her left eye is unusual

Chapter 397 You Should Be Thankful

Chapter 397 You Should Be Thankful
Su Xin had just rested for a while when she came back, and immediately put her backpack on her back and started to set off.

Mo left his Land Rover and sent Su Xin outside Qingshui Villa.

Su Xin activated the invisibility talisman, and her body slowly faded into the air.

Shi Feng opened the car door and got out, Su Xin got out of the car right behind.Go straight to the villa.

The area of ​​the villa is very wide, even if Su Xin has been here last time, he still feels his feet sore from walking.

Probably because she hasn't had a good rest for many days, and her body still has a fatigue threshold.

However, the condition of Yi Xiaorou's soul is not yet known, one day late may be the result of a world of difference, so Su Xin will never delay if she can do her best.

You can only nourish your body with spiritual power over and over again, and maintain a high level of mental alertness.

... When Su Xin found a villa, the big iron gate behind him closed automatically.

Immediately afterwards, there were two high-fives of "Papa——".

The voice came from the main entrance of the villa in front, and Qiao Yue and Zijun came out one after the other.

Zijun was wearing a taupe-coloured overcoat and tall leather boots, which accentuated his delicate body.

The big waves dyed golden trembled as if they were elastic as she walked.

She looked in the direction of Su Xin, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

Although Qiao Yue was dressed similarly and had exquisite makeup, but compared with Zijun, she instantly felt old-fashioned.

She followed the other party's line of sight, only seeing a blank space, but thinking of the other party's method, she hurriedly said to Zijun flatteringly: "Sister Zijun's method is still useful, and it really came to the door automatically."

Zijun snorted and raised his small chin.

Seeing the appearance of these two people, Su Xin thought, it seems that they have already found themselves, and deliberately set a trap here.

There are many ways to find invisibility, and the cultivation base is much higher than the opponent; special treasures; or have a particularly strong sensory ability, just like Shi Feng.

In addition, the specially refined little ghosts can sense the breath of life emitted when they are invisible.

Right now, there is only one possibility, that they really raised a kid.

There was no need for Su Xin to be invisible anymore, so he removed the invisibility talisman, and there was still more than half of the energy fluctuations on it, which could be used at least a few times, so he took it back to his portable space and put it away.

Su Xin stared at Qiao Yue and asked, "Qiao Yue, is Yi Xiaorou's soul with you?"

Qiao Yue pretended to say: "Yi Xiaorou? Which Xiaorou? Yo, is that the Jian who wants to set up a torii after being a biao? Yo, seeing how nervous you are, could it be that you are the same person? ? If it’s true that things of a kind gather and people are divided into groups, only the jianren and the jianren can come together.”

Then he replied unhurriedly: "Jian, this sentence is most suitable for you. You just need to tell me, is Yi Xiaorou's soul in your body?"

Hearing that he was being scolded, Zijun pointed at Su Xin and said coquettishly, "You are the jian, that's right, the soul of that is here, come and get it if you have the ability!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Su Xin's mouth.

Looking down at his surroundings, it turned out to be a formation, trapped and killed.

If it was half a year ago, she might still be a little bit afraid, but now she can even enter and leave the sealed place freely, and it is really naive to think of killing her with a small formation.

At this moment, Su Xin didn't even have the intention to play tricks with these two women.

With a thought, a hammer fell into his hand, poured with spiritual power, the hammer trembled slightly, and hummed.

With a loud roar, Su Xin slammed directly into the void in front of him.


Strips of lightning appeared on the formation around Su Xin, the silver light flickered, and there was a scoffing sound.

Cracks appeared on the transparent energy layer.

When Su Xin hit the hammer again, the entire array collapsed completely, and the energy layer turned into bits and pieces and dissipated in the air.

Before all the killing methods in it were revealed, they were completely wiped out by Su Xin.

Zijun pointed at Suxin, "You, you..." It took a long time before he could say a complete sentence

The two women were really frightened by Su Xin's method.

"You're not human, how could it be possible? This is the array he bought from the ghost market, how could it be..." Zijun shook his head and murmured.

Qiao Yue saw the lightning ball flashing in front of her, and thought that the things that Zijun laid out earlier were useful.After all, she heard from the other party how powerful this battle was, and it was bought by her master who spent a lot of spirit stones in the ghost market, and she would definitely be able to kill this woman.

But after those lightning flashes, Su Xin was still standing there intact, swinging a hammer as big as a water tank in her hand, but the hammer was slowly shrinking at the speed she saw, turning into an ordinary hammer.

Then he heard Zijun's incoherent words, and knew that the other party must have broken the formation with the hammer in his hand just now.

Seeing Zijun's current appearance, he knew it was useless, so he pointed at Su Xin and shouted: "You, you are not allowed to come here. Let me tell you, do you know where this is? It is Qingshui Villa, the territory of the Cao family. If you dare to step forward again, we will call someone. Even if you have some skills, but do you dare to do right with the entire Cao family?"

Seeing Su Xin standing still, Qiao Yue thought that what she said just now had bluffed the other party, so she continued: "There are many supernatural beings who are more powerful than you in this world. As long as you have money, the Cao family can let them go." I will attack you. Even if you can escape, have you ever thought about Zero Detective Agency?"

Zijun was completely lost at this time. After all, for her, she had lived under the protection of Hanhe for the past 20 years, and she had always been cared for and welcomed by others. Apart from arrogance, she had no experience in dealing with others at all.

Quickly echoed Qiao Yue's words, "That's right, I'm Cao Min'an's wife, if you dare to do anything to me, you're going to do it to the whole Cao family!"

Suxin looked at Zijun and said, "I didn't think about doing anything against you, nor against the Cao family. I just want to get Yi Xiaorou's soul back. I don't know why you must target me like this. If there was any misunderstanding between us before that I didn't notice, I apologize to you here, this time I really just want to get back Yi Xiaorou's soul."

Zijun saw that the other party was calm and relaxed, so angry that he wanted to cry, and shouted, "Hmph, apology? Is apology useful? Everything I have now is thanks to you, and I must make you pay a hundred times the price!"

"You... now everything is thanks to me?"

Su Xin was a little puzzled now.The other party is now the wife of Cao Min'an, who can be ranked on the international rich list, and she is pampered now, and the coat she wears has been worked hard by their detective agency for several cases.

If such "everything" is really done by herself, she should thank herself.

(End of this chapter)

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