her left eye is unusual

Chapter 394 Chapter 408 Do Your Own Part 2

Chapter 394 Chapter 2 Do Your Own Part [-]
Xiaobao quickly pretended to be scared, poked his head into the arms of the man beside him, pointed at Suxin and complained: "She, she... is the one who killed my brother and fiance last time, when we were killed by ghouls Being harassed by monsters and being attacked by monsters, she just stood by and didn't help, and when there was a slight flaw in our cooperation, she would plot against us... woo woo..."

As she was talking, she suddenly rushed towards Su Xin and shouted: "You murderous devil, give back my brother's husband's life, I will fight with you. If you have the ability, kill me too..."

In the sight of the left eye, Su Xin saw a dark whirlpool suddenly formed in the opponent's lower abdomen, as if trying to swallow everything into it.

Secretly, this woman pretended to be distraught, and played around in front of her, as long as she got a little closer to her, she might be sucked away!

Su Xin hurriedly dodged to avoid it, and at the same time, a powerful big hand suddenly grabbed Xiao Bao's wrist.

A voice full of coldness sounded: "She plotted against you?"

Yu Chijing suddenly turned his head to look at Xiao Bao. Although he didn't like Su Xin in his heart, he still knew what she was like.She may be on the sidelines as before, but it is absolutely impossible to deal with a team without any enmity.

His eyes subconsciously swept over the opponent. When he suddenly grabbed the opponent's wrist just now, he suddenly sensed a very strange energy fluctuation, but it disappeared immediately.

Xiao Bao froze suddenly, facing Yu Chijing's sharp scrutiny eyes, naturally felt a little guilty, quickly shook off Yu Chijing's hand, retreated into the arms of the man just now, and cried: "Woo, you all helped that man The female devil, she is a murderous demon, and sooner or later all of us here will be killed by her."

The man felt that nephrite was in his arms, and fully felt that he was needed. He patted Xiaobao on the shoulder and said to Yuchijing: "I said, Yuchi, can you stop pretending to be so cold all day long? You don't know how much she went through just now. Is it a tragic thing? Is it wrong to survive? Even this woman, when we arrived, didn’t you also see that she was just watching those monsters eat people? You..."

Su Xin looked at the man suddenly, the latter felt a chill and his voice weakened unconsciously.

The eyes swept over the people around. Fortunately, although everyone felt that it was inappropriate for her to confront a pregnant woman, they were not as excited as the man just now. It should be that what she said just now had an effect.

But none of them took the initiative to stand up and say a fair word, which shows that they don't want to bear a bad reputation.

md, it's really hard to be a good person.

In any case, she did her best and did her part.

Regardless of how these people discuss and question, they will leave decisively.

"Don't go, you murderer, pay back my husband's life..."

husband?A woman who was raped and regarded the seed of the rape as a treasure, a woman who killed everyone around her one by one under the banner of "maternal love", how dare she say "husband"?
If she hadn't seen the whole thing, she would have subconsciously favored "vulnerable groups" of pregnant women.

Su Xin sneered in her heart, the other party clearly wanted to provoke her now, and let her bear the name of beating a pregnant woman again?

No, she is too lazy to argue now. After all, these people are protecting that woman, and they can't get rid of it directly, but it will cause more trouble.Don't let her seize the opportunity next time, or she will definitely make her pay for today's slander!
Questions such as "Let her explain clearly" and "Don't leave" came from behind.

Su Xin felt that what she had said was clear enough, and anyone with a little brain wouldn't think about it?

A cold voice suddenly said "Let her go", and immediately, all the noise fell silent.

The dry food that Su Xin brought had already been eaten, and he saw too many things happening in the sealed place so "red fruit fruit", it is one thing to figure it out, and it still needs a process of acceptance and adaptation psychologically.

Coupled with the knowledge of monsters, as well as combat experience and the knots left behind, she needs to sort out slowly.

After leaving the sealed place, I was used to the blackness and darkness, but suddenly faced with the scorching heat and the long yellow sand in front of me, I felt as if I had been separated from another world.

I sincerely feel that it is more comfortable to live in a world under the law and under the constraints of ethics.

Looking around, there are still people in twos and threes wandering around, looking at the people coming and going, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Su Xin directly returned to the station on the cable rail, opened her room with an ID card, washed and combed her body carefully, and then went to the central living area to replenish food.

While eating, Ke Lan came to him, "Susu, hurry up, the black-faced uncle is looking for you again."

Su Xin was thinking about something on her mind, she was stunned for a moment before she realized, and asked: "Chief?"

"Who else is not him? Hurry up, let me tell you what have you been doing these days, why did he find you?"

Su Xin packed the dinner plate and followed the other party's footsteps, while responding: "It's just a mission in the sealed place, I don't know what's going on."

Ke Lan immediately exclaimed: "My God, don't tell me that you have been in the sealed land for the past few days since you took the cable car that day? My God, you don't know how chaotic it is inside, you..."

After leaving the living area, go straight to Zhan Yunfei's room.

Knocking on the door and entering, Zhan Yunfei glanced at Suxin, and without waiting for the other party to ask a question, he directly said: "Duanju called yesterday, and he said that the mission you followed last time has a clue. You can choose to stay here now If you understand the station and mission, you can go back and deal with it first."

Su Xin responded yes, and prepared to say goodbye and leave.

Just as she turned around, Zhan Yunfei suddenly asked: "Oh, by the way, how did you get to know the past few days at the station? Are you familiar with the environment here? After you come back, I can arrange someone to take you into the sealed place." Find out, if you can do it, our special case team welcomes you to join, if it is more reluctant, we also express our gratitude to you."

Hearing the tone of the other party's words, Su Xin definitely didn't know that she had already wandered around the sealed place.

Thinking about it, the other party, as the commander-in-chief, not only has to arrange large and small things internally, but also balances the forces of all parties externally.

No matter the last time I personally "interviewed" myself, or this time I personally told myself about S City, it was very rare.

The other party asked in such a roundabout way, which already showed that she was very reserved and gave her face.

Su Xin tasted the sweetness in the sealed place. She came out this time only for material supplies and psychological mediation, but now that there is a new situation in S City, she naturally has to go back and settle the matter first.

In any case, it is her duty to do things from the beginning to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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