divine talisman

Chapter 1002 Wisdom and closeness to demons [Part 3]

A Profound Immortal!

Everyone was terrified, only a moment before Qing Xiuyi left, a strong Xuanxian was captured, lying on the ground like a dead dog, groaning in pain.

The visual impact caused by this scene has simply reached the point where it cannot be added.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have believed that a mysterious immortal would appear in front of his eyes in a disconcerting posture without any face.

Some of them are strong earth immortals, and most of them are young disciples of Jiuhua Sword Sect. To them, heavenly immortals are like the sun and moon in the sky, and those who are far away can only look up.

But now, Xuanxian is like this, and Tianxian has already been killed...

At this moment, the emotions in everyone's hearts can be said to be extremely complicated, and they were also shocked to the extreme.

Until the end, all these emotions finally turned into a touch of awe, which was awe for Qing Xiuyi, which came from the heart, without any falsehood.

Qing Xiuyi seemed unaware of all this, she just approached Chen An, looked him up and down, and said, "I have wronged you."

There were only four words, but Chen An's expression became agitated, and it took him a long time to control his emotions, shaking his head and saying, "I'm not wronged."

This kind of dialogue does not seem like what should happen between a mother and child.

However, both Qing Xiuyi and Chen An feel that this is the son (mother) in their hearts, even after many years, there has been no change, let alone alienation and strangeness.

Regarding this, Chen Xi smiled slightly, and immediately set his eyes on the strong Xuanxian on the ground.

This is a middle-aged man, dressed in sable fur, with a face like a crown of jade, his appearance and temperament are quite elegant, but at this moment, his breath is extremely sluggish, his face is pale, and blood is dripping from his lips.

Between his brows, there was even a touch of uncontrollable fear and bewilderment.


Chen Xi asked directly, showing no mercy.

"Qiu Yunsheng."

The middle-aged man struggled to sit up. He had obviously suffered heavy injuries and suffered an unspeakable pain all over his body, but he still managed to endure it, maintaining a graceful demeanor, and silently arranged his clothes.


"Misty Immortal Mountain."

"Why did you come?"

"The Sword of Dao."

"how many people?"

"I should be the only one left."

Chen Xi asked and answered questions and answers with this strong Xuanxian who claimed to be Qiu Yunsheng, and Qiu Yunsheng was quite cooperative, showing no signs of hesitation or disobedience.

This made Chen Xi couldn't help but take another look at this person.

Although it was just a look, Qiu Yunsheng seemed to understand what Chen Xi meant, and said, "Is it strange? Actually, there is nothing strange about it. I just don't want to die so ugly."

When he was talking, he was still arranging his clothes, his movements were meticulous, and he seemed to have a cleanliness habit. Whenever his fingers touched the blood stains on his clothes, he would frown and avoid them.

From these actions, it is not difficult to see that Qiu Yunsheng is obviously a strong Xuanxian with a cleanliness obsession who pays great attention to demeanor and cares about his appearance.

This discovery made Chen Xi suddenly think that if he wanted to extort a confession, throwing this guy into a cesspit might be the best way to extort a confession.

It's a pity that this Qiu Yunsheng obviously thought of this earlier, so he didn't give Chen Xi the chance to extract a confession at all, and answered whatever he asked, he was even more of a traitor than a traitor.

"Why don't you go directly to the Jiuhua Sword Sect?" Chen Xi asked again.

"I like to use my brain, not my hands. When I can use tricks to achieve my goal, I will never take risks with my body."

As expected, Qiu Yunsheng cooperated very well. Even though he was enduring the severe pain, he still talked in a calm manner, "I am just a Xuanxian, but in the Jiuhua Sword Sect, there are three old antiques whose strength cannot be estimated, and Some unknowable restrictions and treasures. So from the time I came to the human world, I have been very clear that it is not appropriate to use force."

This was the first time Chen Xi had seen such an enemy, and he couldn't help admiring this guy's courage and fortitude.

Are you timid?

Absolutely not.

Because this is the human world, and this Qiu Yunsheng is a mysterious fairy who leads two heavenly immortals and a group of fairy servants.

If it were any Xuanxian strongman, he would have gone straight to the Jiuhua Sword Sect and solved everything in the simplest and most brutal way.

However, Qiu Yunsheng didn't do this. Perhaps this can be classified as cowardice, but now that he has been reduced to a prisoner, he can still face it calmly and calmly. This is not something a coward can do.

"The reason why I chose this place is because I want to control some of the elders and disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, use them for me, mix them into the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and take the opportunity to get back the Dao'e sword."

Qiu Yunsheng's voice continued, "In this way, the risk will be reduced to the lowest level, and I can complete this mission without risking my life. Why not do it?"

"What is the sword of Dao?"

On the side, Elder Fu Yun couldn't help asking, and everyone else was also puzzled.

Chen Xi knew it, but he couldn't answer it, because it involved the secrets below the ninth floor of Jiandong No. 90, and only a few people in the entire sect knew about it.

The most important thing is that the sword of Dao is now on Chen Xi's body. Not even the head teacher Wen Huating, or even the entire senior level of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, knows about it.

Qiu Yunsheng smiled, looked at Fu Yun and said, "Since you don't know, it means that this matter is a taboo in your Jiuhua Sword Sect, it's better if you don't know, if you know too much, you may cause trouble to your upper body. "

Hearing this, Fu Yun couldn't help being angry, and said, "Are you mocking me for not being entitled to know all this?"

Normally, how would he dare to question a strong Xuanxian like this, but this time is not that time, the tiger has fallen into the sky, and he is bullied by dogs, and he will not mind taking this opportunity to beat the dog in the water once.

Qiu Yunsheng smiled again and said no more.

This almost contemptuous gesture successfully angered Fu Yun, but before he could make a move, he was stopped by other elders who said something to him. Fu Yun's expression changed for a long time, but he finally restrained himself.

And then, Fu Yun led a group of elders and disciples directly, found an excuse, and left the hall.

"It seems that there are still smart people who know when to leave and what things should not be involved. This is a kind of concern for their own safety."

Qiu Yunsheng commented casually, as if he had expected this to happen, "The existence of worries can often be used by schemes. As long as they are used properly, they can even achieve what they want without any effort."

Chen Xi finally realized that this was definitely a guy who highly respected the way of stratagem, and he had a clear understanding of people's hearts, and he was as clever as a monster.

The so-called insight into world affairs is knowledge, and understanding of human feelings is writing, which probably refers to people like Qiu Yunsheng.

However, Chen Xi didn't like this kind of person very much. He felt that this guy had been showing off his IQ, EQ, and tricks from beginning to end.

So the next moment, he said directly: "Then let me ask you, do you think I will kill you?"

Qiu Yunsheng nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, but you must have guessed that since I have said so much without shy away, and my attitude is not bad, I am obviously a smart person. Smart people are afraid of death, but smart people Maybe you know more than you think, right?"

Chen Xi was startled, and said indifferently, "But I don't want to know now."

As he spoke, he grabbed Qiu Yunsheng by the neck, turned around and walked out of the hall.

This action obviously made Qiu Yunsheng stunned, a little surprised, as if he felt that the development of the matter suddenly deviated from the track he had predicted...

"what are you going to do?"

Qiu Yunsheng tried his best to keep his tone calm.

Chen Xi didn't answer, and his expression didn't change at all.

"Chen Xi, these days, I have inquired and found out everything about you, and I know very well that you have an indissoluble feud with the Zuoqiu clan, and you have a bitter feud with Bing Shitian. I can help you resolve all of this, don't you want to Listen to it? Give it a chance, you will definitely change your mind after listening to it.”

That Qiu Yunsheng was a little panicked, and he turned over his hole cards without caring about anything else.

But unfortunately, Chen Xi didn't want to hear it anymore, at least at this time.

Soon, he carried Qiu Yunsheng and disappeared outside the hall.

"Auntie, uncle, what is he going to do?" Chen Yu asked in a daze.

"Either throw it into the cesspit, or go to clean the toilet, anyway, find a thing that is enough to make a person with a cleanliness enough to collapse."

Qing Xiuyi answered casually.

Chen Yu let out a laugh, and said: "So that's it, this guy is too arrogant, he should be repaired."

"Machines are paper tigers after all, they are vulnerable to absolute power."

Chen An thought thoughtfully, "Such a person may be able to turn his hand around and turn his hand around, but if he doesn't have the power to match him, he will be a clown who can only be driven and controlled by others."

"That's right, it's a clown. No conspiracy or trick can stop an upright soldier." Chen Yu echoed again and again, feeling that Chen An's words were very much in line with his own wishes.

If other people heard that two little guys who were only in Nirvana dared to comment on a strong Xuanxian as a clown, they would probably feel that this little guy is stupid.

But after hearing this, Qing Xiuyi gave a rare smile of appreciation, and said, "That's right, people with great wisdom often lack strength the most."

At this moment, Chen Xi came back, but he was alone.

Chen Yu couldn't help but asked curiously, "Uncle, where's that stinky guy?"

Chen Xi thought for a while, and said, "You don't want to know, otherwise I guarantee you won't be able to eat for three days and three nights." At the end, he couldn't help shaking his head, as if he didn't want to think about the previous scene.

Seeing this, Chen Yu couldn't help but click his tongue. He really didn't dare to imagine how miserable the fate of that strong Xuanxian would be...

"Wait until tomorrow, that guy should be wilted, and then we will set off to return to the Jiuhua Sword Sect, okay?" Chen Xi raised his eyes and looked at Qing Xiuyi.

Qing Xiuyi nodded, with a gentle and quiet appearance.

Chen Yu couldn't help admiring his uncle, and wondered how he managed to deal with his beautiful and powerful aunt.

If Chen Xi knew what Chen Yu was thinking, he would probably turn from embarrassment to anger on the spot, because that scene back then was really a bit absurd and bizarre, and it was not suitable for children.

Most importantly, he is still passive...

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