her left eye is unusual

Chapter 392 Chapter 406 Blind 2

Chapter 392 Chapter 2 Blind [-]
Su Xin felt that her heart was in a panic, what was the point of this, not to mention being scolded for "doing what is right", and asking her own adults not to care about pregnant women in large numbers.

The problem is that this pregnant woman has something to do with him?Are you pregnant with your own species?Or did he make her belly bigger?
Besides, since he said that those monsters were attracted by the woman herself, what happened to killing so many people, and even almost dying himself?

Is it all just a show they are making?Want to kill everyone else and keep them alone?Is it because I don't see it right now?
Su Xin immediately pushed back: "Pregnant woman? What about pregnant women? I didn't make her belly bigger, and she was pregnant with your cub. You should protect her. It has something to do with me? I saved people by mistake. Just think that I am blind, but I killed these monsters, and it is absolutely impossible to give them to you with both hands, what do you like."

When the two big men heard Su Xin's words, their expressions suddenly changed.

"That... the child in her stomach is not me..."

Su Xin sneered: "Oh, it's not your seed and you still protect it like this, does her husband know? It's really shameless..."

"Shut up, I don't allow you to say that about her. She, she... was also forced, and was ruined by that bitch. "

There are two other people on the ground who are still dying, one is about 20 years old, a very delicate woman stared resentfully at the man who was protecting the woman, and said angrily: "Xia Jin, you are so cruel, I will do it for you!" After giving everything, you are plotting against me for this biao. What is she? She was raped, and she is still pregnant with rape, why are you protecting her so much? Don't you see that, Is she using you from beginning to end? Are you blind?"


Without knowing where, Xiao Bao suddenly took out a knife and stabbed it straight into the heart of the woman on the ground.

Holding the handle of the knife with both hands, he turned it vigorously.

The pretty woman stared at Xiaobao, "You, you..." She didn't say a word, and then completely collapsed on the ground, she can't rest in peace.

Xiao Bao let go of his hand quickly, took a few steps back, almost fell down, and was supported by the man named Xia Jin.

"No, no, I really didn't mean it. I just don't want her to scold my child anymore? You know, she can treat me no matter what, but she can't hurt the child. I don't want the child to be treated like this before the child is born. Scolding... No matter what, the child is innocent, woo..."

Xiaobao cried and said, nestling in Xia Jin's arms, her shoulders twitched.

The two men quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, Xiaobao, the child is innocent, we will definitely let him and other children... Oh no, we must let him grow up happier than other children!"

Another woman who was still alive on the ground pointed at the small bag and sneered, blood gushed out of her mouth one after another: "Hey, I didn't expect you to really keep this bastard who was raped, you Have you ever thought about my brother's feelings? He loves you so much, he would fall out with his parents because of you. He doesn't even mind you being raped, he even comforts you, and swears to treat you well for the rest of his life... But now you keep this child What is it for?"

Xiao Bao seemed to be fighting for it, "You keep saying that you are good to me and love me, but have you ever thought that this is my child, the child in my belly who is connected with my blood?! You all want to kill his life, Why are you so cruel? Every life has the right to come into this world, and none of you can deprive them of their lives! That’s right, last time you asked me to be a human being, I didn’t…”

"You bitch, go to hell, go to hell..." After listening to Xiaobao's words, the woman went crazy, struggling with her broken body and throwing herself towards him.

But when he stood up just now, his stomach was scratched by the monster, and the internal organs fell all over the floor...

After the quarrel was over, Su Xin was nowhere to be seen after recovering.

Give those who haven't fully breathed out a knife.

This time, it was considered to have solved all the redundant people around them.

It's a pity that there are so many energy crystals. If it wasn't for creating chaos and pretending to be weak just now, he should have directly taken that woman down!

It's a pity that regrets are over now, and after tidying up, the three of them headed towards the depths of the sealed land.

Let's say that Su Xin had just experienced a wonderful team, and not long after, she saw the team that took the cable car with her.

Slightly surprised in my heart, to be able to stand strong in it for so long, it seems that it is not as weak as it looks.

Hey, why are there two people missing?
Only Zhanyuan and Yupo were left, and the others were all new faces.

At this time, they were dealing with an evil spirit. Yu Po was turning the nipple in her hand, chanting words, and waves of energy emitted from it, making the evil spirit even more irritable.

Zhanyuan asked other people to go up to deal with the evil spirits.

One of the young men really rushed forward and used the fairy rope in his hand to trap the evil spirit, but he didn't know why the rope didn't shake off, but he was caught by the evil spirit and swallowed him.

The other two felt that something was wrong, and when they wanted to get away, they were attacked from behind at the same time, and they both fed the evil spirits.

The evil spirit ate several people one after another, instantly raising two levels.

Then Zhan Yuan covered it with a gossip plate, and immediately turned into a thumb-sized energy crystal!
…Inexplicably, Su Xin felt a chill behind her.

Although she is vigilant and will not trust others.

But when he saw Chi Guoguo's betrayal with his own eyes, he felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet.

At this moment, she felt more and more how precious the cooperation with Shi Feng and Mo Li was.

Of course, it may be that there is not enough to shake their will, but what will happen once it appears?

Su Xin's firm will has been shaken at this moment.

Little Tao sighed slightly.

In fact, in cultivating a firm Dao heart, in addition to persisting in cultivation, there is something more important, that is-not to be surprised by favor or insult.

It didn't make a sound to remind her, because she had to step over it to the bottom of her heart.

Soon, Su Xin figured it out:

It's not because friendship is rare and cherished, but it should be based on treating people with sincerity.

No matter what others do, just do your part and follow your own heart.

Su Xin, who had figured it out, felt that the whole person became more open-minded, and she no longer had the mood of worrying about gains and losses.

Start the hunt.

On the fourth day of her entry into the sealed land, Su Xin met the two teams of Zhan Yuan and Xiaobao again.

What made her feel that there were no wonders in the world was that this Zhanyuan was the man who raped Xiaobao.Coincidentally, Zhan Yuan is a person with supernatural powers, and after strengthening Xiao Bao, the seeds left behind inexplicably stimulated Xiao Bao's spatial powers.

And the two men following her now are more or less because of her abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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