divine talisman

Chapter 1000 The Law of Light [Part 1]

The voices of Zhu Yunsou and Feijiupo were sullen, but before the two voices fell, a more terrifying coercion roared in from outside the hall.

This coercion is even more terrifying, as if it is engulfing the world, it is awe-inspiring, cold, and vast like the sun and the moon!


The men and women behind Zhu Yunsou and Feijiu Po ​​didn't have time to react, as if they were hit by a stormy wave, they spurted blood from their mouths and noses, and flew backwards, fell to the ground in random places, howling in pain.

Zhu Yunsou and Feijiu Po ​​were even more chilled, and they dodged away without any hesitation, not daring to challenge them head-on.

This aura is too frightening, no one dares to smack his sharpness at what the soldiers are pointing at, it makes both of them feel a touch of horror, how dare they dare to challenge it again?

All of a sudden, a passage was abruptly opened in front of the main hall, and no figure dared to block it.


Who is it?

Zhu Yunsou and Feijiu Po's complexion changed suddenly, their eyes shone brightly, and they looked out of the hall from afar, waiting in full force, and had no time to pay attention to other people in the hall.

This turn of events also surprised Fu Yun and the others, and they all showed surprise immediately, and their tense hearts finally relaxed a little.

The momentum alone is so terrifying, could it be that the three ancestors of the sect came to help?

Everyone was excited, and all looked outside the hall.

In the silent atmosphere, two figures walked into the hall, they were a man and a woman.

The man's figure was tall and straight, his temperament was pure and elegant, his pair of eyes were as deep as the vast starry sky, and his gestures of hands and feet exuded an intimidating aura.

The woman's eyebrows are picturesque, beautiful and refined, and her whole body exudes a hazy misty temperament, just like a fairy descended from the moon palace, untouched by fireworks.

"Elder Chen Xi!"

When they saw that man, Fu Yun and the others' eyes suddenly dilated and widened, and their faces were full of excitement, some couldn't believe it.

Back then, after Chen Xi beheaded a clone of Bing Shitian, he was drawn into the Nether Disk, disappeared, and his life and death were unknown, which caused the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect to be shaken. Go to Yan Dao Sect to avenge Chen Xi.

Seeing him appearing out of nowhere now, how could Fu Yun and the other elders not be shocked and excited?

Those young disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, although they have long been familiar with Chen Xi's name, most of them have never met Chen Xi's real person. All of them opened their mouths wide and trembled with excitement.

The people who came were naturally Chen Xi and Qing Xiuyi.

As soon as he saw everything in the great hall clearly, Chen Xi immediately understood everything, and his face became ice-cold. He first nodded slightly at Elder Fu Yun, and then turned his gaze to Fu Yun's side.

There, a handsome young man was cleaning the wound on his wrist by himself, with a handsome face and a peaceful and clear look between his brows, his face was seventy percent similar to Qing Xiuyi.

In just an instant, Chen Xi knew that it was his son—Chen An!

In an instant, Chen Xi was filled with excitement and anger at the same time. What excited him was that after a hundred years of absence, he finally saw his own flesh and blood. The feeling was simply indescribable in words.

What made her angry was that when they met this time, her son was actually injured!If he and Qing Xiuyi hadn't arrived in time, their lives might even be in danger!

Damn it!

In Chen Xi's heart, a monstrous anger burst out suddenly, like a real dragon whose scales had been touched, almost unable to control his killing intent.

"Father, mother..."

At this time, Chen An also saw Chen Xi and Qing Xiuyi, and he stayed there with a dazed expression, as if he never expected to meet his parents here all of a sudden.

This call made Chen Xi's heart tremble, his nose felt sore, he felt guilty and happy at the same time, and his emotions were about to lose control.

"Uncle." At this time, Chen Yu grinned and said, waving excitedly.

This voice suddenly woke Chen Xi up. He raised his eyes, only to notice that beside Chen An, there was a tall, majestic and imposing young man. His eyebrows and his younger brother Chen Hao seemed to be from the same mold. carved out of the general.


Chen Xi was startled, and immediately revealed a look of joy. He never expected that this little fellow would also come to Xuanhuan Domain with An'er. This kind of double surprise made his heart tremble a little, lest all of this was just a dream .

From entering the main hall to recognizing his son Chen An and meeting his nephew Chen Yu, it was only a few short breaths, but Chen Xi felt like he had gone through a long time travel.

Thoughts were flying in my mind, and the past scenes flowed in my mind like a horse watching flowers, and the whole person seemed to be dazed.

At this time, if someone sneaks up on him, he can definitely succeed easily.

Zhu Yunsou, Feijiupo and the others naturally saw this too, but they didn't dare to do so, because the scene of the man and woman breaking in just now was too shocking, and the terrifying coercion made them Don't even dare to take risks.

Compared to Chen Xi's agitation, Qing Xiuyi seemed extremely calm, but no one noticed. When she noticed Chen An's injured right hand, a pair of star-like jewel-like clear eyes sparkled. A cold and ruthless killing intent.

"You take care of them, these people are handed over to me."

Qing Xiuyi turned around, fluttering like a waterfall of blue silk, her beautiful face was cold and indifferent, although her voice was calm, the meaning contained in it made everyone present chill.

Chen Xi raised his eyes and glanced at Zhu Yunsou and the others, then retracted his gaze and nodded.

He knew that Qing Xiuyi seemed to be calm, but in fact the murderous intent and anger in her heart were stronger than his own. At this time, it would be good to let her vent.

At that moment, he protected Chen An and Chen Yu behind him, and signaled to Elder Fu Yun that there is no need to worry, just watch quietly.

"Elder Chen Xi, those people seem to be from the fairy world, especially the two guys at the head, both of whom have strength above that of heavenly immortals..."

Fu Yun was still a little worried, so he told Chen Xi all his conjectures via voice transmission.

"I see."

Chen Xi nodded to express his understanding, "Don't worry, none of them can escape this time." There was a convincing force in the calm voice.

Suddenly, the situation in the hall became that Qing Xiuyi was alone, facing Zhu Yunsou, Feijiu Po ​​and others.

Although there is only one person, it is not to be underestimated.

Because the aura emanating from her body was like an abyss like a prison, unfathomable, so suppressed that Zhu Yunsou and the others felt a little out of breath.

This made their faces all serious, a little surprised and uncertain.

"Just now, you, the flat-haired bastard, hurt my son?"

Qing Xiuyi spoke suddenly, a pair of clear eyes without emotion fell on the black-feathered parrot on Zhu Yunsou's shoulder.

As soon as he heard the word "flat-haired beast", the black-feathered parrot was so angry that he cursed, "Bold, how dare you scold me..."


Before he finished speaking, an invisible force enveloped the black-feathered parrot silently, like an invisible big hand, firmly grasping the black-feathered parrot, and grabbed it suddenly, and the sharp cry stopped abruptly.

Everyone's eyes blurred, and when they looked again, they saw the black-feathered parrot, like a fish frozen in ice, floating in front of Qing Xiuyi, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't escape.

What's particularly frightening is that it is clearly screaming crazily, but no one can hear any sound, which is extremely weird.

This sudden scene made Zhu Yunsou, Feijiu Po ​​and the others feel chills in their hearts.

They knew very well that the black-feathered parrot was a strange species of fairy bird in the fairy world. It was born in the blue nest fire abyss, and as soon as it was born, it possessed strength not weaker than that of a fairy!

But now, he was caught by someone without any strength to struggle, so how strong should the opponent be?

Not only them, but even Elder Fu Yun and the others widened their eyes in shock. They had just witnessed the strength of this black-feathered parrot with their own eyes!

Qing Xiuyi is an extremely proud and cold woman, she never wants to say any nonsense, especially when she has murderous intentions in her heart, she cherishes words like gold.

Therefore, before everyone could react, they heard a bang, and the body of the black-feathered parrot exploded in mid-air, turning into blood foam, and smashed into powder.

He died simply and neatly, casually like crushing an ant to death.

Everyone was startled again, and their expressions froze. This strength is too terrifying!

"You... bold! Do you know who we are?"

Old man Zhu Yun stared strangely, with a sullen and gloomy expression, Sen Han said.

It seems that the voice and expression are fierce, but in fact the arrogance has weakened a lot, and it is no longer as tough and aggressive as before.

At this time, he still couldn't see that the opponent's strength was absolutely superior to his own and others, and it was extremely terrifying, which made him have to cheer up and deal with it carefully.

"All I know is that you just wanted to forcefully take my son as a disciple, and you should die!"

Qing Xiuyi's voice was cold and calm, as if she was talking about an ordinary thing, but there was a sense of life and death in it, which could not be violated.

This surprised Zhu Yunsou, and immediately said sharply: "How dare you! I'm from the fairy world..."

Before she finished speaking, Qing Xiuyi made a move, she seemed to be indifferent to everything he said, she was straightforward, decisive and direct, without any intention of procrastinating.


She reached out with her bare hands, and her slender and white palms seemed to cover the sky and cover the earth, spewing out streams of dazzling and blazing power of law that were as transparent as snow.

In an instant, the hall was shrouded in light, like the sun filled the universe, turning into a terrifying law of light, in which the Sanskrit sound of the Dao was diffused, and the gods chanted, sacred and brilliant, huge and immeasurable.

"The law of Da Luo! The power of light! You are a golden fairy of Da Luo!"

Old man Zhu Yun was the first to bear the brunt, shrouded by the law of light, and a pair of eyes were pierced with severe pain, but compared to this, the panic in his heart had drowned his reason, and he couldn't help but roared.

The voice was full of shock and panic.

It seems that he never expected that when he came to the human world this time, he would meet a Da Luo Jinxian who had glimpsed the true meaning of Da Luo Brahma!

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