divine talisman

Chapter 1200 Violent Whiplash [Part 7]


When Chen Xi punched out, ten thousand tides surged and poured out, the blue clock in the sky was blown away and out of control, Gongyang Longfei even flew backwards, bleeding from his seven orifices.


At the same time, Chen Xi's left arm flung out like a sky-shattering iron whip, and ruthlessly hit the two old students who had no time to dodge. Their chest cavity collapsed, and their whole body was smashed to the ground like a broken sandbag, and they both fainted.

In just a split second, everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, only Liu Yiming, Xing Yuanhang and other four old students were left in the field!

Everyone was suffocating, and their hearts trembled. They felt that the Chen Xi in front of them was completely different from before.

As for Liu Yiming and the other four, a look of horror appeared on their faces.


Chen Xi stepped forward, his aura becoming more and more disdainful, every step he took, the world in all directions roared, engulfing mountains and rivers, it was hard to resist!

"I fought with you!"

An old student shouted loudly, and using his divine power, pushed a mountain of white bones to crush Chen Xi.

Chen Xi pressed his right hand, his five fingers pierced into the sky like peaks, filled with the dignified law of the earth, his whole body seemed to rise from the ground like a sky-high mountain, and he easily pressed the bone god mountain tightly with his palm, and he could no longer move a little.

The old man shrank his eyes, feeling completely terrified. This is the treasure he collected and refined from ancient immortal corpses. It weighs millions of ounces and is filled with the power of gods.

But now, it was unexpectedly easily held down by Chen Xi, like holding down a moth that was overwhelmed by its strength.


With a wave of Chen Xi's right hand, the old student and his Bone God Mountain were thrown out together, hitting the barriers on the edge of the dojo, and there was a heaven-shattering roar.

Everyone's hearts twitched again, it's too strong!

"Go together!"

At this time, Liu Yiming's temples were disheveled, and she was quite embarrassed, but her gorgeous cheeks were full of cruelty, she had no way out, and it was too late to repent.


When she was speaking, a hundred-foot-long black whip in her hand pierced through the air, wrapped around the law of fire, and whipped down, killing fiercely.

However, to Liu Yiming's surprise, not only did Xing Yuanhang not join hands with her, but he voluntarily surrendered when she made the move.

"Stop fighting, I admit defeat!"

As soon as the words fell, Xing Yuanhang was teleported out by the ban in the dojo.


Liu Yiming was shocked and furious, unable to believe it.

Not only him, but everyone present was startled, as if they didn't expect that Xing Yuanhang would admit defeat at this moment.

At this moment, Chen Xi grabbed the long whip that Liu Yiming swung out, and with a light tug, the long whip immediately escaped Liu Yiming's control.


Chen Xi held a long whip in his hand, turned into a hundred feet long whip, tore through the void, and directly hit Liu Yiming's body, beating her clothes to shreds, her skin ripped apart, and she let out a shrill scream.

Chen Xi had already seen before that those old men were only looking up to this woman. How could Chen Xi be polite to such culprits.

clap clap clap...

The long whip shook and turned into whip shadows all over the sky, like an angry god whipping the world, pouring out the anger in his heart, until Liu Yiming screamed again and again, ran away with his head in his arms, his clothes were ragged, bloodstained, and he was extremely miserable.

Everyone present was horrified, and even many people couldn't bear to look at them again. No one thought that Chen Xi would be so cruel and ruthless when he treated a woman.

"You... court death! I want to kill you! Kill you!"

Liu Yiming screamed, almost going crazy, under the watchful eyes of everyone, being forced to such a point by Chen Xi, she was already disgraced, and she would not have any scruples.

"Senior sister, this is just a discussion in the dojo, just a discussion. It's a bit too much for you to say that."

Chen Xi spoke calmly, and when he spoke, the movements of his hands didn't stop for a moment, and the beating caused Liu Yiming to howl again.


"You are a freshman, don't go too far!"

"Senior Sister Yiming, you have to admit defeat, it will be bad for you if you go on like this."

At this moment, many old students present got up angrily, shouting and accusing Chen Xi one after another.

"What is too much! Are you only allowed to teach others, but not others? It makes no sense!"

"Senior brother Chen Xi, we support you, fight well, play beautifully!"

Seeing those old students accusing Chen Xi, the freshmen in the arena were immediately dissatisfied and shouted one after another. Many of them have been taught by the old students these days, and a lot of anger has already accumulated in their hearts. Chen Xi's move can be said to not only help Their new students won face, and even let out a bad breath.

Under such circumstances, how could they not support Chen Xi?

"This little guy is also suppressing a lot of anger in his heart."

In the distance, Zhou Zhili shook his head dumbly.

"Hmph, it's a bit too much to treat fellow disciples so cruelly." Zuo Qiuhong snorted displeased.

Zhou Zhili glanced at the other party and didn't say much.

In the end, Liu Yiming still couldn't hold on and gave up.


The ban was activated, and Liu Yiming was sent to appear in the dojo, while other old students such as Gongyang Longfei had already been defeated and admitted their defeat early.

So far, Liu Yiming and other seven old students have been wiped out!

As for Chen Xi, he did not sacrifice any immortal treasures from the beginning to the end, and his fighting power shocked the audience.

The freshmen cheered in unison, boiling.

At this point, those old students are all silent, their faces are more or less ugly, even the most open-minded old students have kept silent at this time.

It is indeed an unpleasant thing for a freshman to fight against seven old students among them alone and win the final victory.

"Senior, how much?"

For all of this, Chen Xi didn't show any joy, he just asked him immediately how many star points he had earned in this battle.

"Seven people, [-] each, [-]% will be drawn by the academy. Well, you can get almost [-] star points."

The white-haired old man glanced in amazement.

Chen Xi nodded, and he didn't intend to leave the dojo. When he raised his head, his eyes swept over the old students present one by one like a flash of cold electricity.

Sensing Chen Xi's gaze, at that instant, the discussion in the audience subconsciously decreased, and soon became quiet.

"As I said, I will accompany you to the end today. If anyone else wants to compete with me, Chen Xi, just let them come. Of course, remember to bet with star value. If you miss today, I won't accompany you in the future."

The calm voice was not loud, but in this silent atmosphere, it was clearly heard by everyone.

All the new students were sensational and extremely excited. They never expected that Chen Xi would be so strong that he would accompany him to the end?Is he going to overthrow all the old students in the outer courtyard?

But for those old students, this sentence became a complete provocation. It can be seen that after seeing Chen Xi's combat power, none of them dared to challenge it rashly.

There is no way, in the Profound Immortal Realm, Chen Xi's combat power is too outrageous.

"Senior Brother Ning Meng!"

"Senior Brother Ning Meng, please take action and teach this son a lesson!"

"Also ask the brother to make a move."


In the next moment, the eyes of all the old students fell on the same person. It was a handsome young man who was close to a monster and had a feminine temperament. It was Ning Meng.

At this time, Chen Xi also glanced over, his expression was calm, making it hard to see what was going on in his heart.

Under the attention of all the people, Ning Meng smiled lightly, and said something beyond everyone's expectations: "Junior Brother Chen Xi is unstoppable in power, and I am not his opponent, so I won't step forward and make a fool of myself."

After finishing speaking, he floated away, ignoring everyone's expectant eyes.

Everyone was silent, with mixed emotions. Among them, the old students in the outer court, the strongest person at the level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm was Ning Meng. Now he actually thought that he was not as good as Chen Xi, turned around and left, which made them unacceptable for a while.

Chen Xi was also slightly startled, glanced at the back of Ning Meng's leaving, and then withdrew his gaze.

Ning Meng's departure caused an uproar, and also dealt a big blow to the morale of those old students.

"This damn thing dares to refuse to fight!"

Among the crowd, Zuoqiu Jun's expression was slightly gloomy, his eyes were extremely cold. He never expected that Ning Meng would suddenly make such a commotion, which caught him off guard.

"Brother, do you want to find a chance to completely wake him up?"

Zuo Qiuchuan gritted his teeth, he personally took care of this matter, but now he messed it up, which made him feel ashamed.

"It's not urgent, let's deal with this guy first, by the way, is that guy here?"

Zuoqiu Jun asked with a frown.

Zuoqiuchuan was stunned, and hesitantly glanced around: "It should be... soon."

Zuo Qiujun frowned more and more.

At this moment, there was an uproar, which attracted the attention of everyone present.

Zuo Qiujun also looked up, and when he saw that familiar figure appearing in front of the dojo, a look of relief suddenly appeared on his lips, and he said: "As expected, I knew he couldn't sit still."

At the same time, Zuo Qiuhong also had a displeased look on the far side of the dojo, and said, "The students in the outer courtyard are really spineless. It's just a sparring session. They don't dare to end and admit defeat."

He was targeting Ning Meng, of course.

Zhou Zhili frowned and said: "Whether to discuss or not is a matter between disciples, don't impose your will on others, that is the biggest taboo of the academy!"

Zuo Qiuhong was taken aback for a moment, and heard that Zhou Zhili was warning him, but he didn't take it seriously, and sneered in his heart, taboo?Is it taboo to have family interests?

"Huh? Why are the top ten figures on the Da Luo Gold List also dispatched?"

Zhou Zhili looked at the dojo, and when he saw the figure that suddenly appeared, a rare sullen look appeared on his serious and unsmiling face.

Zuo Qiuhong also thumped in his heart, and quickly looked over, and sure enough, he saw that Liu Zefeng, who was ranked No. 8 on the Da Luo Gold List, appeared in front of the performance hall!

"Ah Jun, you did it a little too hard..." Zuo Qiuhong sighed inwardly, but said with a smile: "Hehe, it's just a rivalry, it shouldn't be a problem."


Zhou Zhili snorted coldly, frowned and thought for a long time, but finally said nothing.


ps: The 8th update is around 10:[-]!

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