Chapter 398
"If it weren't for you, would my master take back my powers? Would he leave me behind?" Zijun cried aggrievedly as he spoke.

Su Xin was stunned, what is this.

To say that the only interaction I have had with them is the Cao family case last time.

But I didn't do anything from the beginning to the end. As for Han He's taking away the apprentice's ability and future plans, it was completely his personal decision. How did he put the pot on her head?

Su Xin said: I will not take the blame for this.

But it seems that although the other party is a bit arrogant, in general, he doesn't have so many complicated thoughts.

Previously, it was a bad idea to come directly to "Yin". Just now, Su Xin almost searched the whole villa, but found no trace of Yi Xiaorou's soul.

The only explanation is that they used something to suppress Yi Xiaorou's soul breath, even if they were to take them down now, regardless of the follow-up negotiations with the Cao family and other issues.

I also need to go to Moli again to read their thoughts, which is troublesome.

Of course, it is not impossible for Xiao Tao to directly search for their souls, but neither of these two women has "killing evil", and direct soul searching will bring a lot of karma to him.

Now that he is discovered, in order not to make things big, he can only attack his heart.

So he said, "Zijun, if you're helping her just because of this, I think you're really helping the wrong person."

Zijun: "What do you mean?"

Although Qiao Yue doesn't know how much information the other party has about her, she heard that the two men in Zero Zero Detective Agency are very powerful. No matter who they are, they can know your past and present as long as they take a look at you. I can "see" clearly what I don't want others to know.

But this Zijun is a down-to-earth arrogant idiot, he can do whatever others say, if he let the other party continue to take him down, I'm afraid this idiot will soon have a fight with himself.

So he hurriedly said: "Sister Zijun, don't listen to this woman's nonsense. Have you forgotten how she provoked the relationship between you and your master? If it weren't for her, who would dare to despise you and your master like this?" You? Besides, look at her, if you hadn't had the foresight to set a trap here, and then deliberately lure her in, I'm afraid she would have searched our entire Qingshui Villa and still wouldn't know it. She just wouldn't let you go In the eyes."

Su Xin said in her heart, Qiao Yue really deserves to be a joke writer who writes gossip news, she really played a good card to sow discord.

Su Xin said: "Qiao Yue, you have tried every means to tease and climb into the bed of the hostess, not to mention, you have also spoken ill of the hostess in various ways, and it is even rumored that the hostess and the housekeeper, the driver, and even the masseuse have ambiguities." It’s not clear, aren’t you afraid that one day these words will reach the ears of the hostess?”

Zijun turned his head and looked at Qiao Yue coldly: "You actually said that I had an affair with those dirty and smelly bastards? You..."

Qiao Yue: "No, no, listen to my explanation, that woman is talking nonsense, she just wants to tease our relationship, have you forgotten how she provoked the relationship between you and your master?"

Su Xin saw that this Zijun was really a simple person, and he would be turned around by a single word from others.

Of course, she didn't fabricate these words out of thin air, and there is also a basis for them. Shi Feng and Mo Li visited almost the entire city and found them from the memories of those people.

Otherwise, Qiao Yue wouldn't be so flustered.

Su Xin continued: "Qiao Yue, you must not have told your hostess that the fire at home was actually caused by you on purpose, right? In fact, you just wanted to pretend that there was a fire at home and then you sacrificed your life to save her, and then took the opportunity to make a good fortune. No? That time it was for the money to buy Yi Xiaorou's soul, isn't it a small amount?"

Zijun's expression became fierce, and he stared at Qiao Yue: "That time... I was almost burned to death by the fire, so it was all your fault?"

Qiao Yue suddenly became flustered, stepped back subconsciously, and waved her hands in front of her chest indiscriminately: "Zijun, Zijun, listen to me, that time was really an accident... You should have seen it, I did it all. I rushed into the flames and carried you out, I saved you..."


Zijun suddenly raised his hand, slapped Qiao Yue hard, and cursed: "Well, you bastard, you set me on fire on purpose, shouldn't I still thank you? You want money, you can. Take care of yourself." Do the math, how much money have you taken from me since you came here? Sometimes it is someone who is going to collect the debt, sometimes it is a man who can't get rid of it, and there are gambling debts that can't be paid off... These , I endured it. But you actually want to burn me to death!"

"no no……"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Su Xin succeeded in their plan.But my purpose this time is to get Yi Xiaorou's soul back, so I quickly shouted: "Zijun, are you curious about how the woman you deliberately arranged used to climb into your husband's bed? Do you want to know what your husband Cao Minan did?"

"Get lost, you bitch... Zijun, don't listen to her nonsense..."

Zijun scolded: "Shut up, come on, someone, shut her mouth up for me, I don't want to hear her voice again."

Qiao Yue cried out in her heart, this silly white woman, she can control and play tricks on her, but it is easy for others to control her.When the fire was set, she should have been burned to death in it.

Qiao Yue yelled at Su Xin with her last strength: "Su Xin, you bitch, do you want to know whose idea it was that the story about you and Han He was reported? It was her, it was her... woo woo..."

The scandal with Hanhe?Why doesn't she know?
No, you must not be misled by this woman's words.

Suxin took two steps forward and said to Zijun, "Look, there is no hatred between us, I hope you can give me Yi Xiaorou's soul, and promise you to do something that I can and will do." .”

Zijun snorted coldly, "You haven't said how Brother Min'an treated this bitch?"

Uh... Su Xin didn't keep up with the rhythm of the other party's thoughts for a while, and then said after a pause: "Well, I can tell you everything about Qiao Yue and Cao Min'an, and even Cao Min'an's life alone, but as a In exchange, you give me Yi Xiaorou's soul right now."

Zijun gave Su Xin a hard look, his gaze was averted, and he said forcefully, " that time she said that she wanted to make that woman suffer eternal pain, so I made her into a little ghost, and then... gave it to her. ..."

As she spoke, her voice weakened, but then she added eagerly: "You just said that you will tell me everything about him, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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