her left eye is unusual

Chapter 400 Mo Mo's Carefulness

Chapter 400 Mo Mo's Carefulness
With the deepening of the investigation step by step, Yi Xiaorou saw the darkness, blood and ugliness behind those glamorous things, and felt that the whole world was trembling.

Who says women have no righteousness in their hearts, Yi Xiaorou wants to kill all these people, and at the same time avenge her brother.

So I disguised myself as various people: waiters, street sweepers, and even a hostess, and finally got enough evidence.

Just when she was about to hand these over to Wei Yan, she had full trust in him after the two had been in a relationship for several years.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, she sensed that someone was following her, so she decisively transferred the evidence...

It turned out that in the process of searching for evidence in the dark forces while disguised as her identity, Qiao Yue unexpectedly bumped into her somewhere.

Qiao Yue was very surprised how the woman who caused her to lose her job would hang out with those people, probably because of her reporter's sensitivity, so she went to follow Yi Xiaorou again.

It turned out that she was secretly investigating those big shots.

So she went to the boss and said that she knew there was an undercover agent among them.At the same time ask for a certain benefit fee.

Yi Xiaorou was betrayed.

... When Suxin returned to Ten Mile Lane, Yi Xiaorou still had a heavy resentment in her soul, which must be gradually faded away.

Otherwise, even if she managed to pat her soul back into her body, she would become a violent mad person.

Shi Feng turned back to pick up Mo Li, while Su Xin tidied up and began to rest.

Because it was in her own home, Su Xin fell asleep very reassuringly.

Both physically and mentally were extremely exhausted, and Su Xin slept in a dark sleep.

As for Mo Li, things are progressing very smoothly.

In order to investigate Qiao Yue's affairs, he and Shi Feng almost secretly "contacted" Cao's family including all the servants.

Even Cao Min'an's willpower is strong enough among mortals, but in Mo Li's eyes, he can easily see through all his thoughts and memories.

So when he sorted out all the things between Qiao Yue and Mo Li, it was the most detailed and most credible.

Qiao Yue is an old "jianghu", how could she not know the purpose of Zijun's friendship with her.

Although in her opinion, this is really childish and ridiculous.

To find another woman to seduce her husband!However, judging from her many years of "experience", there is no corner in this world that cannot be turned, it only depends on whether the shovel is strong enough.

She felt that Zijun thought he was young and presumptuous and had a good figure, and it was all because he felt good about himself.

Because in the eyes of men, different women have different tastes. Although she is slightly inferior to Zijun, she is still considered a beauty, and she has more "experience".

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her, so she tried her best to climb into Cao Min'an's bed. Even if she couldn't get a title, as long as she was the mistress of a mistress, she would be able to command the wind and rain and enjoy all the glory and wealth in her life.

In order to get himself into Cao Min'an's sight, just like in TV dramas, he also created a lot of plots such as "coincidence" and "misunderstanding", but none of these made Cao Min'an look at him differently.

So she resorted to bitter tricks again, but the other party ignored her, which made her wonder if the other party was an asexual ascetic or if she had no charm at all?

No matter what she did here, seeing that Zijun looked silly and naive, she became more courageous.

They fabricated the story of Zijun's corrupt life style, and even deliberately put those "evidences" where Cao Min'an could see them.

Cao Min'an, who had been completely indifferent to her all this time, finally couldn't bear it anymore and went to find Qiao Yue himself.

Qiao Yue felt that her chance was coming. She not only sprayed a lot of aphrodisiac perfume on her body, but also deliberately wore it faintly, and then pretended to be delicate and threw herself on the other party.

As a result, the other party slapped her, and then threw the photos of the evidence of Zijun's cheating that she "unintentionally" dropped on her face, and said coldly: "Don't let me see you again, you are really annoying!" I feel disgusted. I don't care what kind of relationship you have with Zijun, if you dare to slander her like this again, I will make you regret coming to this world..."

... Woohoo.

Zijun listened, lay down on the table and sobbed, then looked up at Mo Li with tears in his eyes, his face was smeared with makeup: "You, do you think he really said that?"

Mo Li nodded.

"He...does he really not doubt me at all, I'm 'that'?"

Mo Li shook his head lightly.

Zijun cried even louder, completely disregarding his image, crying like a child.

While crying, he turned his shoulders and stomped his feet, "What a fool, just as stupid as before..."

Mo Li originally looked at the other party, and always subconsciously read the other party's most original will, so as to judge the other party's true intentions.

But this time he couldn't help but look away...

Can't help sighing, it really is a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart.

He thought, if it wasn't for this incident, maybe even she herself wouldn't know who the person she really loves in the bottom of her heart is.

She regards her admiration and attachment to her master as love, but she doesn't know that she has already developed a mutual attachment love during her relationship with Cao Min'an.Just at this moment, the master suddenly left, so she should focus all her attention on the master, and then anesthetize herself over and over again, because the master is the person she loves the most.

So he hated Su Xin, and even released rumors that Su Xin destroyed the friendship between their master and apprentice.

Mo Li paused, then added: "Qiao Yue's next plan is to kill you, and then replace you herself, becoming the real mistress of this villa..."

Zijun's expression suddenly became gloomy, and he shouted, "She dares!"

"This ugly woman, I gave her food, shelter, and money, how dare she treat me like this, I want you to look good!"

Mo Li looked at the other party's beating thoughts—a strong, vicious killing intent!
There was an imperceptible chuckle on the corner of his mouth, and it disappeared immediately.

With a thought, he slightly strengthened the opponent's killing intent.

Compared with Su Xin's brutality, Mo Li only needs to be a little more careful to provoke the whole situation. This is the real killing invisible!
Although this woman is stupid, she is not completely evil.

He doesn't care how she kills her, but she poured dirty water on Susu's body for no reason. He said: This debt must be paid back!
After Mo Li left, Zijun began to feel boundless pain and remorse—in fact, besides Master, there is another man worthy of love in this world, and that is Cao Min'an.

Unexpectedly, elder brother Min'an rejected Qiao Yue so many times, and kept defending himself so much, that he would treat him like that...he must treat him well in the future.

On the contrary, Qiao Yue, that wicked person, didn't tell her anything, and even wanted to kill herself to replace her, it was simply too hateful.

Although Zijun doesn't have supernatural powers now, he has learned a lot of tricks before, and it is more than enough to deal with a person.

(End of this chapter)

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