now?
Didn't she see that someone else rescued her and everyone here?
Didn't she see that several companions were eaten by monsters just to save her?
Su Xin instantly turned cold, and said, "Are you blind or am I blind?"

This woman didn't even see these facts, she was blind or something.

And he stepped forward to help him in a moment of brain fever, and he didn't realize that this woman was such a person first, so he was blind.

The woman struggled to stand up from the ground, looked at the dirt on her body with a look of disgust on her face, "You are simply unreasonable, we have managed to lure these monsters here, and now they are all messed up by you. Is it reasonable to not admit the mistake and apologize?"

Hearing the woman's confident words, Su Xin pointed her finger at herself, opened her mouth to speak but stopped, but didn't say a word.

Damn, it looks like she's blind.

Come on, such a woman can't be provoked or hidden.

Next time, just wait for those monsters to eat them all, and it won't be too late to do it yourself.Instead, it will gain more energy.

Su Xin didn't bother to say anything, and walked away.

A man who looked very handsome said: "Wait a minute, just now... maybe Xiaobao was too excited, you are a big man, don't take it to heart. I..."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Xin's mouth, oh, I am a big adult, so others can scold me at will, even deprive me of the fruits of my labor, and have to admit my mistakes?

This logic is also quite weird.

Another man supported the woman, and said to Su Xin with a distressed look: "Xiaobao is pregnant, and her mood is a little unstable. I hope you don't care about a pregnant woman. Those monsters are indeed lured by her own blood. Come here, you..."

(End of this chapter)

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