divine talisman

Chapter 1001 Misty Fairy Mountain [Part 2]

In the realm of Daluo, there is no real leader, only the qi of Dafan, which encompasses all heavens, has no color roots, and is covered with towering clouds.

This is a tribute to the Golden Immortal of Da Luo. It is said that after the immortal reaches the realm of Da Luo, the immortal essence in his body will transform, containing the true energy of Brahma, which can encompass the heavens and shape a new world. null.

And in the fairy world, the existence of Daluo Jinxian has become the mainstay, the overlord of one party!

Then Zhu Yunsou is just a celestial immortal, not even a Xuanxian. How could he ever think that his opponent would be a Daluo Jinxian?If he had known this earlier, he would have fled desperately.

It's a pity that there is never regret in this world.

Just after he hissed and roared, a huge ray of light enveloped him, enveloping his figure, so dazzling that it was hard to see what was going on.

"Ah—! How is it possible, under the laws of heaven in the human world, how is it possible to allow the Da Luo Jinxian to exist in it! How is it possible..."

The shrill and terrified screams came out, so penetrating that everyone who heard them was shocked.

A group of men and women near Zhu Yunsou originally planned to help, but they were stopped by Feijiu mother-in-law sharply. It is the law of light, which contains the true qi of Brahman, and if it is contaminated, it will end in the end of body and soul!

Soon, Zhu Yunsou's screams came to an abrupt end.

The light disappeared, and everyone's vision regained clarity, but they could no longer find any trace of Zhu Yunsou, as if the world had evaporated, leaving not even a trace or breath, completely dead.

This kind of scene is even more shocking than the bloody scene. A celestial being disappeared so abruptly. What kind of pain did it suffer when it fell?

No one can imagine it, and it is because of this that it is even more frightening and frightening.

Great Luo Jinxian!

In an instant, the way Fu Yun and others looked at Qing Xiuyi changed. It was a kind of reverence and admiration from the heart. If they were placed in the world of mortals, they could be regarded as gods and enshrined in temples , pray and worship.

And that Feijiu Po ​​and the others all had gloomy expressions, their faces were full of horror, like wilted eggplants, they were no longer as strong and ferocious as before.

Terrible existences such as the Daluo Jinxian are not allowed to appear in the human world at all. This is an iron law recognized by the Three Realms, but unfortunately, there is such an existence in front of them. lucky?

"You seem to be waiting for someone?"

Qing Xiuyi lowered her head and looked at the ground. There was a glazed hourglass standing alone, and the seven-colored sand in it was like a dream, and it was almost gone.

This is a very inexplicable sentence, which made Fu Yun and others confused.

Only Chen Xi vaguely guessed something. The sand and gravel in the hourglass on the ground can roughly hold on for a stick of incense. These guys from the fairy world came aggressively, but they cast doubts and forced Fu Fu to use the time limit of one stick of incense. Yun and the others surrendered, which is a bit redundant.

The only explanation is that they were ordered to come to the Linghua Hall, but they did not receive an order on how to deal with Fu Yun and others, so they waited for the person behind the scenes to come within a time limit of a stick of incense. .

Sure enough, as soon as Qing Xiuyi's words fell, the faces of Feijiu Po ​​and the others all changed. The only remaining persistence in their hearts suddenly collapsed, and their faces turned dark and desperate.

If even this is seen through, what is the end for those waiting for them?

"Take advantage of this time to tell me the purpose of your trip. You don't have to say it, but I guarantee that you will die before your aid arrives."

But to their surprise, Qing Xiuyi did not kill the killer, but asked about their purpose.

Yes, these guys came from the fairy world, and why did they come?

This is where Fu Yun and others are puzzled.

No matter what, Qing Xiuyi's words made Feijiu Po ​​and the others secretly heave a sigh of relief. They firmly believed that as long as their help arrived, they would be able to reverse the current situation and escape from death.

"Speaking of which, we also come from the same sect, but we are from the Jiuhua Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm. This time, we are here under the order of the Immortal Monarch to recover the sect's sacred weapon, the Dao E Sword..."

That Feijiu woman took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in her heart, and spoke slowly.

According to her, Mei Luoxiao and Yu Zhongxia, who were from the same sect as them, came last time, but they did not return for a long time. It was not until later that they found out that the soul cards that Mei and Yu had stored in the sect were broken, and they had already died. In the human world.

This discovery shocked the Jiuhua Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm, and the Immortal Monarch was angry, so he sent a group of them to the human world to find out the reason and retrieve the sect's sacred weapon, the Dao E Sword.

When Fei Jiupo finished speaking, everyone else was stunned, some couldn't believe it, only Fu Yun had a sneer on his face, Jiuhua Sword School of Immortal Realm?Who is it!

"you're lying!"

Immediately, Fu Yun spoke unceremoniously.

However, when he wanted to tell the reason, he held back forcefully, because only the top sect knew about this matter, and it had already been blocked. If it was leaked, it would cause an uproar in the sect, and everyone would be in danger .

Accused by a strong Earth Immortal, Feijiu frowned and said, "That's the truth."

"She is indeed lying." At this time, Chen Xi said coldly from the side.

He is well aware of this matter, and even watched Mei Luoxiao and Yu Zhongxia killed by Xielian with his own eyes. Maybe everything Feijiupo said is true, but only in the fairy world Jiuhua Sword School Lied about it.

Because at this time, the power of the Jiuhua Sword Sect in the fairy world has long been wiped out by the hostile forces!

"It seems that you are looking for death on purpose." Qing Xiuyi might not be able to believe Fu Yun's words, but she never doubted Chen Xi's words.

So, before the voice fell, she had already started, and the light emerged, gathered into the power of monstrous laws, and enveloped Feijiu Po.

Feijiu Po's complexion changed drastically, she never expected how the other party would see through her lies, let alone that Qing Xiuyi would do it as soon as she said she would do it, without giving her a chance to defend herself at all.

"Don't kill me, I said, I said—!"

The Feijiu woman wanted to escape, but she couldn't escape the shackles of the light at all. She was enveloped all over her body and let out a shrill and terrified scream.

It's a pity that Qing Xiuyi didn't have any interest in listening to it at all, and the light surged, directly incinerated that Feijiu woman, disappeared, and stepped into the footsteps of old man Zhu Yun.

All of a sudden, only those men and women who followed Zhu Yunsou and Feijiu Po ​​were left in the arena, all of them were scared to death, and they were in constant panic.

Before Qing Xiuyi could speak, someone couldn't help shouting: "I said, I said, I beg senior to let me live..."


Just halfway through the voice, a ray of bright fire fell on his body and incinerated him instantly.

"It's time." Qing Xiuyi pointed at the ground, and in the glazed hourglass, the seven-colored sand grains had piled up at the bottom, and there were no more sand grains pouring into it.

That cold, indifferent, and heartless attitude was about to drive those people crazy.

"Bastard! What Da Luo Jinxian, who killed our Misty Immortal Mountain, none of you will live!" A man couldn't bear the fear in his heart anymore, and yelled crazily.

Misty fairy mountain!

A gleam flashed in Chen Xi's eyes, and he firmly remembered the name.

If his guess is correct, the force represented by the Misty Immortal Mountain is probably the murderer of the Nine Flowers Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm of Destruction!

Combined with what Dao Lian and Xie Lian said, the controller of this force may even be one of the enemies who plotted against the "Chaos God Lotus" back then!

Thinking of this, Chen Xi signaled to Qing Xiuyi, the latter understood instantly, and stopped wasting time with him, and with a flick of his sleeve, he had completely killed those men and women in an instant.

That crisp and sharp way of killing the enemy, and his understatement made Fu Yun and others startled, and became more and more in awe of Qing Xiuyi.

It's really hard to imagine how long it took Qing Xiuyi to become a Da Luo Jinxian in a flash?

Not to mention them, even Chen Xi felt an indescribable shock in his heart when he learned about this matter. If he hadn't seen Qing Xiuyi's methods at this time, he almost couldn't believe it.

"Since you're here, do you still want to leave?"

At this moment, Qing Xiuyi seemed to have discovered something, a cold gleam appeared in her clear eyes, and when she spoke, she had disappeared out of thin air.

Everyone was startled, and immediately understood that Qing Xiuyi should be chasing the reinforcements that Zhu Yunsou and the others had been waiting for.

But no matter what, as soon as Qing Xiuyi left, everyone at the scene secretly breathed a sigh of relief. There was no way, the power of Da Luo Jinxian was too powerful, even if it was not aimed at them, it made them feel a kind of power from the depths of their souls. The oppressive atmosphere.

"Mother kisses her..." Chen An whispered, a hint of worry appeared on his handsome face.

"It's okay, she'll be back later."

Chen Xi comforted in a warm voice.

"Uncle, when did Auntie become so powerful? I remember when I was at the Gathering of Stars, Auntie seemed to be not as powerful as you."

On the side, Chen Yu exclaimed.

"The Conference of the Stars..."

Chen Xi recalled in a daze that when he participated in the Gathering of Stars in Splendid City, he defeated Qing Xiuyi and won No.1 just now.

At that time, the little guy Chen Yu was only six or seven years old. In the blink of an eye, the little guy from back then had grown into a majestic and heroic young man.

And Ann, why not?

"Your aunt is not an ordinary person." Chen Xi said with a smile.

This sentence made Fu Yun and others all agree.

Of course, Qing Xiuyi is not an ordinary person. As early as thousands of years ago, she was able to cross the nine heavens in one night. She is recognized as the proud daughter of the heavens in Xuanhuan. It has already reached a height that people can only look up to!


At this time, a black shadow was thrown in from outside the hall, and fell to the ground like a gourd.

At the same time, Qing Xiuyi's figure appeared next to Chen Xi again, and said lightly, "This guy is their reinforcement, a Xuanxian-level powerhouse, I think he should know more things, so he brought it back .”

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