Chapter 399 (addition for Hall Master Lois W)

Su Xin's voice gradually cooled down: "What I said will naturally be done. Since the thing is not on you, you always know where Qiao Yue put the thing, right?"

"It her other courtyard..." Zijun replied weakly.

Another courtyard?That's right, Zijun and Qiao Yue married Jinlan and shared the blessings.Anyway, the whole villa belonged to the Cao family, so Zijun casually allocated a separate courtyard for Qiao Yue to live in, and even assigned a few servants.

In terms of how an ignorant person can do this, I'm afraid Zijun is the only one.

But if it wasn't for her "simpleness", how could Qiao Yue fool her.People like to flock together, a wise saying.

Su Xin remembered that she had searched outside this other courtyard before, but found nothing.

But this time, since the other party clearly pointed out that it was inside, they searched room by room, carpet-like.

It wasn't until she reached the door of the room in the corner of the backyard that she heard Xiao Tao's voice from the sea of ​​consciousness: "It's inside."

Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief, she was determined, and with a flip of her wrist, the soul-slaying ring turned into a scimitar, swung it up and slashed towards the door.

With three or two blows, the precious anti-theft door shattered into slag.

She was too lazy to let them toss back and forth with the keys, violence was more suitable for her style of conduct.

The room was dark, full of strong resentment, and a fishy smell.

Turn on the light, and there is a black table in the center of the room. On the table, there is an oil lamp, and some cinnabar, dog blood, talisman paper, red thread and so on.

A gourd that has been smoked and blackened hangs above the oil lamp, and a small man with his name and birthday written on it has many needles on it.

Su Xin felt a convulsive pain in her heart, Qiao Yue actually felt that it was not enough to make Yi Xiaorou into a little devil, and she used these dirty methods to torture her!

Damn it!

With a thought, Su Xin passed a layer of spiritual power on his hand, stretched out his hand to shoot it, and the gourd fell into his hand.

With a slight force, the gourd shattered with a bang.

A floating soul rushed out from inside.

Su Xin reached out and grabbed it, and stuffed it into the Lingyan.

Said to Xiao Tao: "See if you can dilute the resentment on her body, and if you still have the consciousness of the body."

Little Tao said "hmm", "Okay."

Zijun had been following Su Xin all the time, completely frightened by the other party's madness, and couldn't help shivering.

When Su Xin turned her head to look at her, her body took a step back even more timidly, "You...I..."

Su Xin said, "If you want to know more about Cao Min'an's private life, someone will tell you later, and you can completely trust his words."

After speaking, he left without looking back. Zijun looked at the other person's resolute back, unable to say a word.

This woman... is really scary!
Su Xin left the manor and let Mo Li and Shi Feng who were waiting outside go in.

Mo Li saw Su Xin's gloomy and terrifying face, this was the first time he saw her look like this since he joined the detective agency.

Can't help but ask: "How is it?"

Su Xin paused, and said, "As for the matter between Cao Min'an and Qiao Yue, just tell the truth."

Mo Li immediately understood what Su Xin meant, and then went to Qingshui Villa to meet Zijun first, and Shi Feng happened to send Su Xin back to Shili Lane first, and then came back to pick him up.

On the way, Su Xin has been very silent.In fact, she was rarely overjoyed, but this time Shi Feng felt that she was particularly gloomy, like a beast hiding in the dark, and had already spotted its prey.

"What happened to Yi Xiaorou's soul...?"

Su Xin: "I can only resign myself to fate." Unknowingly, her voice was a little hoarse.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Xiao Tao was downplaying the resentment in Yi Xiaorou's soul. After all, Qiao Yue had used that method for so long, and used various methods to toss her soul to make her suffer torture that was worse than purgatory. It's no wonder that there is no resentment.

On the other side, Xiao Tao is gently sorting out the memory of the other party.

As for whether she can recover her memory and consciousness in the future, it depends on her own good fortune.

Yi Xiaorou's life before she decided to avenge her brother was similar to what they investigated earlier.

As mentioned earlier, her stepmother Bao Min is a very powerful character, and she can be said to be bloodless.

If it wasn't for her brother Yi Jianying who pulled her back from the edge several times, there would be no later famous reporter Yi Xiaorou.

Although Yi Jianying was born to a woman Yi Hongda didn't like, it was his blood after all, so he decided to focus on training, and Yi Jianying lived up to his expectations, and he was very outstanding at a young age.And Yi Xiaorou is also capable.

But these were definitely not what Bao Min wanted to see, so he first gambled underground to lure him into the water, and then seduced various women, but Yi Jianying remained steadfast.

Yi Jianying knew that the woman was playing tricks behind this, and thought that although her mother's suicide had a lot to do with her, it was her father's neglect of her mother that led to the final outcome, so although he hated her, she still It's the woman my father likes, and she hasn't reached the level of life and death.

So I found an opportunity to have a showdown with Bao Min.

Bao Min didn't expect the other party to find him, so he knew what he did before was exposed.Immediately panicked.

She is very clear about Yi Hongda's temperament, and she absolutely cannot tolerate any betrayal and concealment.Although the relationship between him and his ex-wife was neither salty nor warm at the beginning, the fuse that really broke down was because he thought that the other party used his relationship to help his mother's family without telling him.Of course, they didn't know that, in fact, she did some tricks in the middle.These two people who were originally very strong and proud didn't bother to explain to each other, and it was only a matter of time before they got to the final step.

Bao Min never wanted to follow in the same footsteps, and once Yi Jianying brought these matters to Yi Hongda, he might not be able to win back his heart even if he had two sons.

So he decided not to do anything, and to find someone to kill Yi Jianying directly.

Using ordinary methods will definitely arouse suspicion and be investigated, so at this time someone made a suggestion-du attack.

Because Yi Jianying ruined their good deeds several times, then "spend money" and directly use drugs to "support" him to death.

Then find a few gangsters to act as scapegoats, pretending to be Yi Jianying's cronies, and to give false testimony.

Sure enough, what they did was flawless. In addition, Yi Hongda was also being plotted against at this time. His own affairs have not been fully understood yet, and such a big incident happened to his son. Death is also hasty.

Of course Yi Xiaorou didn't believe that her brother would take drugs, so she started to investigate secretly by herself.

But as the investigation deepened, it was discovered that there was such a huge and terrifying organization behind all this.

 Special thanks to Mr. Lois W for a single chapter. I have quietly become the hall master after so many rewards. Thank you very much for your support and love.Thank you very much Zisu 666 for your reward, thank you for your support, let Chili always have the passion for coding and the strength and hope to continue!

  Well, today's Double Eleven, everyone take it easy......

(End of this chapter)

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