divine talisman

Chapter 1203


The momentum of Chen Xi's sword was fierce, superimposing the inheritance of the sword of water and the inheritance of the sword of fire, the power was more than doubled, and in an instant, it had already reached Liu Zefeng's eyebrows.

Liu Zefeng was terrified in his heart. He never expected that Chen Xi, with the strength of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, could actually control the superposition of laws, and even his ultimate move "Yin Yang Mistake" could not stop him in the slightest!

"Cut the dawn!"

Although thoughts flashed in his mind, Liu Zefeng's movements were not slow, the Yin and Yang Dao swords interlaced in front of him, and he slashed out.


The heaven and the earth seemed to be cut into two halves at this moment, one half was black night, and the other half was bright day. Between the interlacing of swords, the law of yin and yang roared and stirred.


The sword qi collided, turned into terrifying waves and swept across all directions, flooding the entire dojo, causing the surrounding restraints to tremble violently and groan endlessly.

It is conceivable how terrifying this confrontation is.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was shocked. It is understandable that Liu Zefeng has mastered the method of superimposing laws. After all, he is a great Luo Jinxian, but Chen Xi has also mastered this method, which is unexpected.

Generally speaking, only when two or more Dao laws have been mastered to the point of perfection can one begin to comprehend the law of superposition of laws.

It's a pity that for most of the powerhouses, let alone comprehend the law of superposition of laws, it is difficult to perfect the laws of the Dao that they have mastered.

After all, this is a law, which comes from the Dao of Heaven. Even if all present are gifted children who have gone through many tests and entered the Dao Emperor Academy, it is extremely difficult to achieve this step.

Under normal circumstances, only after being promoted to the Great Luo Jinxian, many strong people are able to achieve this step, but there are very few people like Chen Xi who can successfully master the method of superimposing laws when they are in the Profound Immortal Realm. Yes, it is rare in Daohuang Academy.

"It's no wonder Chen Xi is not afraid of Liu Zefeng, so he also has such means..."

Many people were amazed in their hearts, and finally realized that Chen Xi was not as simple as they imagined. On the contrary, his performance was often unexpected, so that no one could know how many cards he had in his hand.

"Damn! How can this guy be so strong!"

Among the crowd, Zuoqiu Jun's face was gloomy, and an unspeakable feeling rose in his heart. The situation had developed to this point, and it was completely out of his control. Now, he can only pray in his heart that Liu Zefeng can still control the situation...


In the dojo, Liu Zefeng looked solemn. Although he blocked Chen Xi's blow, Chen Xi's rising combat power made him smell a hint of danger.

He didn't dare to think about it any more, and tried to keep himself calm. Similarly, he didn't dare to have any more carelessness.

The Chen Xi in front of him has already become a great enemy in his heart!


At this time, Chen Xi from afar came over again.


Whether it was the discussions around the dojo or the change in the expression of his opponent Liu Zefeng, Chen Xi ignored it. In other words, he was still in a state of "enlightenment".

Facing an opponent like Liu Zefeng completely stimulated Chen Xi's potential. He discarded all distracting thoughts and only had the sword in his heart!

My heart is only the sword!The world is yours!

Various understandings of the way of the sword were like blowouts, permeating Chen Xi's whole body.

His eyes became as bright as a sword, and every pore in his body was filled with pure and fierce sword intent. His whole body... seemed to be transformed into a sword!


The sword in the hand is filled with starlight, like a vast galaxy revolving, sending out a sword chant like a tide, resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten earths.

next moment--

Brilliant sword qi, flying away in the air!

The sword of water and fire!

The sword of civil engineering!

Golden Fire Sword!

The Sword of Water and Earth!

The inheritance of the Five Elements Sword from the Wuji Divine Book has now been successfully superimposed by Chen Xi one by one, and the laws intersect, turning into brand new sword inheritances.

The power is also doubled and skyrocketed.


clang!clang!clang!clang! ...

While resisting Chen Xi's offensive with all his strength, Liu Zefeng dodged, his eyes suddenly expanded, and he felt a heavy pressure.

And with the passage of time, this pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a faint tendency to completely suppress him, which makes his expression more serious, and even uncontrollably turbulent waves appear in his heart.

How can it be?

How could this guy improve his fighting power in battle?

Could it be that I am a big Luo Jinxian, and will be defeated by a freshman who just entered the academy today?


I can't lose!

Liu Zefeng gritted his teeth, under the gradually increasing pressure, his heart was already crazy.


Chen Xi's sword pierced through the air, crossing the entire dojo, becoming sharper and sharper.Even the people watching from a distance noticed that the power of Chen Xi's sword energy was obviously gradually increasing.

The sword light seems to be becoming more and more "sharp", and even seems to have life gradually.

Always getting stronger!

The power of the sword has been increasing!

"To actually sharpen and comprehend the way of the sword in battle, this Chen Xi's potential is really terrifying!" Many people were shocked, "If you don't stop him, I'm afraid Liu Zefeng will lose."


"The meaning of the sword, the essence of the sword, and the god of the sword have been improving, and there are faint signs of the sword governing the universe and the only sign of the sword heart. Is he going to step into the realm of the 'sword god' today?"

In the distance, Zhou Zhili stared at Chen Xi without blinking, for fear of missing any details, "No wonder, even Hua Jiankong gave him the Celestial Sword."

kendo!Among the three thousand avenues, the most lethal avenue is unparalleled.

The Sword Immortal is famous for his amazing fighting power in the fairy world, and can be called the most destructive existence.

However, there is no one in a million who can step into the master state of the sword with a clear heart; it is even rarer to reach the great sword sect state where one sword breaks all laws; and those who can reach the sword god state of my heart only sword , It is already impossible to find one out of hundreds of millions.

To achieve the realm of the sword god, in addition to perseverance and understanding, there is also a chance!


In the dojo, the battle between Chen Xi and Liu Zefeng became more and more intense, reaching a fever pitch.

Although Liu Zefeng tried his best to defuse the ever-increasing pressure...but it was obvious that there was a tendency to be firmly suppressed.


A fierce light flashed in Liu Zefeng's eyes, and he erupted completely insanely.

I saw his pair of Yin-Yang Dao swords piercing the air suddenly, and immediately there were two vast powers of stars coming from the boundless sky. sword!

"The sword moves yin and yang! This move to seduce the power of the two supreme stars, the sun and the yin, is senior brother Liu Zefeng's trump card. Unexpectedly, he will use it at this very moment!"

The crowd fell silent in shock.


At this moment, the Lanxing Immortal Sword has also changed.

A sword energy containing the three laws of gold, water, and earth was instantly condensed into shape, and it directly greeted it.

The so-called gold generates water, water moistens the earth, and the earth contains gold. The inheritance of these three swords is superimposed, and the power is also skyrocketing again and again, and the momentum is extremely huge.


A crash.

The power of the stars triggered by the Yin-Yang Dao Sword was cut off directly, and Chen Xi's brilliant sword energy swept across and roared, and sent Liu Zefeng who was in the distance flying, slamming into the restraint hard, blood spurting from his mouth, and unable to get up anymore.

The whole place was shocked.

"Chen Xi, win!"

The white-haired old man's voice sounded immediately, and at the same time he quickly took out the formation disk, activated the restraint, and sent that Liu Zefeng out. There was no way, he was really worried that Chen Xi would hack the latter alive.

"I actually lost..."

Liu Zefeng, who struggled for a long time and finally stood up, had a gloomy look in his eyes. He glanced at Chen Xi in the distance, and then left with a hunched figure.

The entire dojo was silent, and soon there were all kinds of discussions.

"I lost."

"Senior Brother Liu Zefeng, who ranked eighth on the Daluo Gold List, has lost, what should we do now?"

"This...how is it possible? How could the new student be so perverted?"

All of a sudden, it was as if a pot had exploded, and the audience was boiling, unbelievable, and extremely shocked.

"it is good!"

"Senior brother Chen Xi won beautifully!"

"It's too powerful! Senior brother Chen Xi is mighty and domineering!"

A group of new students were ecstatic, shouting Chen Xi's name, and they couldn't hide their fanatical admiration on their expressions.

"it is good!"

Zhou Zhili clapped his hands together, and there was a hint of unsparing admiration on his stern face at the moment.

But Zuo Qiuhong's cheeks twitched violently, he opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.

"What a useless idiot, Da Luo Jinxian, Da Luo Jinbang No. 8, can't even subdue a freshman, it's a shame for us old students!"

Zuoqiu Jun roared wildly in his heart, no matter how hard he was to control his emotions.

Today, he first dispatched Liu Yiming and others, and then conveyed the news to Liu Zefeng in order to avoid any accidents. Originally, all these arrangements should be enough to deal with any newcomers, but he never thought that Chen Xi was still helpless.

At this moment, hearing the uproar in the audience and seeing the unanimous cheers for Chen Xi from the freshmen, Zuoqiu Jun was very clear in his heart that even if he didn't want to admit it anymore, he was originally an action to suppress Chen Xi, but in the end he made Chen Xi a success. Xi, making his reputation unprecedentedly improved.

It won't even take long for the entire academy to know what happened today and Chen Xi's dazzling performance today!


Regarding all of this, Chen Xi was still calm. He stood silently for a long time, while using the Cangwu seedlings to supplement the severely depleted celestial power in his body, and at the same time adjusting the aura around him.

The battle with Liu Zefeng was extremely difficult, which made him a little tired, but... he still has the strength to fight.

"I said that I will accompany you to the end today. Is there any senior brother or sister who wants to compete with me?"

After a while, Chen Xi's indifferent voice suddenly sounded like a hurricane. Wherever it passed, the uproar around the dojo stopped abruptly.

The atmosphere was completely silent.

All the old students looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one answered for a long time.

"Since there is no one, I will take my leave, Junior Brother."

After the words were finished, Chen Xi turned around, and left the dojo floatingly, taking Liang Ren and Gu Yueming with him.

Watching the three of them leave, the crowd automatically parted a path, and no one dared to block it!


ps: The body and spirit are not in good condition, 1 update today, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

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