divine talisman

Chapter 1003 Those Glories [Part 1]

That night, in an elegant room in the Linghua Hall.

Chen Xi personally prepared a table of sumptuous dishes, and enjoyed them with Qing Xiuyi, Chen Yu, and Chen An. There were only the four of them in the banquet, and Chen Xi didn't want others to disturb the time when they were alone with their relatives.

During the banquet, Chen Xi was like transforming into a gossiping woman, throwing out a lot of questions incessantly.

How is the younger brother Chen Hao doing? How has the Songyan Chen family changed? How are friends like Song Lin, Duanmuze, Du Qingxi, Xuanjing Old Turtle King, Qingqiu Fox King... and so on.


There are too many problems.

Regarding this, Chen Yu talked eloquently and answered every question, while Chen An supplemented and made up for the gaps, while Qing Xiuyi listened quietly from the side, looking at Chen Xi and the two of them from time to time. Little guy, between his brows and eyes, there is a gentle and graceful color.

Although this moment was calm and ordinary, for the four present, it was a rare kind of happiness, and it was difficult for any natural treasures to exchange for it.

Because this kind of gathering is too difficult, it seems to be more precious and cherished.

Maybe many years later, when I think of today, it will still be an unforgettable sweet memory.


Early the next morning.

Chen Xi, who was so excited all night and didn't sleep, walked out of the Linghua Hall before dawn.

When he came back again, there was already a person by his side.

That was Qiu Yunsheng. At this time, he was neatly dressed, his long hair combed meticulously, and his appearance was graceful and personable, just like a pampered middle-aged nobleman.

It's just that his complexion is very bad, it can even be described as terrible, his facial features are almost a ball of pain, whitened, almost transparent, there is a trance between his expressions from time to time, as if he has gone through a major event that cannot be recalled. General accident.

Especially when his gaze caught sight of Chen Xi beside him, he was filled with uncontrollable fear and fear like a mouse meeting a cat.

This not only makes people curious, but what kind of accident happened last night to turn a wise and articulate mysterious immortal into this appearance.

Apart from the suave and elegant demeanor, his expression was like that of a second idiot who was born with a mental retardation.

All of this, only Chen Xi and Qiu Yunsheng knew it well.

However, neither of them would say anything, and Chen Xi didn't want to say more, because when he mentioned this matter, he himself was so disgusted that he couldn't stand it.

Not only did Qiu Yunsheng dare not say it, he didn't even want to think about it, because the whole night last night was also the most tragic night he had experienced in his life, and life would be worse than death, which is not enough to describe one ten thousandth of it!

He was scared, totally scared.

If possible, he would rather leave immediately, and never want to see Chen Xi again forever.

This guy is simply a devil!

When Qiu Yunsheng thought of this, he couldn't help feeling sad and melancholy. He felt that he was talented, resourceful, and thoughtless, but now he was reduced to such an end. God was simply blind.

"Master Xuanxian, where did you go last night?" At this moment, Chen Yu saw Qiu Yunsheng walking into the hall, and couldn't help laughing and teasing.

Hearing this, Qiu Yunsheng immediately shuddered, trembling all over, like an eggplant beaten by frost, his face was full of bad luck and depression.

"I've already convinced myself, can I stop mentioning this matter in the future?" Qiu Yunsheng looked at Chen Xi almost beggingly, and asked cautiously.

"Then it depends on your performance." Chen Xi said indifferently.

Qiu Yunsheng lifted his spirits, and immediately said: "If I cooperate with all my strength, when are you going to let me go?"

Chen Xi said casually: "Didn't you know everything about me? Then when I defeat the Zuoqiu Clan and avenge the Jiuhua Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm, I will let you go, how?"

It was said that Qiu Yun was born as if struck by lightning, and his face was ashen.

Zuoqiu family?

An enemy of the Jiuhua Sword Sect?

This fucking plan is to make me miserable for the rest of my life!

As a Profound Immortal in the Immortal World, no matter how ignorant he is, he also knows what kind of terrifying existence those forces are. It is unimaginable to overthrow one of them.

But now, Chen Xi actually said that he had done everything before he let himself go. This, this, this...

Qiu Yunsheng couldn't find any words to describe his mood at the moment, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Why, if you can't do it, then..." Chen Xi glanced at him and said calmly.

Before the words fell, Qiu Yunsheng's expression became serious, and he interrupted, "Leave it to me!"

The tone is sonorous, the demeanor is resolute, but in fact the heart is quite trembling.

There is no way, if he wants to survive, even if he is asked to go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire at this time, he can only bite the bullet and agree first.

"This is the real hero!"

Chen Xi slapped Qiu Yunsheng on the shoulder, and said, "Don't be so pessimistic, you can think this way, one day, those big figures and powerful forces in the fairy world will be overthrown by your schemes one after another Under the trick, who can experience the sense of accomplishment except you?"

Qiu Yunsheng was startled and said, "It does sound really good, doesn't it?"

Chen Xi laughed loudly: "It's not just good, when that day comes, it is destined to be the most glorious moment in your life."

Qiu Yunsheng stared straight at Chen Xi for a long time, with a serious expression on his face, and said solemnly: "Although I know you are bewitching and teasing me, I am really tempted, just like a young, ignorant, confused and pure boy. During this period, I suddenly found my purpose in life.”

"Then work hard."

Chen Xi patted the other person's shoulder again, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. Sentimental and ignorant, confused and pure youth?It's too shameless to be able to say such words.

For this kind of lying and scheming guy, you can only watch his actions, but not trust his words, otherwise, you might be tricked by him.

However, Qiu Yunsheng seemed to be in deep thought, and he stopped talking, only a pair of eyes seemed to be faintly burning with a touch of madness and excitement.


In the azure blue sky, white clouds flutter like fluff.

A treasure ship crushed the air waves and galloped towards the Jiuhua Sword Sect.

On the treasure ship, Qing Xiuyi thought for a while before asking: "You plan to use that guy?"

Chen Xi glanced at Qiu Yunsheng, who was sitting cross-legged in a corner, frowning and thinking hard, and then said in a deep voice, "Although I don't understand how powerful the enemies in those fairy worlds are for the time being, I know very well that I'm afraid that only relying on With my own strength, it is difficult to completely bring them down."

"So you plan to build your own power?"

Qing Xiuyi said thoughtfully, "This is a good idea. After all, comparatively speaking, personal power is limited after all. It is easy to kill some enemies, but it is very difficult to completely wipe out a big force."

Chen Xi sighed lightly, and murmured: "I also only have this idea for the time being. As for how to implement it, we have to see the situation after the fairy world."

"When the time comes, I will help you." Qing Xiuyi said softly.

"I know." Chen Xi smiled.

"That guy is only temporarily under my control. Since you want to use him, you must erase all future troubles." Qing Xiuyi turned around suddenly and walked towards Qiu Yunsheng.

Chen Xi was startled, but in the end he didn't stop him.

After all, Qiu Yunsheng is a Xuanxian-level powerhouse. With his current strength, it is still difficult to completely control him. Moreover, this person is astonishingly resourceful and treacherous. Perhaps only by using some strong methods can he completely make him give up.

After a while, Qing Xiuyi came back and said: "That guy is indeed a smart person and very cooperative. Unless he can kill me in the future, he will never dare to do anything against you."

Inexplicably, a warm current welled up in Chen Xi's heart, without saying much, he just stretched out his hand to hold her catkin, the touch was cold and warm, as soft as boneless.

Qing Xiuyi's body froze, she looked at Chen Xi, and quickly regained her composure.

This big hand is very warm.


Three hours later.

The Jiuhua Sword Sect is far away.

Chen Xi stowed away the treasure boat, took Qing Xiuyi, Chen Yu, Chen An, and Qiu Yunsheng, and galloped towards the mountain gate.

The last time he left, he was alone.

Today, with a wife and a son, the changes in life, no one can explain clearly.

"Huh, what is that?"

"Yes yes yes... it's Elder Chen Xi!"

"God! His old man is finally back!"

"Quick! Go and tell the uncle, uncle, and teacher!"

When they saw Chen Xi's figure, all the Jiuhua disciples stationed in front of the mountain gate were stunned, and immediately showed ecstasy, calling out loudly.

The excited look was like a madman, and Chen Yu and Chen An were dumbfounded for a while.

"What! Chen Xi is back?"

"Hahaha! The old man knew that this kid will be fine!"

"Bastard, why did you come to report now? Hurry up and report to the other elders of the sect, and follow me to the mountain gate to meet Chen Xi!"

Whoosh whoosh!

In the depths of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, bursts of commotion suddenly sounded, and immediately a rainbow of training gods rose into the sky, and high-ranking figures, led by the head teacher Wen Huating, rushed towards the mountain gate in a mighty manner.

All of a sudden, the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect was a complete commotion, and the sky was full of gorgeous and blazing light, whistling like a dragon, breaking the original quiet and quiet atmosphere, and suddenly boiling, like a pot exploded, lively The hustle and bustle.

This time, both Chen Yu and Chen An couldn't believe their eyes, and their expressions were in a daze.

Even though he already knew that his father (uncle) is now a famous and powerful man, but seeing this lively and grand scene before him, his heart was still shocked like never before.

"One day, I will also become someone like Uncle!" Chen Yu clenched his fists tightly, his expression showing a firm look in excitement.

"I just hope that my father won't disappoint me." Chen An pursed his lips and said after a long time.

Those supreme glory and supreme brilliance were created by his father himself, but to him, it was a kind of heavy pressure, which made him dare not slack off, lest he could not catch up with his father's pace.

Yes, he only hoped that his father would not disappoint him.

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