divine talisman

Chapter 110 Encounter

The first!


The torrential river rolled endlessly.

As soon as Chen Xi came out of Tianfeng's first trial, he saw Ji Yu standing on the grass by the river from a distance, as if he had been waiting for him.

"The entry is good, very good." Ji Yu's eyes swept over Chen Xi, as if he had seen through his cultivation achievements during this period, and a smile appeared on his face.

Chen Xi smiled, and calmly accepted this approval, but his heart was extremely calm. After all, in the past year and a half, the spirit liquid in the storage ring had consumed hundreds of thousands of catties, and the star soul stone had also been used up. Hundreds of them, if there is no progress, it would be unreasonable.

"Gengjin Sword Bamboo I have refined for you, let's take a look." Ji Yu said, opening his palms, a three-foot long sword appeared in front of him, the whole body was pitch black, with a dull black light, faintly exuding a hint of thunderous aura .

"It seems that there is no difference?" Chen Xi was startled, and was about to take his hand to check for himself, when a sudden change occurred.

call out!

Gengjin Jianzhu's body suddenly gushed out a mighty and majestic aura of silence, and then a black light flashed, and he had turned into a three-inch villain, with fluttering white clothes, sword eyebrows and star eyes, extremely handsome, floating in mid-air, with aura all over his body As it circulates, there is even a trace of lightning arc winding, majestic, sharp, piercing, and destructive, with an aura of extinction that is neither born nor dead.

"Little Lingbai?"

Chen Xi's eyes widened, and he instantly understood that after Ji Yu sacrificed with the spirit fusion technique, the Gengjin Sword Bamboo was no longer a dead thing like before, but had merged with Ling Bai, the sword soul, to become a living Fate!

Moreover, the power of thunder originally accumulated in Geng Jin Jianzhu is also completely fused with the sword intent of Nirvana on Ling Bai's body. It has both the chilling aura of thunder destroying everything and the aura of immortality, making it even more terrifying. Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a palpitation in his heart.

"Chen Xi, I can already cultivate! Hahaha!" Ling Bai jumped onto Chen Xi's shoulder, his eyes became a pair of crescent moons, obviously extremely happy.

"Oh, then how good are you now?" Chen Xi asked curiously. This was the first magic weapon he had seen that could cultivate himself, and he had never heard of anything that could be cultivated by a magic weapon before, so he was naturally extremely curious. .

Ling Bai was taken aback, his face turned blue and then pale, he seemed extremely annoyed, and at the same time extremely frustrated, he didn't speak for a long time.

Chen Xi quickly comforted him, "It doesn't matter if you are weak, you can cultivate, as long as you persevere, you will become stronger one day."

"Really?" Ling Bai's spirit lifted, and a look of shame, resentment and shame filled his face, and he said, "It's okay to tell you, my current strength is indeed very poor, about the same as Brother Huang Ting's." Same."

Brother Huang Ting! ?

Chen Xi was stunned. If his strength was poor, wouldn't he not even be considered poor?

"Don't laugh at me. Actually, I used to be very good. Hey, why did your face become so stiff? Do you look down on me? Well, actually, I also feel very ashamed!" Seeing Chen Xi's silence, Ling Bai pouted. He became more and more ashamed, and his voice became lower and lower.

Chen Xi's face froze completely. Is this little fellow mocking him?Is it?Is it?

"Don't worry, when I performed the fusion of gods, I already left a trace of spiritual imprint on you. This little guy will only be your most loyal subordinate in the future, and he will never harm you." Ji Yu said through voice transmission, he He also thought that Chen Xi's expression was abnormal because he was worried that Ling Bai would lose control.

"I... just want to know, is Brother Huang Ting's strength very bad in the cultivation world?" Chen Xi sighed and said through voice transmission.


Ji Yu laughed out loud, and only then did he realize that Chen Xi was provoked by Ling Bai's words just now.

"Senior Ji Yu, are you laughing at me?" Ling Bai's face was ugly, and he secretly felt ruthless in his heart, he must practice hard, the feeling of embarrassment is too depressing!

Hearing this, Ji Yu laughed louder and couldn't straighten up holding his stomach.

"Senior Ji Yu, I'm planning to leave, I don't know how to get out of the Sword Tomb of Silence?" Chen Xi quickly changed the subject.

"The power that maintains the Sword Tomb's Nirvana Realm is left by Ling Bai's master. It is an extremely powerful Nirvana force. If Ling Bai does not die, this power will imprison that space forever. The purpose is naturally to protect Ling Bai. Bai's life. But as long as Lingbai dies, that space will be broken." Ji Yu said slowly.

Killed Ling Bai?

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he tried his best not to ask any questions. He knew that Ji Yu would definitely not do this, otherwise he wouldn't have used the magic fusion technique to fuse with Geng Jin Jianzhu.

Ji Yu continued: "Of course, it's different now. After Lingbai practiced the fusion of gods, he has merged with Gengjin Jianzhu. It is undoubtedly reborn and reborn. At this moment, the power that maintains the sword tomb's silence is rootless. Trees without a source, water without a source, let Ling Bai absorb them, and then the imprisonment can be broken."

"So that's how it is." Chen Xi suddenly realized.

"By the way, when you leave, take Bai Kui with you." Ji Yu said, Bai Kui, who was lying in his arms, was already impatient, and flew up to Chen Xi's left shoulder with a whoosh, stretching out his tender little He licked Chen Xi's neck with his tongue very enthusiastically.

Chen Xi was itchy from being licked, and was about to stop it, but when Ling Bai saw Bai Kui, his eyes lit up, and with a whoosh, he also jumped onto Chen Xi's left shoulder, and then straddled his legs, intending to ride on Bai Kui On his body, he still shouted excitedly: "What a spirit beast, it just happens to be my mount, and I will kill the world with my sword and become famous!"

Ling Bai was three inches tall and dressed in white, while Bai Kui was only the size of a fist, with snow-white fluff. The two little guys together made a beautiful contrast.

However, Bai Kui didn't want Ling Bai to ride it, so he jumped onto Chen Xi's right shoulder in a flash. Seeing this, Ling Bai couldn't help being furious, thinking that a little spirit beast would dare to resist me?Immediately followed suit.

Just like that, the two little guys chased back and forth on Chen Xi's shoulders, their speed was as fast as lightning, and they had a great time playing.

"After going out, find some unused magic weapons and feed it. After all, it is a first-class auspicious beast in the world. It is not a good thing to make it hungry."

Ji Yu said with a smile: "I've already helped it cover up its aura. In this world, unless it is a powerful person with meritorious deeds, no one will recognize its true identity."

"Well, I will take good care of it." Chen Xi nodded. Paixiu can gather good fortune. Such an auspicious beast, even many powerful people in the ancient times are extremely greedy. He will not do something reckless. matter.

"Okay, you'd better go out from the Sword Tomb's Annihilation Realm first. This time you leave the cave, and when your body and qi refining cultivation reaches the Huangting Realm, you can come in again."

With a wave of Ji Yu's sleeve, a huge force gushing out, Chen Xi only felt his eyes go dark, and disappeared in the cave the next moment.


In the incomparably vast and magnificent hall, there are traces of ancient decay everywhere, broken tables and chairs, steps, stone pillars... and bones all over the floor.

"Why are there so many bones here? Is it a forbidden place to imprison criminals?"

Su Leng glanced around, looking at the rotten bones, rusty weapons, and corroded and torn clothes on the ground, his heart throbbed for no reason.

clack clack...

Su Dingyi and six people, trampling on piles of bones, searched excitedly in the hall, as if they wanted to find some treasures, but they were surprised that there was not even a treasure here, and their expressions suddenly became strange Incomparable.

"Uncle Su Leng, this is obviously an abandoned palace, there are no treasures, and it seems that no one has been here for a long time."

"Yeah, I originally thought that Chen Xi was hiding here, but who would have thought it would be such a ghostly place, what a bad luck!"

"Really, I don't know who is full of food and what to do to open up such a confinement space. Is the brain cramping?"


Su Dingyi and the others complained endlessly. They originally thought it was a secret fairy mansion, no matter how bad they were, they could find traces of Chen Xi in it, but they didn't even have a single valuable thing, so they were naturally a little frustrated.

"Don't you feel that there seems to be a force surging here? There is no life, no death, no death, it makes people feel hopeless, helpless, decadent, uneasy..." Su Leng looked around and said slowly.

After being reminded by this, everyone's heart skipped a beat. It was indeed as Su Leng said, the entire vast hall was indeed eerily silent. Before they knew it, people's hearts were filled with various negative emotions.

"Let's go! This place is too weird, let's leave quickly..." Before Su Leng could finish his sentence, a sudden change occurred in the hall.


A black hole, tearing apart the void, appeared in the center of the hall.Almost at the same time, a thin boy flew out of it.

This young man had clear and handsome features, and his aura was ethereal. After he appeared, the hole in the void disappeared without a trace.

"Chen Xi!"

"This guy is really hiding here!"

"Haha, you can't find a place to break through the iron shoes, it takes no effort to get it!"

Seeing this young man, Su Dingyi and the other six showed a hint of ecstasy on their faces. They thought they would return empty-handed, but they didn't expect that 'baby' would come to their door by themselves!

"Damn! Why did they come in?"

Chen Xi glanced over Su Dingyi and the others, especially when he saw the stern young man in black standing in the central position, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

This person stands casually, but his body exudes an extremely terrifying aura, and above his head, there are faint yin and yang qi flowing, sometimes turning into dragons and tigers, and sometimes bursting out wisps of dancing black and white flames.

The dragon and the tiger grow together, and the yin and yang blend together.

A cultivator of the Liangyi Golden Core Realm!

After a monk advanced to the realm of Liangyi Golden Elixir, he could condense the true energy in his body into a Liangyi natal Golden Elixir, where yin and yang blend together, dragons and tigers grow together, and all kinds of visions will emerge from the altar above their heads.

Like Su Leng's head above the spiritual altar, the faintly visible airflow pattern emerging at this moment is a kind of atmosphere formed by the operation of his own powerful Qi machine.

"Six Huang Ting cultivators are enough to give me a headache, and now there is another Liangyi Golden Core cultivator..." Chen Xi was secretly startled, and his nerves tensed to the extreme in an instant.

"He is Chen Xi?" Su Leng glanced at Chen Xi, and said coldly, "My name is Su Leng, don't forget my name when I die."

boom!boom!boom! ...

While speaking, the air flow on Su Leng's body was surging, like a big drum beating, making a series of explosive sounds, whoosh!A flying sword shot out through the air, and ruthlessly killed Chen Xi in the distance!

Kill as soon as you say, without saying a word, extremely ruthless!


ps: Thanks to the brother "See how good you are" for pointing out the bug, and also to the brother "Xingyao Tianyuan" for his valuable opinions!

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