divine talisman

Chapter 1201 Peak Showdown [Part 8]

Liu Zefeng has a thin body, wearing a pine-pattern Taoist robe, and has an outstanding demeanor.

He is the top powerhouse in the outer court, the existence ranked eighth on the Daluo Jinbang, the moment he entered the dojo, he immediately caused an uproar.

Now in the outer courtyard, there are eight thousand old disciples, [-]% of them are in the realm of Xuanxian, and the remaining [-]% are the existence of Daluo Jinxian.

And there are only 500 people who can be included in the Daluo Gold List.

It is not easy to be able to achieve this step, but this Liu Zefeng is not only as simple as entering the Daluo Gold List, he is also ranked in the top ten, ranking eighth top existence!

Such a person who is as proud as the sun and the moon will cause a lot of exclamation wherever he goes.

"Could he have come to compete with Chen Xi?"

Someone made a joke, but it turned out that the joke was not funny, because everyone could see that Liu Zefeng was obviously here for Chen Xi.

This is the root cause of the uproar of everyone present.

Chen Xi also saw Liu Zefeng, even as early as the first day he entered Daohuang Academy, he heard Zhou Zhili, the dean of the outer courtyard, mention Liu Zefeng's name.

When this Liu Zefeng entered the outer court, he was only in the middle stage of Xuanxian, but it took him almost 400 years to advance to the Da Luo Jinxian realm, and then it took him nearly 300 years to rank among the top fifty. Until now, he has practiced in the outer court. In the six years of 910, it already has the eighth place!

Perhaps compared to other people, Liu Zefeng's achievements are not outstanding, but his ranking is enough to show how powerful he is.

again and again!again and again! ...

Liu Zefeng walked unhurriedly, and walked straight towards the performance hall where Chen Xi was. His expression was calm and he couldn't see any emotion. As his footsteps fell, the uproar in the arena actually became quieter and quieter.

Then, Liu Zefeng stopped outside the arena and said, "I'm here to compete with you."

The voice is calm and devoid of any emotion.

But this sentence fell into the ears of everyone present, but it immediately made them explode, and they could no longer keep silent.

"Unexpectedly... I really came here to compete with Chen Xi!"

"Despicable, this is obviously bullying the weak, using the big to bully the small! He is a Da Luo Jinxian, and he is even the eighth-ranked existence on the Da Luo Jin List, but he came to compete with Chen Xi, obviously bullying people!"

"That's not necessarily the case. This is the performance hall in the Xuanxian District. Even if Senior Brother Liu Zefeng participates in the sparring, his own realm will be suppressed to the Xuanxian realm."

"Don't you realize that he is here to avenge his Taoist companion Liu Yiming. Just now Chen Xi whipped Liu Yiming and made her lose face. As his Taoist companion, how could Liu Zefeng stand by and watch?"

"However, what he did was too much. So what about suppressing the realm? His immortal power and fighting methods will not be affected, which is enough to crush any strong Xuanxian."

For all these discussions, accusations, and contempt, Liu Zefeng seemed to be unaware, and his expression was extremely calm, which also showed how tough and strong his heart was.

He just looked at Chen Xi, waiting for the other party's reply.

It was like the whole world, apart from Chen Xi, there was nothing else that could arouse his interest, and naturally it was impossible to disturb his mind.

Seeing this, Chen Xi stared at Liu Zefeng for a long time, and said, "Would you bet?"

Yes, Chen Xi didn't answer directly at all, but he had already answered, and it fell into the ears of everyone around him. Apart from being astonished, there was a touch of complicated emotion in their hearts.

It was hard for them to imagine how a freshman could behave so calmly, so confidently, and even... so calmly when facing a long-established and powerful player on the Daluo Jinbang.

Originally, Liang Ren and Gu Yueming planned to stop Chen Xi and Liu Zefeng from exchanging ideas regardless of everything, but before they even opened their mouths, Chen Xi had already agreed, which made them stand there in a daze, worrying in their hearts, and couldn't help but groan A strange emotion, perhaps, this is the reason why Chen Xi was able to achieve such an achievement today, right?

Do what others dare not, do what others dare not do!

There is no need to doubt that even if he fails, he will be well known by the entire academy and respected by many disciples because of this battle.

"Humph! I don't know whether to live or die!"

Among the crowd, only Zuoqiu Jun and the others sneered in their hearts. In their view, Chen Xi had no chance and was destined to be suppressed!

Even if he failed, it didn't cause any real damage to his reputation, but after all, he failed instead of winning, and that was enough.

Facing Chen Xi's question, Liu Zefeng remained calm to the point of rigidity: "How much star value do you bet on, and how much star value do you bet on?"

Chen Xi nodded and said, "Yes."

As he spoke, he turned his head and casually said to the white-haired old man, "100 million."

100 million!

The eyeballs of everyone present almost fell out. This is not the cabbage of the rotten street, but the star value of Daohuang Academy!How could it be thrown out casually...

This guy must be crazy!

Many people think so, a joke, the star value of 100 million is earned by Daluo Jinxian, plus various expenses and commissions, it will not be enough for a year or so.

But now, in such a situation where he knows that he has no hope of winning, Chen Xi still spends a lot of money and spends 100 million star points. Isn't it crazy, what is it?

There were also people who smacked their tongues at Chen Xi's wealth. He didn't look like a freshman who had just entered the academy. On the contrary, he was richer and richer than some old students, which was enviable and enviable.

Hearing this astonishing number, Liu Zefeng's usual calm expression finally changed slightly. He raised his head and glanced at Chen Xi, and immediately said, "Okay, I'll follow."

"You two, once the bet is confirmed, it will be irreversible." The white-haired old man couldn't help reminding.

Both Chen Xi and Liu Zefeng expressed their silence with no change.

Seeing this, the white-haired old man stopped persuading them, recorded their bets one by one, took out the formation board, and opened the ban near the dojo.


The prohibition wave appeared and resounded through the audience, gathering everyone's minds in the arena.

There, Chen Xi and Liu Zefeng were facing each other at a distance.


The fluctuations are prohibited in the dojo, as if there is an invisible coercion descending.

Chen Xi keenly noticed that Liu Zefeng on the opposite side had been suppressed to the Mysterious Immortal Realm, and that aura that belonged to Da Luo Jinxian was missing from his body.

"Sure enough, although the opponent's realm has been suppressed, the immortal power, energy, and even the power of the soul still remain at the Da Luo level."

Regarding this, Chen Xi was also terrified, but he was not afraid. On the contrary, his eyes suddenly brightened, and there was a shocking fighting spirit accumulating.

Chen Xi has no other thoughts at the moment, all he has is a fight!

He came here today not to discuss, but to complain for Gu Yueming and Liang Ren, and also so that no one would dare to implicate his companions in the future.

Therefore, he must win this battle!

Also win beautiful!

Let everyone present see clearly and plainly that although he, Chen Xi, is not a top-notch powerful child like that of an ancient aristocratic family, he is not a soft persimmon that everyone can handle.

"Chen Xi's heart has changed!" Zhou Zhili suddenly said in the distance.

The other teachers were stunned and didn't understand Zhou Zhili's words. Under such circumstances, a change of mentality might not be able to reverse the situation, right?


Chen Xi took the initiative to attack. At this moment, his whole body was charged like a flame, and he was bathed in the radiant divine radiance. With his fingers parallel to each other, he slashed away with a perfect "water sword".

The sword energy is like a blue sea, raging in the sky, rumbling and vibrating, like a roar of gods and demons, majestic and immeasurable.

On the opposite side, Liu Zefeng's eyes lit up, and at this moment, he was like a peerless mad knife out of its sheath, wanton and arrogant, like a great demon god.

He was suppressed, but it didn't mean that his eyesight was also suppressed. He could see that the young man opposite him was a formidable opponent. There was such a powerful young man in Xuanxian Realm, which caused waves in his heart.

"Lingyun's skillful hand!"

Liu Zefeng stretched out his right arm, brushing the air with his slender fingers, enveloping the radiant light, destroying everything, destroying everything, completely disintegrating Chen Xi, the sword of fire.

Chen Xi's eyes became brighter and brighter. His opponent was indeed formidable. His aura burst out again, becoming even more powerful. He had completely activated his cultivation which was a hundred times stronger than his peers. His aura was like a king coming, intimidating the world.

"This guy is really good."

Liu Zefeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and slapped out with a palm. The powerful immortal power crushed towards Chen Xi, causing violent wailing and fluctuations in the void.


The two are fighting fiercely at one place, one is unrestrained and arrogant like a great demon god, and the other is like a king patrolling, pointing the country, and brilliant brilliance erupts between the two, shaking the entire performance hall, even the surrounding restrictions are shaken Gotta buzz.


Outside the dojo, the white-haired old man hastily took out the formation disk and activated a major restriction again, which stabilized the fluctuations in the dojo.

Everyone was amazed, silent, and their eyes were fixed on the battlefield, lest they miss any details. This level of confrontation is extremely rare.

Originally, most of them thought that Chen Xi would be at a disadvantage, but they never expected that he would be no less than Liu Zefeng.

At this moment, Chen Xi had the demeanor of a great master in every gesture. Although his face was young, his calm and calm demeanor made people tremble.

Liu Zefeng felt a bit of pressure, which surprised him, but he didn't panic, he calmly dealt with it, and fought against it.

As a Daluo Jinxian who has practiced in the outer courtyard for nearly a thousand years, although his realm is suppressed in the Xuanxian Realm, his fighting methods will not be reduced by a single bit.


It was another violent blow, Chen Xi flipped his sword fingers, and his attack became more and more powerful and condescending. As long as he was in the Profound Immortal Realm, he would have absolute confidence, firmly believing that he could crush all enemies in the world, unrivaled!

This is a fighting spirit, an arrogance branded in the bones, and an absolute control and recognition of one's own strength.

Therefore, his offensive is open and closed, and he is brave and diligent, just like the way of swords in the palm of his hand.

Liu Zefeng was moved again. In the territory of Xuanxian, it is really rare for someone to have such a contemptuous fighting spirit.


ps: What should I do if my brain hurts, my muscles hurt, my fingers hurt, and my eyes turn black?Persevere!Ask for the monthly ticket to give you the motivation to persevere to the end~

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