Chapter 396 (Addition for Ke Lan, Hall Master of Dandan Lanxiang)
After handing in the task, Su Xin didn't need to go back to the room, but was ready to leave.

Because of all her belongings: the most valuable ones are in the carry-on space, plus a backpack is enough.

Leaving the station is very simple, you can give a certain contribution value or the equivalent of [-] money, and someone will send you to the airport.

After all, not all supernatural beings are suitable for fighting. Doing things here can not only get the latest information, but also get contribution points, which can be exchanged for elixirs and magic tools in the special case team.

Su Xin felt that money was more useful to her now, so she directly exchanged ten contribution points for a trip from the desert station to the airport.

Others are contrary to her, they are already rich and so prefer to contribute points.As soon as she said that she wanted to exchange it with contribution points, several people immediately joined in.

Leaving the station and out of the desert area, Su Xin's mobile phone signal was fully restored.

I received several messages in a row, all from Shi Feng, Mo Li and Duan Ju Wang Yang, mainly introducing their situation.

Under the treatment of Hui Xinjie's life power, Wei Yan has basically recovered, and the two fingers that were cut off were also reattached.

It's just that, after all, the disconnection time is too long, and it is already very good to be able to connect it back. In the future, those few fingers can only barely do some ordinary things, and cannot do heavy work.

But Yi Xiaorou didn't wake up, Wei Yan took care of her every day when she was able to move a little.

Also, Shi Feng and the others told her about Qiao Yue.

After several days of hard work, they finally found Qiao Yue's foothold.

The message didn't make it very clear, so Su Xin hurriedly called.

Just as the beep was about to be heard, it was answered almost instantly.

Shi Feng's eager voice came from inside: "Susu, how are you doing?"

Hearing her companion's voice, Su Xin couldn't help feeling relaxed and at ease, and quickly responded: "It's okay, by the way, I saw the message you sent just now, you said Qiao Yue is now at Cao's house, how did you reply?" thing?"

Because as far as she knows, it can be called "Cao's family", and only the Cao's family that she came into contact with on a mission last time can build a whole villa, purchase international top medical equipment, and establish an independent life force array.

However, based on previous investigations, Qiao Yue was just an ordinary little reporter who became famous for writing a few controversial and inaccurate reports, and later ruined her own job.

It's impossible to get involved with the Cao family.

Shi Feng sighed slightly, "This is a long story, you will know when you come back."

After nearly a day of bumpy boats and vehicles, Su Xin finally returned to Ten Mile Lane.

Shi Feng resolutely brought out a pot of bacon eight-treasure porridge, the temperature was just right, presumably he started cooking it when he heard she was back.

Su Xin didn't need to worry about her image, she happened to be hungry, and while eating, she listened to the two talk about the past few days.

They had been unable to find Qiao Yue's whereabouts before, so it turned out that she didn't know how to get in touch with Zijun of the Cao family.

Although after Zijun married Cao Min'an, his true nature was gradually exposed.

But now she no longer has the ability of the sky eye, nor does she have Han He as her backing, so she is only spoiled and domineering.

She used to be spoiled and domineering, but because she is a supernatural being, and Hanhe is the Cao family's enshrinement, everyone is very tolerant and even welcomes her deliberately.

But when she doesn't have that halo on her body, why should others tolerate her without limit?

In addition, Cao Min'an is no longer the sick boy who has been suffering from inhuman pain and has no hope for tomorrow.

After recovering, he will be the heir of the Qiao Group. Those illnesses and tortures in the past have also trained him to be very resolute, and he exudes everyone's courage.

Although he saw Zijun's nature clearly, but for the sake of Hanhe and the original promise, he still married Zijun.

But if Zijun is more pampered and domineering, he will never be able to tolerate and care like before.

Zijun felt that she had fallen out of favor and that the whole world was full of hostility towards her.

And all this was caused by one person - Su Xin.

If Su Xin hadn't intervened, she would still be the same as before, a supernatural being, loved by her master like a master, and everyone held her in the palm of their hands.

But Su Xin broke it all, she hated her!
When she was having a massage in a massage shop, she accidentally met Qiao Yue who was working part-time, and the two hit it off.

Qiao Yue said that she had an enemy, and she wished she could eat his marrow and lay down his skin.

Zijun immediately said: "It's better to turn her into a little ghost, and let her be driven by you for the rest of her life."

But she has one request, to ask Qiao Yue to seduce Cao Min'an.

Of course Qiao Yue wanted to be close to Cao Min'an, not only would she not have to worry about food and clothing in this life, but she would be able to live the life of a rich wife in the next life.

But both of them knew very well that Zijun was not only younger and more beautiful, but also had a sense of nobility from his childhood, which Qiao Yue couldn't do no matter how he dressed.

Zijun just naively wanted to use Qiao Yue to make Cao Min'an have a contrast and set her off more perfectly.

Qiao Yue naturally tried her best to get on the bed.


Su Xin knew how difficult it was to "find a needle in a haystack". Shi Feng and Mo Li were able to find the top of the Cao family.

After the two talked, Su Xin also finished the pot of bacon and eight-treasure porridge, and the whole person was warm and comfortable.

Su Xin said: "So, the key to the problem now is how to get close to the Cao family? Although the relationship between Zijun and Cao Min'an is not good, they are a legitimate couple. If Qiao Yue is moved, they will definitely confront Zijun head-on. Did Chi Guoguo slap the Cao family in the face?"

"That's right." Shi Feng replied.

Mo Li: "And from the information I've collected, that Zijun is helping Qiao Yue to turn Yi Xiaorou's soul into a little ghost, I'm afraid..."

Su Xin knew from Xiao Tao's science popularization that the process of refining imps is very cruel.

The greater the kid's resentment, the stronger his strength, so in order to arouse the kid's resentment, he used all means.

Generally, all kinds of torture methods are used on the living body first, and for the soul, the most commonly used is "lighting the sky lantern", which keeps the soul on the spiritual fire and roasts it, and at the same time there are formations and runes next to it, so that it can be burned all the time. Endure the torment of immortality until its consciousness is completely wiped out, leaving only the instinct to obey the master.

Su Xin tapped the table with her fingertips, and she also found it a little tricky.

The image of Yi Xiaorou when he saw Yi Xiaorou from the basement, and Wei Yan's last consciousness of protecting his beloved are constantly recurring in his mind...


Su Xin slapped the table and went all out!

If the bright ones can't come, then the yin ones will come.

Take Yi Xiaorou's soul back first, and then slowly discuss the rest!

 Special single chapter thanks to Lan Lanjun for the huge reward, it is really too expensive, thank you for your love and support, I wish you peace and health and everything goes smoothly, hug one!
(End of this chapter)

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