divine talisman

Chapter 1202

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xi had fought fiercely with Liu Zefeng for no less than hundreds of times, causing everyone present to be shaken and unable to calm down for a long time.

This is definitely an unrivaled battle that took place in the mysterious fairyland!

The two sides in the battle, one is the new freshman No.1, with superior combat power, almost invincible among his peers, and the more he fights, the stronger he becomes, it is hard to see where his limit is.

On the other side is a Daluo Jinxian, ranked No. 8 on the Daluo Jinbang, whose realm is suppressed, but the immortal power and fighting methods are still based on the peak of the Xuanxian Realm.

The fierce battle between the two, staged at this moment, how can it not be moving?


This is where the divine splendor of the dojo is poured out, Chen Xi's sword points to break the sky, and the inheritance of the Five Elements Sword is swayed wantonly, fighting fiercely with Liu Zefeng, arrogant and powerful.

In this realm of Profound Immortals, Chen Xi was indeed unstoppable in bravery, uniquely blessed, surpassed many ancients, and seemed to be invincible.

However, his opponent was not a real Xuanxian powerhouse, but a Da Luo Jinxian who had been suppressed, and also belonged to the top-notch Da Luo Jinxian existence. Chen Xi fought fiercely with him, but the latter also saw every move and did not fall behind. wind.

In other words, they are not ordinary Mysterious Immortal Realm, and their fighting posture can be regarded as peerless, and there are very few such battles in ancient and modern times.

This also made everyone present be so enthralled and shocked that they almost forgot to breathe.

"In this realm, Chen Xi already possesses unique strength, and the general trend has been achieved."

In the distance, Zhou Zhili commented.

"Unfortunately, when Liu Zefeng unleashes his true strength, he will still inevitably lose."

Zuo Qiuhong said with a slightly gloomy expression on his face.

Zhou Zhili smiled and said no more.

"This guy, is it difficult to defeat an existence in the Xuanxian Realm? Why waste time with it?"

On the other side, Zuo Qiujun couldn't help but feel a little irritated. Liu Zefeng actually fought Chen Xi evenly, instead of crushing his opponent all the way, which made him extremely displeased.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi and Liu Zefeng in the battle each sacrificed their own immortal treasures.

In Liu Zefeng's hand was a fairy sword as bright as silver. It was four feet long and two fingers wide. It was transparent and crystal clear.

"Anode Dao Sword!"

"Senior Brother Liu Zefeng is finally going to use his full strength?"

"It is rumored that the Yang Dao Sword and the Cathode Dao Sword are a pair of immemorial immortal treasures. Yin and Yang resonate. Once they are used at the same time, they can even use the original power of the two supreme stars of the sun and the yin."

All the old students in the outer court were refreshed and excited.

"That is……"

"The clear brilliance is transpiring, and the sword energy is as bright as stars, and its power must be above the Zhouguang level!"

"Is this Senior Brother Chen Xi's Immortal Treasure Weapon?"

At this time, many freshmen also saw clearly the immortal sword in Chen Xi's hand. Looking around, the immortal sword was simple and plain, similar in style to other immortal swords, and seemed somewhat ordinary.

But when this immortal sword was held in Chen Xi's hand, the sword body actually seemed to turn into a vast starry sky, filled with clear and clear brilliance, as if the sky was full of stars, shining brilliantly.

From this point of view alone, it is not inferior to the anode sword.


"Catch the stars!"

"Isn't this... Hua Jiankong's saber?"

In the presence, there were only a few senior instructors who recognized the fairy sword in Chen Xi's hand, and all of them shrank their eyes in amazement.

"Back then, Hua Jiankong's swordsmanship cultivation had reached the level of the sword god, and he was bestowed with the sword to embrace the stars by the headmaster. Now, Hua Jiankong has actually handed over this sword to Chen Xi..."

In the distance, Zhou Zhili's heart was also shocked, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he vaguely sensed that something that he didn't know had happened to Chen Xi.

He is very clear that the Lanxing Immortal Sword is not only a powerful and mysterious treasure, but also has many extraordinary meanings, because it is the sword bestowed by the dean!

Zuo Qiuhong keenly noticed that Zhou Zhili's expression seemed to have become a little weird, and he couldn't help being puzzled, but he didn't see any clues from Chen Xi's immortal sword at all.

After all, Hua Jiankong has been with the dean all year round, and he can be regarded as the existence of the dragon in the academy, and there are very few who can see him make a move. Hair is scarce.

And with Zuo Qiuhong's identity and qualifications, he is not qualified enough to know these things.

boom!boom!boom! ...

While everyone was discussing, Chen Xi and Liu Zefeng had already fought together again.

As soon as the two began to fight, they finally used the immortal treasure, and the battle was three points more intense than before. Looking around, the sword energy was soaring all over the sky, as if it was about to penetrate the sky.

"The afterglow of the sun!"

Liu Zefeng yelled loudly, and finally erupted. The Jiyang Dao sword danced in the sky, just like a scorching sun burning like a fire, but what it released was the light like blood, like the blood of the setting sun. strength.

"Wood Sword!"

Chen Xi was calm, his brows were stern, and the star sword flew into the air, releasing a surging green wood aura, full of vitality, almost endless, and every sword aura seemed to become stronger and stronger with the passage of time.

This is the law of wood, which is endless and endless, and its power is also rising steadily!


The confrontation between the two was originally fire defeating wood, but now, it was like a wildfire burning endlessly, reborn when the spring breeze blows, Chen Xi's wood sword was actually extremely tenacious, spreading, entwining, and pulverizing the blood and yang all over the sky!

A fierce light flashed in Liu Zefeng's eyes, he hadn't expected that the opponent would become more and more courageous, and the more he fought, the stronger he would be, which made him very angry.

Originally, if the sword he just used was operated with the "Fire Yang Divine Pattern" in the Law of Da Luo, the power could be doubled, but now that the realm is suppressed, he can only use the law of Yang, which makes him feel a little aggrieved .

But he never thought that compared to Chen Xi, his immortal power and fighting skills in the Great Luo realm would already take a huge advantage...

Swish!Swish!Swish!Swish! ...

Liu Zefeng was furious, Jiyang Dao sword continuously slashed and criss-crossed, he did not hold back his hand.

Some of these sword qi are like the morning light at dawn, some are like the scorching sun hanging over the head at noon, and some are like the sunset on the desert in the evening...

All of them interpret the subtlety of the "law of yang", as if turning the dojo into a chaotic world.

It's a pity that Chen Xi used the water sword, wood sword, fire sword, earth sword, and gold sword to disintegrate each attack, and he couldn't suppress Chen Xi at all.

And this series of offensives shocked the audience,

At this point in the fierce battle, Liu Zefeng's expression finally became dignified, his brows were hardened, and his heart was sullen.


The next moment, another fairy sword appeared in Liu Zefeng's hand, a fairy sword that was as dark as night and filled with icy coldness.

Extreme sword!

As soon as this sword appeared, it actually had a connection with the Jiyang Dao Sword, interacting with each other, creating a symbiosis of yin and yang, and a resonance like the meeting of dragons and tigers.

In an instant, Liu Zefeng's aura soared again, like a god holding yin in his left hand and yang in his right hand, black and white intertwined, and divine light surrounded his body.

"It forced Senior Brother Liu Zefeng to use the Yin-Yang Dao Sword!"

Everyone in the audience looked lively and terrified. No one thought that in this duel of disparity in strength, Chen Xi's performance would be so strong and dazzling.

Originally, they thought that Chen Xi would definitely be crushed and defeated by Liu Zefeng with an absolute advantage in a short period of time, but unfortunately, Chen Xi persisted, and the battle was evenly divided.

Then, they thought that after using the Extreme Yang Dao Sword, Chen Xi would definitely be unable to overwhelm Liu Zefeng's sharpness, but Chen Xi miraculously persevered.

All of this is beyond the expectations of most people, just like a gnat may shake a big tree, but in the end it really shakes the tree, and a mantis arm blocks a car, but in the end, he is not crushed to death...

If you are unexpected, you will be surprised, and if you are surprised, you will be puzzled, and if you don't understand, you will be shocked, because the unknown is the unknown, and the unknown is the source of fear.

Everyone in the room couldn't talk about fear, but they were horrified by Chen Xi's performance. They couldn't figure it out, and couldn't comment on it. It was like a freak that the world couldn't understand, and it appeared in front of them alive.

"I knew that Chen Xi would never fight an uncertain battle..."

"Win! Win! Win!"

"Senior brother Chen Xi, as long as we win, I will become a Taoist partner with you!"

All the freshmen in the arena ignored these things, and cheered Chen Xi excitedly. Some young women even had beautiful eyes and eagerly expressed their love to Chen Xi boldly.

A girl from the Yunlie Bird Clan from the Immortal Realm Ximan Xianzhou was even more daring, and directly screamed: "Don't compete with me, I want to have a baby with Senior Brother Chen Xi!"

It attracted a crowd of uproar and strange eyes, but the girl held her head high and her chest was full of wildness, she didn't care at all.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi was as calm as before, while Liu Zefeng's expression became more and more gloomy.

"Yin and Yang are wrong!"

Liu Zefeng's black and white swords staggered, tearing out a cross in the void, half of which was yin and half of yang, exuding the power of coldness, chilling, and judgment, shocking the soul.

Laws superimpose!

This Liu Zefeng has also perfected the two laws, but unfortunately, the way of swordsmanship is far inferior to the inheritance in the Wuji Divine Book...

A thought flashed in Chen Xi's mind like lightning, and the next moment, the light in his eyes shot out like cold electricity, and his whole body was burning with divine radiance, but in his heart, there were various sword dao comprehensions surging in an instant.

There are three sword finger powers from Hua Jiankong.

There are various wonderful truths about the inheritance of the sword of the five elements from the Wuji divine book.

There is also Chen Xi's search for his own way of the sword and the heart of the sword.

All these feelings flashed through my heart in an instant.

The next moment, the Celestial Sword in his hand stabbed lightly in the void!


With a sword, water and fire blend together, water blooms and fire light dance together, condensed to the extreme, filled with magnificent and dazzling light, looking from a distance, it looks like a ray of illusory streamer flashing from outside the domain.


This sword, like an arrow from a precise archery master, pierced fiercely at the center of the Yin-Yang sword energy of the cross, like hitting a full house with a target.

Then, a burst of roaring sound erupted, and the Yin-Yang sword energy disintegrated, turned into fine air currents, and spread loudly. However, Chen Xi's blow did not diminish, and directly hit Liu Zefeng's eyebrows!


Today is just one update, I will write a single chapter tonight and post about it to the author, I just want to say a little bit for the time being, not counting yesterday’s 8, and I will make up a 10 update at the end of the month.

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