her left eye is unusual

Chapter 393 Chapter 407 Do Your Own Part 1

Chapter 393 Chapter 1 Do Your Own Part [-]
This time, when two groups of people met each other, Zhanyuan resolutely pushed Yupo out to fend off the monster—in an attempt to kill her.

Then say hello to Xiaobao.

Unexpectedly, the child that Yu Po said she would do her best to keep was the one in Xiaobao's belly.

Yu Po's real intention is to help Xiaobao, let the child inside be born, and then get something that can make her rejuvenate and live forever.

Originally thought that Xiao Bao would save her, but when Zhan Yuan finally betrayed her, Xiao Bao just pretended to be afraid and hid in the man's arms.

Then he watched her being eaten by monsters, and before she died, she uttered the most vicious curse.

Xiao Bao wanted to get rid of this man wholeheartedly, on the surface he accepted Zhan Yuan to join the team, but in fact he secretly released his own blood to attract the monsters around him.

As more and more monsters gathered around, Zhan Yuan realized that the tricks must have something to do with this bitch, so he decisively took Xiaobao hostage.Use the child in the other party's stomach as a threat.

Su Xin never expected to meet these people again, it was God's will that she could face the darkness in this seal so nakedly.

A world that is completely isolated from the constraints of laws and ethics, where everything is governed by human greed and instinct, is the so-called law of the jungle and the strong respecting the strong.

Su Xin is very clear that when her strength is further improved, and then reaches a higher level, she is bound to enter a higher level. At that time, there are no external constraints, and only her own heart decides all actions.

Think of it this time as a warm-up before entering that world.

Su Xin didn't go forward to kill the monster stupidly anymore, and didn't leave, but stayed in place quietly, and called Xiao Tao out by the way, forcing all the monsters around to their side.

Although Xiao Tao is just a wisp of remnant soul, it is an ancient ferocious beast after all, and the terrifying prehistoric aura is still there.Let these low-level monsters flee to other places one after another.

Since they like to lure monsters so much, this time it is right to pay back what they helped them kill last time.

That's right, that's how she is, repaying kindness with kindness, and repaying kindness with an eye.

Although those people concealed their strength, they were all intrigues with each other after all, so they fought fiercely for a long time in the monster's whirling lair, but they were finally wiped out by the group.

And the messy relationship between them was completely submerged in this piece of scorched earth.

Just when Su Xin was about to go forward to harvest Neng Jing and Shi Dan, a small team rushed over from the side, and she knew the leader——Yu Chijing.

Several people swept away those monsters with a powerful energy shock wave, and lifted a woman from the ground.

Su Xin was taken aback for a moment, and the first thought that popped up in his mind was: After being rounded by so many monsters, he is still alive?

No, it's not scientific.

In the line of sight of her left eye, a black hole formed in the woman's lower abdomen. Just when Yu Chijing and others were about to rescue the woman, the black hole was slowly expanding...

Just when it was about to swallow all the people around it, it suddenly shrank into a small ball and hid in the woman's belly.

There was only one thought in Su Xin's mind: something was wrong with this woman.

And those who rushed to the rescue, I am afraid that they will not be able to escape being swallowed by that devilish energy in the end.

Xiao Tao's voice resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "A woman who sold her soul and body to the devil, the child in her belly is the devil's seed, and she is now the spokesperson of the devil. If you don't get rid of it now, wait for that When the demon seed grows up in a human body, it is the time when the laws of the human world are subverted."

Su Xin: "So serious?"

"Do you know why ghosts and demons are so feared and awe-inspiring in the mortal world, but they have never been the dominant players in this world?"

"Because they don't have a body, they are just a mass of energy, and their overall strength is weaker than that of a cultivator. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to even move objects in this world. They can only create some chaos by affecting people's consciousness. And once they encounter Those who are determined, they have no choice but to be extinguished by the other party's yang energy. Therefore, all the demon kings choose to hide in the bodies of those with evil intentions through the method of planting demons. The combination of people with the same kind of factors will produce the devil seed."

"Of course, on the one hand, the demon seed stores materials for its own growth, and on the other hand, it also wants to give some benefits to the mother body. When the devil seed is born, it usually causes the mother body to produce some abilities, the most common being the space ability. But the devil is Demons, their essence is still devouring life, so they sensed the approach of such powerful supernatural beings around them, and they still wanted to devour them. But in the end they didn't move, so I think, the mother should have known it a long time ago What is it that I am pregnant with, I used my own consciousness to control the instinctive behavior of the demon species..."

That is to say, that woman clearly knew that she was raped, and that she was pregnant with an evil seed, a real "evil" seed, but she also showed a look of "what a precious life is a newly combined sperm and egg" and "I am a mother!" , How great I am", it only shows that she has already recognized her current identity.

Su Xin let out a sigh, probably seeing too many of these things in the past few days, and her mental endurance has become stronger.

Let's say that Yu Chijing's team rescued Xiaobao and became a member of the team.Because of her delicate appearance and poor background, even several male team members felt extraordinary pity for her.

Although Su Xin didn't want to meddle in other people's business, she knew that Yu Chijing was a member of the special case team and seemed to have a close relationship with Hui Xinjie.

Although she didn't like Hui Xinjie, in essence, compared to the behavior of the two groups just now, both Hui Xinjie and Yu Chijing were classified as "good people" by her.

And now that I have just been hired by the special case team, whether it is from my own heart or morality, it is necessary to remind Yu Chijing.

Believe it or not, just do your part.

Thinking of this, Su Xin stepped forward and was about to speak, but Yu Chijing glared at her angrily, "Didn't you enjoy watching it just now? What are you doing here now?"

Uh... It seems that what I was watching just now was known by the other party.

But now is not the time to fight between emotions, Su Xin didn't answer the other party's words, but said directly: "This woman is not right, everyone is dead, only she survived, you should be more careful."

Xiao Bao could tell at a glance that Su Xin was the woman who almost spoiled her good deed last time. What made her even more afraid was that this woman must have seen everything before, and if she yelled out, she would definitely do something bad.

Although she can't do anything to the other party now, she can take advantage of these people's resistance to this woman and use their hands to get rid of the other party!
(End of this chapter)

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