her left eye is unusual

Chapter 395 Chapter 409

Chapter 395 Chapter [-] (adding changes to undo the renaming of the grandmaster)
Su Xin replied: "I've already visited the sealed place, and it's okay. Thank you, Chief, for your concern."

"Have you been there?" Zhan Yunfei was doing something, he paused when he heard Su Xin's words, and subconsciously asked.

After all, they had also attracted a lot of supernatural beings before, but most of them chose to stay in the station to find something to do after knowing the power of the monsters inside.

There are even some who simply collude with outsiders... It's just that those people are very secretive. Unless they are caught, they have no evidence and no evidence to do anything to them.

What's more important is that the situation is serious now, and there must be no news that is unfavorable to the special case team, and it can only be suppressed.

At the same time, let the people in the special case team pass on a message-to be safe with each other and not to make a big mess.

Therefore, a tacit understanding was formed between them. Those people did not dare to openly deal with the team. Of course, if they saw the team in a desperate situation in the sealed place, they would not hesitate to beat the dog in the water.

Ke Lan heard Zhan Yunfei's non-salty question, and eagerly snapped it up: "What does it mean to have been there? Susu has been in there for a few days..."

"You mean how many days did you stay in the sealed land?" Zhan Yunfei asked back, biting the words "sealed land" very hard.

Finally, he raised his head and took a formal look at Su Xin, "Then, the situation inside..."

Su Xin listened to the other party's protracted ending, in fact, she wanted to ask herself if she had gained something in it.

So he responded with kindness: "I feel that I can barely cope with it, and I am very interested in this task. I thank the chief for giving me this opportunity. When the matter in S City is resolved, I will definitely come back and continue to complete it."

Zhan Yunfei looked at Su Xin, and asked solemnly: "What do you mean... you can barely handle it? Can you directly hunt and kill monsters and monsters, or just surrender?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Su Xin thought, could it be that the way he can directly kill monsters and beasts is very unusual?

It's all because she had less contact with other supernatural beings before, but as far as she saw, it seemed that they used expulsion and capture more, so she responded carefully: "...only barely hunted a few monsters."

Zhan Yunfei took a fixed look at Su Xin, he remembered that there was one item written in the report he handed in: Collecting ghosts.

Without further questioning, he just said lightly: "Well, you can arrange the time yourself. The special case team... welcomes you at any time."

Su Xin was overjoyed, did the other party's words indicate that she had recognized her?So he quickly responded: "Thank you, Chief, I will go to the task management office to hand in the task later, and I will come back as soon as the matter in S city is dealt with."

Zhan Yunfei nodded and said, "Okay, you can go to work first."

Su Xin bid farewell and left.

Ke Lan glanced back and pursed his mouth: "Really, what kind of attitude is this? He has a dark face all day long, as if someone owed him."

Su Xin smiled when she heard her childish complaints.

Zhan Yunfei looked at Su Xin's brisk footsteps when he left, and was a little surprised. Subconsciously, he stopped Ke Lan who was going to leave with him: "Lan'er, wait a minute."

Ke Lan pouted and said "oh", then smiled playfully at Su Xin, and said with his mouth: "bye"

Ke Lan turned back and closed the door behind him.

Zhan Yunfei said: "Later, you will go and see the task she submitted."

Ke Lan knew that the special case team needed to have a certain assessment of everyone's strength, even she was the same at the time, so she wasn't surprised at all, but asked: "Is it the monsters from the Susu array that can hunt and kill the sealed land? Can you let her enter the special case team? Or she will be assigned to me and Jing Jing's team in the future..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhan Yunfei smiled softly: "I know what you think, but if things are really as she said, maybe the initiative is not with us."

Although Su Xin has been very humble from the beginning, she exudes an air of neither humbleness nor overbearing from the bottom of her heart, and has her own purpose and determination.

Ke Lan heard the meaning of the other party's words, and said softly again, feeling much depressed.

Zhan Yunfei suddenly asked: "By the way, last time you said that she could just... beat ghosts?"

He was careful with his words, because ghosts are like a mass of energy to people, even for people with supernatural powers, they only use energy to break them apart or use weapons to collect them.I haven't heard of anyone who can hit a ghost directly.

Ke Lan immediately regained his energy, and began to tell vividly: "I told you last time, she is real, she just dragged that ghost out of the person, and then pressed him on the ground and beat him violently." ... There were still many people there at the time, but they couldn't see it. You still don't believe me when I tell you..."


Su Xin came out of Zhan Yunfei's office and went directly to hand in the task. Seeing that other people's entire team only handed in one or two energy crystals, or simply took out a ghost or monster stored in a bottle, a tooth of a monster, and a piece of skin. .

That's right, they don't have the means to completely kill ghosts and monsters, they can only store them in special bottles.

Su Xin didn't have a bottle to hold the ghosts, and also felt that it would be better to break them up completely than to spend more time beating them to death.

Su Xin thought for a while, and took out the three smallest energy crystals.

She thought about it a little bit.

Originally, she was tasked alone, so it would be considered good if she could come out alive, or take out a prey.

And she took out three at a time, mainly because everyone was skeptical of her when she first arrived.

And she will leave for a few days soon, if she does not have enough strength, I am afraid that others will not "specially hope" her to come back, so it is also necessary to properly prove her strength.

Sure enough, the task manager looked at her twice more, and even deliberately asked, "Are you alone?" "Hmm."

At the same time, write down her name, mission time and the number of monsters hunted and killed in another booklet.

Then give her the task rewards: three spirit stones, a bottle of elixir, and two special "Teleportation Talismans", as well as [-] contribution points.

The manager put the ID card that Su Xin used to open the door of his room in a special card slot next to the desk, a light flashed, then took it out and handed it back to Su Xin, saying: "You already have [-] points in it. , you can go to the life center to redeem anything that can be redeemed with points.”

"OK, thanks."

Xiao Tao muttered: "It's really stingy. Although these are only first- and second-level energy crystals, they are at least worth a few or even dozens of spirit stones. I only give one, and I will bully you people who don't understand."

Su Xin just smiled, but didn't care in the slightest.

First of all, this is not a ghost market, and it can be completely "fairly" traded.

In addition, the other party built such a large seal, and put energy stones into the seal every day to maintain its operation; and maintain the overall order here, etc. These are extremely large investments.

So Su Xin thinks it is not bad to give each energy crystal a spirit stone.

 Special thanks to the huge reward for canceling the renaming, a generation of masters, admired by thousands of people, and a special single chapter to pay tribute! !Special thanks to the quiet chicken in the world, Lois·W, Fengwu ice dish, old Aries who lost weight, let go of that second-hand product, a leaf, moonlight lightning 2016, Sigxian, full-time bookworm 888, the hometown of cat's claw i , book friend 160522223514987, the male god ♂ faintly smiled for his support, especially thanks to all the friends who cast valuable votes, every bit of support is the most powerful source of motivation for pepper.

  In particular, my friend Lois·W has rewarded me many times and quietly promoted to hall master, which really cost me money, and I owe you a chapter to add an update. Let Chili make it up next time.

  In fact, adding one more chapter or two chapters can't express Chili's gratitude to everyone for his love, but this is the only way Chili can use his own efforts to repay, so Chili will work harder to update the code, and I hope you have any comments and suggestions to tell chili!Love you guys! !
(End of this chapter)

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