divine talisman

Chapter 109

Chapter 3 for collection! <Go to autumn.

For monks, time is like an arrow with wings, half a year's time is yin, and it is fleeting.

But at the first trial site of Tianfeng, due to the different laws of time, a full year and a half has passed.

During this period of time, Chen Xi's work and rest were extremely regular, refining qi, visualizing, tempering the body, cultivating the sword... When he was really upset, he would use his fingers as a brush and the loess earth as paper to trace the runes, I don't feel lonely when I write in seal script.

He once found thirteen talisman-made jade slips in the Sword Immortal Cave in the Southern Man's Nether Realm. After six months of hard work, he has also made great progress. The talisman patterns written on the ground have already reached the ninth rank, only one step away. , you can build a talisman and become a formation mage.

Ninth-grade talismans and first-grade talismans are called basic talismans.

Every talisman apprentice must master the making of basic talismans before he can make more advanced talismans.

Talismans can be divided into Yin and Yang categories according to their attributes, and they can be further divided into five categories: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth.

The production of any talisman cannot escape the yin and yang five elements, and the basic talisman is no exception.

The study of the structure of the runes starts with the basic runes. In other words, each basic rune represents a rune structure.The basic talisman is divided into five elements, and the structure of each attribute is different, which can be called thousands of thousands and endless.

This also shows that there are tens of thousands of complete runes, and it is simply impossible to know how to make all the basic runes.

However, as long as a complete rune structure can be drawn on the talisman paper, it can be called a first-grade talisman; if two complete rune patterns can be drawn and make them echo each other like breathing, it can be called a second-grade talisman ;Stacking in sequence, nine complete rune structures can be drawn on a piece of talisman paper, and make them echo each other, as if they are one, it can be called the Nine Grade Talisman!

Ninety-nine return to one, if you can superimpose a complete ninth-grade talisman with another complete ninth-grade talisman to form a wonderful connection, you can be called a talisman array master, and the talismans produced also have the formation method. prototype.

Moreover, if one reaches the level of a talisman formation master, one can engrave different talisman structures on formation flags, formation disks, formation stones and other carriers, so that the power of the formation can be fully exerted.

All in all, whether it is a talisman or a formation, the structure of the rune pattern is the most basic and core.

The Dao of Talismans is to master the structure of the runes and develop the profound meanings of heaven and earth. It is originally a vast avenue among the three thousand avenues.

Chen Xi's comprehension of the Dao of Heaven has reached the realm of Taoism, and he has mastered a complete Taoism of Wind. Coupled with his soul riri, he visualized the statue of Fuxi, and his comprehension of the Dao of Talismans is also a matter of course, advancing by leaps and bounds.It won't be long before it's not impossible to become an array mage.

What surprised him most was that his comprehension of talismans enabled him to easily comprehend its mysteries and master its essence when he was practicing "Zhou Tianxing's body training technique".

Just like a few days ago, when he was refining his body and advanced to the second level of Zifu, he successfully condensed the originally obscure and dense Yimu witch patterns, and he still remembers the smooth feeling of flowing clouds and flowing water.

The witch pattern is mysterious and deep, as if formed naturally, but is it not a kind of rune pattern between heaven and earth?

It is precisely based on this kind of cognition that whether Chen Xi is cultivating the body or the Star Dou Mahamudra, he unconsciously uses the knowledge of talismans to observe and try to figure it out. On the contrary, it makes him comprehend the deeper mysteries , the many depressions and doubts in my heart suddenly became clear, and the journey of cultivation became more and more magnanimous.

The benefits of the progress of the talisman are not limited to this. When he tempered the wind and light sword array, and when he practiced the Dayan Five Elements Sword, it played an unexpected role in feeding back, making him more aware of the way of the sword. As it gets deeper and deeper, the power of the sword techniques and sword formations used will also become stronger.

The so-called drawing inferences from one instance and comprehending by analogy, is the truth.

Some ancient great powers can even comprehend thousands or tens of thousands of Taoism, and finally integrate them, and integrate all dharmas into one, control the ultimate mystery of the heaven and earth, and achieve the supreme way!

Now, Chen Xi has only fully grasped the Dao of Wind, and his comprehension of Talisman Dao and Sword Dao can only be called a small success, and there is still a long way to go.

But even so, with his current age and strength, even among geniuses, he is still at the monstrous level. Compared with some core disciples of ancient sects, he is no less inferior, even worse!

On this day, Chen Xi woke up from his meditation and raised his eyes to look at the rock wall on one side, where lines were engraved on it, representing the time of day.

"One and a half years have passed so quickly. What the old man said is true. The light is like a shuttle, and the white horse flies through the gap. Only when it is formed in this way can it describe a trace of the true meaning of the Dao of Time. Just like the master of the cave, he must have controlled the Supreme Dao of Time. Only then can we turn the world around and change the speed of time..."

Chen Xi didn't feel too much emotion. He stood up, and his tall figure became more and more elegant and solitary, floating out of the dust.Time has not left traces on him, Qingjun's face is still the same as before, but a seemingly indifferent look, but it makes people feel a sense of vastness and depth like the sea, and people can't help but be attracted by him. mind.

"I don't know if Xiao Lingbai and Geng Jin Jianzhu have melted their spirits... No matter, let's leave here first, otherwise we will delay the pace of going to Longyuan City."

Chen Xi thought for a while, and he no longer cared about it, and his figure disappeared in a flash.


Just when Chen Xi left from the first trial site of Tianfeng, in the vast sea desert, a group of seven or eight people, under the protection of a big golden umbrella that flowed all over their bodies, kept cruising around, as if they were looking for something .

The violent hurricane and raging sandstorm, as long as they approached them, they would be bounced back by the golden light gushing out of the big umbrella, and because of this, they all flew in the vast sea and desert, looking extremely relaxed, as if they were walking on flat ground.

"Uncle Su Leng, I have been searching for half a year, and there is still no trace of that boy. Could it be that he was swallowed by a sandstorm?"

Su Dingyuan, with knife-like eyebrows, asked. Among the six people, only he had the best relationship with Su Leng, and he was the only one who asked questions that should not be said.

"Hmph!" Su Leng snorted, and said expressionlessly: "It's absolutely impossible, even if it was torn apart by a sandstorm, as a cultivator of the Zifu, his aura would never disappear so quickly."

In the past six months, they shuttled back and forth in the billowing sandstorm, looking for traces of Chen Xi. It seemed that they could easily avoid the sandstorm and hurricane, but no one dared to relax their vigilance. After all, this was the vast sea desert known as the land of death. It is filled with dense space cracks, and there are terrible restrictions and relics. Even some Nirvana monks entered, but they never returned, which is enough to prove the horror of this place.

Su Leng is the only person with the highest level of cultivation in their group, and he is still at the Liangyi Golden Core level, which is a big level behind the Nirvana Great Cultivator, so naturally they dare not be careless.

However, tensing their nerves day and night, being vigilant and guarding against them is also a kind of torture and torture to their minds. In addition, they have not found a trace of Chen Xi so far, which makes their mood become gloomy and irritable. .

Su Leng, in particular, was in a very bad mood. What he thought he could do at first, was delayed for a full three months. Let alone a human being, he didn't even catch a single hair. Naturally, the proud and conceited him was very unhappy. happy.

"If I catch that kid, I'll have to skin him!"

Su Leng muttered something fiercely in his heart, and at this moment, a clear moan suddenly sounded from his arms. Although the sound was subtle, it shocked his heart, and a gleam of joy appeared on his face. The beads, like liquid water droplets, exude dreamlike colorful ripples.

"The Boundary Breaking Bead of Promise!"

The eyes of Su Dingyi and the other six were rounded, and a hot greed could not be concealed from their eyes.

This bead was obtained by Su Leng from a mysterious relic. It is an extremely miraculous treasure. It can not only detect some hidden spaces within a radius of a hundred miles, but also break through some barriers of secret realms. It is extremely mysterious.Su Leng used this bead to help the Su family find a secret fairy mansion, from which they obtained a large number of exercise books and medicinal treasures, which caused a great sensation in the entire Longyuan City. As a member, how could he not know the name of the Wuji Boundary Breaking Orb?

It has been countless years since the world of practice has been extended. There are countless secret places and caves left in the world, attracting countless monks to seek their destiny and find their own luck. Cultivation advances rapidly, and then becomes famous all over the world!

And having the Boundless Boundary Breaking Bead is equivalent to having the key to open these secret realms and caves, and one step closer to the chance of immortal fate.Let me ask, who among the monks in the world can't be moved by it?

It is precisely because of this bead that Su Leng's name is well-known in Longyuan City, and his status as an elder in the Su family is becoming more and more unbreakable, enjoying resources that ordinary people cannot match.

"Within a hundred miles nearby, there is a duli space!" Su Leng glanced up, and then looked at the Wuji Breaker Orb in his hand, his words were extremely positive.

"Could it be an ancient cave?"

"I think it might be Chen Xi's hiding place."

"No matter what it is, don't we know if we go and have a look? If it's the secret place of the cave, let's search it hard. If it's the hiding place of Chen Xi, just catch him and make him spit out the treasures in the Sword Immortal's cave!"

"With Uncle Su Leng here, why should we worry about the failure of the big event?"

The exhaustion in everyone's hearts was swept away, and they chatted one after another, and there were many flattering words towards Su Leng in their words.

"Let's go, it will be in your interest to follow my orders and act." Su Leng's stern expression softened a lot. Cultivators are also human beings, and they also like to be flattered.

"Thank you, Uncle Su Leng!" Su Dingyi and the others were overjoyed, their expressions excited.

Immediately, Su Leng led the crowd away, and not long after, he came to a low sand dune. When he got here, the Boundless Realm Breaking Orb suddenly remembered a series of clear chants, and the colorful light on its surface became more and more dreamy.

"Go!" Su Leng yelled, and the Wuji Boundary Breaking Orb flew into the air, the haze scattered all over the body, and the colorful light beams turned into tens of feet long horses, sweeping around in a flash.


Under the blurred brilliance like a rainbow, layers of transparent fluctuations suddenly appeared on the originally empty sand dunes, like undulating fortress walls, twisting and changing, extremely mysterious.

"Sure enough, it's a secret place. You follow me, don't lose it, or I won't be able to save you." Su Leng ordered, took a deep breath, held the Wuji Breaking Realm Orb, and walked towards the twisted and changing transparent world first. Fluctuating.

Seeing this, the other people also looked terrified, and followed closely behind.


Under the colored light of the Promise Breaking Realm Bead, the transparent and distorted fluctuations are like punctured bubbles, opening a long and narrow gap, disappearing between heaven and earth not long after Su Leng and others disappeared.


ps: The name of this book is Shenlu, which is naturally closely related to Fu Dao. The description in the first half of this chapter is my understanding of Xianxiawen Fu Dao. It should be different from other novels, right?

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